Robert Blair Kaiser

Publisher info

Reporter for The New York Times, prize-winning foreign correspondent (for Time) and, later, for Newsweek in Rome, journalism chairman at the Univ. of Nevada Reno, author of 13 published books and one prize-winning musical comedy.

Smashwords Interview

Q- Mr. Ksiser, you've published five books about updating the Catholic Church. Why now "Razzle Dazzle" -- a novel about football?
Because I wanted to have some fun and because I am a football addict who would like to see more fun and less violence in the National Football League.
Q- How will "Razzle Dazzle" bring on more fun and less violence in the NFL?
Jessica Burns, who has inherited the NY Jets, finds a coach with a new kind ol offense that revolutionizes the game. In this first season, the Jets break all scoring records and the players have more fun and far fewer injuries.
Read more of this interview.

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Where to buy in print


The Politics of Sex and Religion
Price: Free! Words: 121,370. Language: English. Published: April 12, 2012 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Catholicism
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How the people of God, not the pope, changed the Catholic Church's teaching on birth control. A history of the papal birth control commission of the 1960s and its aftermath narrated by a man who was there, Time magazine's correspondent at Vatican II.
Razzle Dazzle
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 121,830. Language: English. Published: March 9, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Romance » Suspense, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense
(5.00 from 7 reviews)
Headstrong Jessica Burns inherits the sorry, ever-losing New York Jets. Against opposition from the other owners and the disbelief of the media, she brings more fun and less violence to the NFL by installing a revolutionary offense that takes her and the coach of her dreams all the way to the Super Bowl
Desert Injustice
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 13,080. Language: English. Published: May 3, 2011 . Categories: Nonfiction » True Crime » Assassinations & Conspiracies
Reporter Don Bolles rode into town and took dead aim at the Mafia. But the Phoenix establishment, giddy in its new prosperity, didn't want to listen to him, and, in the end, applauded and rewarded the men who covered up for his killers. A dark tale out of sun-drenched Arizona.
Cardinal Mahony: A Novel
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 92,950. Language: English. Published: December 8, 2009 . Categories: Fiction » Religious
Three liberation theologians kidnap Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony, take him off in his own helicopter and put him on trial for his crimes before an international television audience. Convicted and sentenced to become a Christian, he undergoes a conversion and works to make a clerical Church into the kind of community that will give everyone a voice, a vote, and citizenship in their Church.