Tanya R. Taylor


Tanya is a #1 best-selling author of both fiction and non-fiction literature. She writes in various genres including: Paranormal romance, science fiction, mystery and suspense. All of her books have made top 100 paid best-seller's lists in several categories at certain online retailers.

Smashwords Interview

Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up on a tropical island in The Caribbean where there is a lot of sand, sea and sun. When I was just a child, there was a large, old, dilapidated house where no one lived for a very long time. It was surrounded by many fruit trees and my brother and I used to go onto the large property many times to pick the fruits off the trees. Looking at the house with the broken glass windows, doors that were off the hinges - sitting there all dusty and alone - peaked my senses. I was already writing stories from I was around seven years old or younger and seeing that house in such a condition gave me an idea for a really scary story. My book 'CORNELIUS' - released February 12, 2015 - was birthed from that experience.

My surroundings played a slight role in my writing, but having heightened sensitivity from very young, feeling people's emotions and sympathizing with them when there were issues, I think, made my job as a writer much easier than if I didn't have that sort of exposure.
When did you first start writing?
I was between five and seven years old.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Tanya R. Taylor online


New Book on Amazon! INFESTATION: A Small Town Nightmare
EVIL LURKS IN THE MOST UNLIKELY PLACES. The town of Bringham—once a peaceful, God-fearing community, suddenly and abruptly finds itself in a major crisis. Strange things are happening which defy logic even in the slightest sense of the word. Yet, one resident has seen the devastation before-hand and knows that if something isn't done quickly to eradicate the evil that is upon them, the town they know and love will be a distant, tragic memory.

10 Minutes before Sleeping book trailer
From the author of No.1 Bestsellers 'CORNELIUS' & 'INFESTATION: A Small Town Nightmare'... Never push a woman to her limit when all she knows is pain. A powerful story of a young woman named Eva left on the doorstep of a neighbor as a child by her very own mother. She is abused, neglected, rejected and without a legal footing in the only place she knows as “home”.


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