Warren Ellis


Warren Ellis is the award-winning writer of graphic novels like TRANSMETROPOLITAN, FELL, MINISTRY OF SPACE and PLANETARY, and the author of the NYT-bestselling GUN MACHINE (being adapted for TV by Microsoft Xbox) and the "underground classic" novel CROOKED LITTLE VEIN. The movie RED is based on his graphic novel of the same name, its sequel having been released in summer 2013. His GRAVEL books are in development for film at Legendary Pictures. IRON MAN 3 is based on his Marvel Comics graphic novel IRON MAN: EXTREMIS. He's also written extensively for VICE, WIRED UK and Reuters on technological and cultural matters. Warren Ellis is currently working on a non-fiction book about the future of the city for Farrar Giroux Straus.

Where to find Warren Ellis online


Elektrograd: Rusted Blood
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 11,090. Language: English. Published: August 12, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Hard sci-fi, Fiction » Science fiction » General
ELEKTROGRAD is the city of the future. Since the early 20th Century, it has been used as a testbed for futuristic modes of living. Each of its seven districts is an experimental site for new forms of architecture. It is now the early 21st Century. Elektrograd is showing its age. Mekanoplatz is the northernmost district of Elektrograd. And, on the district border, within site of the old constru
Cunning Plans: Talks By Warren Ellis
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 16,190. Language: English. Published: June 8, 2015 . Categories: Essay » Literature, Essay » Technology
Cunning Plans collects several of NYT-bestselling author Warren Ellis' lectures on the nature of the haunted future and the secrets of deep history, given in recent years at events in London, New York, Los Angeles and Berlin.

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