Trevor Hopeworth


I am an urban writer and poet without any sort of qualifications for the job. I hope to bring lucid poetry and prose to my readers that inspire in a maddening world, rather than just condemning that world.

There's always hope. Peace and good times -


Smashwords Interview

What's your current promo here at Smashwords?
Right now, the customer can get Finding Home Again for free, using the coupon code on the book's page.
We've seen your blurb - seriously, what qualifies you to write?
I read extensively in my youth, and have spent the intervening years living vigorously in various parts of Canada. I didn't know it when I was young, but when I dropped out of university for the second time, it was because there was only one vocation that really captured my heart and turned on my mind: Writing. Anything else would be just a job to me.
Read more of this interview.


Finding Home Again
Price: Free! Words: 1,610. Language: Canadian English. Published: May 30, 2017 . Categories: Poetry » Contemporary Poetry, Fiction » Inspirational
Drawn from my deeply cherished memories, without aid of photographs, journal or souvenirs, I relished putting these poems to paper, as I discovered something of my relationship to home that I hadn't quite yet realized. In here you'll find enchanting poems about people, memory, searching, observing, and hoping. The emotional depth is adult, but younger people can safely read these eight poems.
A Personal History With Dignity
Price: Free! Words: 2,180. Language: English. Published: May 29, 2017 . Categories: Fiction » Inspirational, Fiction » Biographical
If we can look to the future with hopefulness, we can live with dignity. Miranda has known this her whole life, and she recounts in her diary a summary of her life up to the age of fifty-one. Tragedies bring her low time and again, yet she carries on, not with superhuman strength, but with the resilience that dignity gives a person. No adult-only content. ~2,000 words.
When Animals Are Your Friends
Price: Free! Words: 1,600. Language: Canadian English. Published: May 28, 2017 . Categories: Fiction » Biographical, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Psychological
How do you spot a modern subversive? Answer: By the cat hairs on his clothes. There would be no better companion in life than an authentic human being, but failing that, the spontaneity, dynamism, and affectionate nature of pet animals is a good substitute. The hollowed-out nature of the times drives us to our semi-wild counterparts, and we find in them true friends. No adult-only content.
In the Passage of Memory
Price: Free! Words: 1,680. Language: Canadian English. Published: May 28, 2017 . Categories: Fiction » Biographical, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Family sagas
Kevin died without friends, money, hope, or energy left for living a life that had just been too hard. His siblings, Kate, Dave and Rob, grieve as those do who share secrets about the deceased, both in how they lived and how they came to die. Adult for strong themes of incest and suicide. ~1500 words.
Seasons of the Stars
Price: Free! Words: 360. Language: English. Published: December 21, 2016 . Categories: Poetry » Contemporary Poetry, Poetry » Canadian Poetry
(4.00 from 1 review)
Two little poems that express the irresistible truth that love can conquer anything, even the end of time.
I Need Love
Price: Free! Words: 270. Language: Canadian English. Published: July 14, 2015 . Categories: Poetry » Canadian Poetry, Poetry » Contemporary Poetry
In simple images, this poem tells a story of coming to the precipice of a realization that love is essential for living, and is central to the qualities that make freedom vital in our lives. ~100 words.