Trevor Schmidt


Trevor Schmidt aspires to be the most interesting man in the world. He's traveled to almost 50 countries, is learning his third language, and has held more jobs in different fields than many people twice his age. No matter where he is or what he's doing, there's an itch in his head that must be scratched. He's been a writer since word processors had blue screens and white text and there aren't enough hours in the day to get the stories out of his brain and onto a page. Still, he tries.

His flagship series, The Corsair Uprising, combines elements of Steampunk and classic Space Operas to provide a riveting experience readers have likened to "Star Wars meets Firefly."

Where to find Trevor Schmidt online


Replica: A Short Story
Price: Free! Words: 4,630. Language: English. Published: February 12, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Short stories
In the year 2054, Army Sergeant Logan Martel hunts for an insurgent plotting a horrific attack on the West. It is in this world of high-tech equipment and prolific robotics that Logan finds himself set adrift, searching for what's left of his own humanity. Will he find what he's looking for? Or will he become merely a replica of his former self?

Trevor Schmidt's tag cloud

action    adventure    cyberpunk    dystopian    high tech    military    science fiction    scifi    terrorism    thriller