Eugene Turansky

Publisher info

My name is Eugene Turansky and now I live in Saint Petersburg. Writing is one of my favourite hobbies. I began to write when I was 30. My first work is a short poem about one’s life. I got it directly in my head and immediately wrote it on a paper. Since that day I’ve written more than 30 books but only now I begin to publish them. My books are about different things. They are about people. They are about people’s adventures. They are about people’s thoughts and actions. They are almost about everything. Most of my books are sci-fi stories. I like to read sci-fi and mystery very much. That’s why I like to write in this genre as well.
I hope you will like my books. And your review after reading will be much appreciated.

Smashwords Interview

Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Sure. It was a poem about a life.
When did you first start writing?
After 30. I remember that day when my first poem words came directly to my head after awakening.
Read more of this interview.


Lost Tuesday
Price: Free! Words: 1,620. Language: English. Published: September 27, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Short stories
This short story was found in the grandfather's table mentioned in the book "To Retrieve the Lost". So this book can be considered is a prequel. One day a young man learns that Tuesdays have disappeared from his life ...
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Price: $1.77 USD. Words: 13,650. Language: Russian. Published: September 27, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Science Fiction
Мальчик Лёша живет в далёком будущем и однажды находит в старом столе неожиданную находку. Мог ли он предполагать, что эта находка так сильно изменит его жизнь? Мог ли он знать, что его любопытство поможет ему стать сильнее и умнее, и даже приведёт к попытке спасти человечество? Эта книга – фантазии автора о том, что может ждать нас в будущем и о том, каким оно может предстать перед потомками.
To Retrieve the Lost
Price: $1.77 USD. Words: 17,860. Language: English. Published: May 4, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure
Does anyone know what awaits us in the future? How our world is going to look like? Will there be a total control or absolute freedom? The author let himself roam through the ocean of thoughts to find answers to these questions and has tried to share his own point of view with you.
Price: $1.77 USD. Words: 6,150. Language: English. Published: March 19, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure
Is the moon trying to devour the Earth?! Max, a bookish schoolboy seems to think so. In order to escape the harsh realities of life and the bully at school, Max takes comfort in his Astrology books. Read along as Max experiences the moon changing its very path and bends the boundaries between reality and dreams in this fascinating sci-fi fantasy adventure short story by Eugene Turansky!
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