Moheb Rofail


Moheb is an author, blogger and Arabic English translator from Egypt, he writes and blogs in both Arabic and English. He loves writing, he published his first and second books in Arabic and is going to translate them to English. His short novel ‘Abanoub’ is his first English book.

Smashwords Interview

What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
My work as a freelance translator besides reading and writing. I love to have breakfast too ;)
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
Reading, chatting with friends through facebook, talking with mom and other relatives.
Read more of this interview.

Smashwords book reviews by Moheb Rofail

  • Worst Day Ever on Dec. 01, 2013

    I really enjoyed reading this book, it's useful for education as the Bible says, and the "Let's think about it" section is a powerful section, even though I didn't revise the verses of the Bible written there -I'll do when I read this book again. But it's more powerful than the usual questions, because it makes the children seek up and understand more apart from what was written in the chapter itself. I wanna ask: When will the 2nd book be published? I hope someone will inform me when it happen. By the way, I'm also writing a series adventures, related to or so similar to Jackson adventures, but the hero's name is "Abanoub" and he lives in Egypt. Thanks Ellen for sharing this marvelous book with us :)
  • How To Write An Ebook In Only 30 Days on Feb. 26, 2014

    Hi Geoff, Thanks a lot for this great book, I've published a book and on my way to publish another, I wrote them all before reading your book. but I'll do as your book says at the next books God's Willing.
  • The Journey of the Dreamer on Oct. 03, 2014

    Good book. I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks to the author.
  • تقولون إني أنا on July 16, 2019

    أتمنى أن تستمتعوا بقراءة هذا الكتاب الشائق جدا كما استمتعت انا بقراءته اولا ومن ثم بترجمته..
  • دليل النجاة من فترة المحن on Aug. 18, 2019

    كتاب جيد يشرح بشبه تفصيل نصائح عملية للنجاة من أصعب المحن التي ستحدث على الأرض بعد الإختطاف.. Note to the author: there are many translation errors.. it seems the translator is not christisn because he used the islamic word for antichrist which was not mentioned in the bible, also the word rapture, he used for it a very unuseful translation in most cases. I hope you consider these errors and update the book.
  • الجاسوس العثماني on March 29, 2023

    رواية رائعة، كقارىء وكاتب وجدتها ممتعة جدا وحبكتها جيدة.. ملحوظة الرواية ليست كاملة، لها تكملة لا بد من شرائها.