Lisa Southard


Writer, Illustrator, Tae Kwon Do Instructor
Rents a small cottage with a big garden
Plans world domination but hopes to keep it low key

Smashwords Interview

Why put blog posts into a book format?
It's an easier format to follow a story through: with the blog posts people have to scroll down and end up reading stuff in reverse order. Each post works as an independent piece of writing but the whole of it also tells a story about a family, it has little journeys threaded through it that people can relate to. It seems lazy, maybe, to cut and paste to make a book but it's free so have a peek, I think you'll soon see what I mean.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
I remember a story work book from my primary school, and drawing pictures of princesses in gargantuan dresses: not any of the words. Something fairy tale derivative I expect. I was about four. To me I have always written stories like I have always been able to speak- I don't remember the early learning process.
Read more of this interview.


Soup By Volume Two
Price: Free! Words: 48,210. Language: British English. Published: January 25, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Literary collections » Diaries & Journals
A second collection of eccentric, pragmatic, imaginative encounters with everyday life from the Wishbone Soup Cures Everything blog.
Soup By Volume
Price: Free! Words: 53,200. Language: British English. Published: October 13, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Visionary & metaphysical, Nonfiction » Biography » Personal memoir
Quirky attitude, luminous words: warm, soulful, worth a few pence. Conveniently packaged collection of the best prose from the Wishbone Soup Cures Everything blog. Feel like you're hungry for something but don't know what? This could be the cure. Observation and imagination transform the world into a place of sustainable happiness.

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