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Visit my Facebook Page Akozo Jnr
I believe in the philosophy of Voltaire, a man takes the shape of whatever vessel he pours himself into, I am a Quantity Surveyor & Project Manager / Planner. The CEO of Q plus Global Solutions: A property development & Cost Engineering Company in Nigeria, though I don’t like being identified by a degree or academic label because of how limiting they can be in the expression of one's gifts & innate abilities, I don’t need to tell you that I am an author, I mean you're reading my book, right? I also Rap and occasionally write songs! But my greatest pride & what I want the world to know is that whatever God prepares does not fail! I AM A WEAPON AGAINST EVIL & WICKEDNESS!
Latest book: Defeating Suicide
Visit my Facebook Page K.C. Carmine
K. C. Carmine is a Polish-born writer, currently living in England. She loves writing about people falling in love with a focus on characters and their journey to HEA. As a member of the queer community, it is important to her that her writing reflects the diversity of voices around her. While she is a lover of romance, she also enjoys horror, paranormal and mystery stories. When she’s not writing, she likes travelling, playing the guitar, video games, and reading.
Visit my Facebook Page EC Stilson
EC Stilson has authored ten novels, and three of her memoirs, in THE GOLDEN SKY TRILOGY, have become No. 1 bestsellers for women’s memoir. Since 2011, through her writing, fundraisers, book donations, and national radio interviews, EC Stilson has helped raise thousands of dollars for organizations such as Angel Watch, the Pregnancy Resource Center, the American Diabetes Association, and Primary Children's Hospital. When she's not working as an editor, parenting, fiddling, or writing, she is speaking at events or encouraging families at infant loss support groups.
Latest book: Two More Years
Visit my Facebook Page Ojaswini Prusty
Ojaswini Prusty was born in 1980, in the small city of Cuttack, Odisha of India. She is a software engineer by profession who currently resides in the USA and has a keen interest in philosophy, religion, science, and culture. She is married and has a teenage son. She loves to read books, do gardening and try new recipes in her free time.
Latest book: A Cosmic Connection of Two Souls
Visit my Facebook Page Felix Iziomoh
Felix Iziomoh is the Principal Consultant at BeeFlex Consultancy, also the founder and Executive Director of International Centre for Leadership Development Nigeria. He is the Nigerian Coordinator at International Institute for Global Leadership (IIGL) U.S.A, where he has formerly served as President, a Board member and as Executive Secretary. A core team member of NELIS – Next Leaders Initiative for Sustainability - Japan. Felix is the African Program Manager of the flagship initiative 4Revolutions (4Revs). Felix is also the co-founder of One Million Leaders Africa (OMLA). He is the author of; · African Leadership 101: 7 Secrets for African Renaissance, . The Way Forward: 5 Effective Steps to Achieving Yo ... read more
Latest book: Goal Mapping: 7 Simple Steps to Fulfilling Your Dreams
Visit my Facebook Page Evangelos Triantafyllou
Evangelos Triantafyllou was born on 1967 at Thessaloniki. He studied Mathematics and Computer Science. Since 1994 he has been a professor of Informatics in Secondary Education. He teaches computer science courses in Secondary and Tertiary education and has participated in several research programs with the AUTH and the University of Macedonia. He has written three books in the field of Computer Science. He also has a large number of articles in international peer-reviewed journals, as well as in international and Greek conferences. His recent authorial project is the interactive novel “searching for the head of a woman” He is married and has three children. You can visit author’s web-site for more in ... read more
Latest book: Searching for the Head of a Woman
Visit my Facebook Page Ian Heard
Ian, an Australian, has been a businessman and an ordained denominational pastor and Bible teacher for many years. He has ministered widely, including internationally. Now retired, Ian is part of Northern Beaches Christian Centre in Sydney where he ministers regularly. He has authored six books, this being the first not published through traditional publishers. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Theology and Christian Ministry. For relaxation, Ian enjoys sailing on Pittwater, one of Sydney's beautiful waterways. Ian's website has details of other books. Ian's YouTube channel is
Latest book: The Temple Quest
Visit my Facebook Page Catlike Studio
We publish Cantonese/English picture books that rhyme! All of our books are written in Traditional Chinese and include Jyutping romanization to aid pronunciation. Each book comes with a free readalong audiobooks in Cantonese and English narrated by a native Cantonese speaker.
Latest book: My Rescue Cat: A Cantonese/English Bilingual Rhyming Picture Book (With Traditional Chinese and Jyutping)
Visit my Facebook Page Irene Peralta
Hola, me llamo Irene y soy de Barcelona, España. Siempre me ha gustado crear historias, y lo que veís por aquí es una de ellas :)
Latest book: La Niñera en las Nubes
Visit my Facebook Page John Darling
Since the 1970’s John Darling has written and published numerous short stories, poems, and magazine articles. His first publication was a short story that appeared in the Journal of Mental Health. His lone play, Stage Directions, has been produced in the United States, Canada, and most recently at the Soho Theatre in London, England. While most of his published works are short stories and articles, he has had some poetry published.
Latest book: Science Fiction Fantasy
Visit my Facebook Page Cara Ryckman
Cara Ryckman of Terlingua Chihuahuas is a 45-year veteran of the breed. Since 2013, Cara has had at least one (if not two) Chihuahuas in the Top 20 Chihuahuas in America that she has owned or bred. In 2016, she had the #1 Smooth Chihuahua and the #3 Longcoat Chihuahua. She is an AKC Breeder of Merit, a Good Dog Breeder rated Excellent, and a BRC Code of Ethics Breeder. She is a member of the Chihuahua Club of America. She has won a Maxwell Award from the Dog Writers’ Association of America and has been nominated for two others. She has a lifetime love of the breed and of writing, inspiring her to help you find YOUR ULTIMATE CHIHUAHUA!
Latest book: Your Ultimate Chihuahua
Visit my Facebook Page Hally Rhiannon-Nammu
Hally Rhiannon-Nammu is an author and a subject-matter expert. With over 15 years running her own business, over 16,000 client contact hours and countless qualifications, Hally has been featured across the world for her work and knowledge. An author of 10 books, 4 book collaborations, numerous articles, Hally shares her passion with you by continuing to make a difference and helping many her way.
Latest book: 3 Things Narcissists Don't Want You to Know
Visit my Facebook Page Julie B. Campbell
Julie B. Campbell was born in a suburb of Toronto, Canada and lives in a nearby city. Her first publications were poems in anthologies and playful books for young children. She enjoys writing about characters whose lives take unexpected and fascinating turns. More recently, Julie B. Campbell has been focused on the Perspective book series, which she writes with co-author Amanda Giasson. The first novel in that fantasy fiction series is titled "Love at First Plight", followed by "Second Wind", "Third Time's a Charmer", and "So On and So Fourth". Julie lives an active lifestyle and enjoys participating in charity events; having taken part in ravine cleanups, tree plantings, cosplaying in costumes she has made h ... read more
Latest book: Pounce!
Visit my Facebook Page John Charles (JC) Unger
A voting member for the Grammys with Grammy-Considered entries made each year since 2012, John Charles Unger writes to unwind. The Bella Lakeside Ghost is his sixth novel. As a musician, he performs venues in St. Petersburg, Florida, where he resides with his devoted wife, Mary Beth.
Latest book: The Bella Lakeside Ghost
Visit my Facebook Page LUIZ HENRIQUE LIMA
Luiz Henrique Lima é nascido em Santa Catarina, criado no Rio de Janeiro e reside em Mato Grosso. Apaixonado pelo que faz, especialmente escrever, estudar e ser professor. Adora velejar, gosta de jardinagem e de fotografia. Torcedor apaixonado do Flamengo. Casado, pai de menina e de menino, espírita. Democrata e ambientalista convicto, defende os direitos humanos e abomina a intolerância religiosa, o racismo, o machismo e toda espécie de preconceitos. Admirador de Mandela e Martin Luther King. Leitor inveterado de Mia Couto, Voltaire, Cora Coralina, Machado de Assis e bons livros de mistério. Fã de Milton Nascimento, de bons sambas, MPB e rock. Auditor Substituto de Conselheiro do TCE de Mato Grosso. Dout ... read more
Latest book: Controle do Patrimônio Ambiental Brasileiro
Visit my Facebook Page Samantha Blackwood
Samantha Blackwood lives near the beach in sunny Portugal with her husband and their pack of rescue dogs. She writes urban fantasy and paranormal cozy mysteries with a twist ... each series features a sassy, snarky canine character as a sidekick to the protagonist. Sam enjoys long walks with her dogs, reading, and writing. Oh, and pizza. Lots and lots of pizza!
Latest book: Demeter's Dilemma
Visit my Facebook Page Krystal M. Harris
Writer Bio Krystal M. Harris was born in North San Juan, California. She grew up on a chicken farm on 18- acres of rural property, and vividly remembers plucking chickens with her small 6-year old hands, as well as searching for mountain lions on the vast acreage. She summered in the Philippines with her father and became enamored with the concept of a human thread that is unifying despite apparent differences… something that would aid her future career as a storyteller. Harris studied abroad in London, at The Actor’s Studio to aid in her storytelling journey and to discover how actors interpret scripted material. She further honed these skills in Los Angeles working as a commissioned writer for Beacon ... read more
Latest book: Magellan the Magical or How Dreams Become Real
Visit my Facebook Page Robin VanDyke
I am the mother of two beautiful children, one of whom is adopted. Adopting a child blessed my family in ways we never imagined. I wanted a book about adoption to help introduce the idea to my very young son. None of the books I could find told the story in a beautiful and positive way without introducing the idea of need. So, I wrote the story of a family who had love to share and the amazing boy who magnified it.
Latest book: Gracias a Tí
Visit my Facebook Page Kinjal Patel
I was born and raised in India in a Gujarati family in Mehsana, Ahmedabad, and Gujarat I came to the USA when I was 16 years old and home is now in New Jersey I have my Bachelors and Masters in Biology However, making food and sharing it with my friends and family is in my blood, but it is also a passion of mine Also, making new recipes from scratch brings me excitement and love arises from my heart to share my healthy recipes My goal is to spread positive energy from homemade healthy cooked meals. I make almost everything from soups, salads, smoothies, snacks, hot or cold drinks, meals, sweets, appetizers to much more! I have been sharing on social media including TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube sinc ... read more
Latest book: Swasthya
Visit my Facebook Page Lyric Hawkins
BIOGRAPHY | LYRIC HAWKINS Lyric Nino Nasir Hawkins, hailing from SouthSide Jamaica Queens New York, is a Multi-Talented Lyricist, Performer, Mentor, Entrepreneur, and Published Author of a new creative political work-of-art ACTIVIST THE BLACK BOOK: THE 14 CHAMBERS. This book was inspired by the injustice that continues to oppress our people; in conjunction with his previous writings and groundbreaking non-fiction autobiography memoir, of organized crime, that will enlighten and spark the intellect of young minds –ROTT3N~APPLE: DECISIONS OF A WALL STREET THUG “From Thug 2 Wall Street” BL3SS3D & H8’D! Lyric continues to evolve and expand his creative horizons; He is driven by a relentless pursuit of ex ... read more
Latest book: Rott3n~$~Apple Decisions Of A Wall Street Thug || Bl3$$3D & H8'D!
Visit my Facebook Page Olivia Fox
USA TODAY bestselling author who writes naughty ever afters for readers who love swoony alphas and daddy doms. Grab your FREE, best seller box set and get: two full books and two more sexy snippets. Your perfect daddy is waiting for you 馃挅 Join over 20,000 readers! Olivia lives and writes in the real live Lost Coast, a wild place in Northern California which hosts its fair share of cowboys, mountain men, and rugged heroes. You can always rely on a NEA (Naughty Ever After) with her reads, and you'll find heroines who are feisty and love to buck against their reigns. Reigns held by tough guys with a soft spot for their loves.
Latest book: Seducing Daddy
Visit my Facebook Page Katerina Chrysogeni
Η συγγραφ苇ας γενν萎θηκε στην Θεσσαλον委κη. Φο委τησε στο ΤΕΙ Αθην蠋ν στο τμ萎μα Μ维ρκετινγκ (Εμπορ委ας και Διαφημ委σεως Προ蠆蠈ντων) στην Σχολ萎 Διο委κησης και Οικονομ委ας και εργ维στηκε σε αυτ蠈ν τον χ蠋ρο, τ蠈σο στην Ελλ维δα 蠈σο και στην Σουηδ委α, 蠈που 苇ζησε απ蠈 το 1993 苇ως και το 2006. Απ蠈 το 2007 ασχολ萎θηκε με την εμπορ委α κοσμ萎ματος και απ蠈 το 2012, 维ρχισε να συνθ苇τει η 委δια μια σειρ维 κοσμ萎ματος που την ον蠈μασε, ΕΝΑΕΝ ... read more
Latest book: Στο φως των δ蠉ο 萎λιων
Visit my Facebook Page Justin Boring
I live in North Carolina with my wonderful wife, who is the one that convinced me to join the romance world, and my step-daughter. We love the mountains and hiking and playing outside. By day I am a CT tech and work with cancer patients and in all of my free time I enjoy writing. However, my true love is art; I mostly work in digital art but also paint, draw, and sculpt. I love bringing my characters to life and I hope my readers enjoy my stories as much as I enjoy writing them.
Latest book: A Hell of No Hearts
Visit my Facebook Page octavia Hooker
Octavia Hooker is a Fiction Suspense Criminal writer? She currently lives in Brooklyn New York. Octavia is perusing her BFA in creative writing at FULL SAIL UNIVERSITY.
Latest book: The House in the Woods.
Visit my Facebook Page Maria Tapia Morocho
Maria Tapia Morocho is a graphic novelist from the Hamptons. She specializes in fantasy and slice-of-life stories. She is currently pursuing a bachelor’s in fine arts in Creative Writing from Full Sail University. Her poetry has been published in the 2017 fall issue of the literary magazine, Evolution. She moved to the outskirts of the Hamptons to escape the bourgeoisie life but stayed close enough to watch the madness for story ideas.
Latest book: Sober Thoughts
Visit my Facebook Page Joseph McCarthy
Joseph McCarthy is a Game Writer from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He writes action, adventure, and mystery storylines for role-playing games. He is currently enrolled in Full Sail University in pursuit of a BFA in Creative Writing. Most of his free time is spent reading, playing guitar, writing, and playing video games.
Latest book: The Horsefly of New York and Other Stories
Visit my Facebook Page Lynne Murphy
Lynne Murphy was born and raised in Saskatchewan. The province figures in much of her writing. She was educated at the University of Saskatchewan and Carleton University and later worked as a journalist in print and radio. Her short fiction has been published by Sisters in Crime, Toronto; the Mesdames of Mayhem, and Carrick Publishing. She lives in Toronto where she is a founding member of the Sisters in Crime Toronto Chapter, the Mesdames of Mayhem and Crime Writers of Canada.
Latest book: Potluck and Other Stories
Visit my Facebook Page Robyn Cain
Growing up in multicultural Britain, Robyn boarded the fictional story writing train after completing her Masters in Creative Writing. As with many authors, her books avoid reflecting her diverse life experiences. However, her writing often incorporates British and Asian cultures and is in a variety of genres and there are many still to do. Her Sci-Fi novel has been waiting since 2002. Robyn always has several writing projects on the go at the same time. Currently she is collecting memories from friends and family for an autobiography, alongside writing the occasional short story and working on a series. She’s also hoping to collate her sexy stories for Easter and publish as a paperback. Robyn's published wo ... read more
Visit my Facebook Page Clarion Brown
Hello, This here is Clarion. She 23 and attends Full Sail University. Her major is Creative Writing and earning her way to getting her BFA. She plans to be a book-writer for younger adults. Her content is not for kids.
Latest book: City of Blood
Visit my Facebook Page Natalie Blank
Natalie Blank graduated from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County with a BFA in Acting and a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies in Dance and Culture. She writes primarily YA contemporary, focusing on mental health and family relationships. She resides in Maryland with her husband, two children, and zealous cocker spaniel. In addition to writing, she enjoys CrossFit, baking cookies, and relaxing on the beach.
Latest book: The Tangibles
Visit my Facebook Page Bela Breslau
Bela just completed her first novel, Pilgrim Maya, a collaboration with her husband Stephen Billias. Bela is also working on a second book currently, a family history/memoir/biography of her late father, a Jewish chicken farmer in Connecticut.
Latest book: Pilgrim Maya
Visit my Facebook Page Hamed Safari
Hamed Safari is an author, digital marketer, and entrepreneur based in California. He owns some of the popular companies in the US, such as Jarchi, Growces, Uniqop, and eenzy. He has also helped over 100 companies in the United States grow their brand via digital marketing. Having an impressive background in web-based development and outstanding experience in digital marketing, Hamed is one of the very well-known names in the tech world.
Latest book: Digital Marketing in Simple Words
Visit my Facebook Page TL Travis
TL Travis is an award-winning published author of LGBTQIA+ contemporary romance and erotic musings that have earned “Best-Selling Author” flags in the US as well as Internationally. When she’s not busy spinning steamy webs, she enjoys spending time with her family, going to concerts, wine tasting, and people watching. With every face, there’s a story and half the fun is dreaming up what it could be. TL is surrounded by her extensive 4-legged rescue family, her sons, and adorable grandkids. She will continue saving furry friends in need for as long as she lives. Tl would like to remind you to “Adopt, not shop.” Saving that lost soul may very well be the one you need.
Latest book: Snowed In With You
Visit my Facebook Page Julie L. Seely
Julie's author journey began with Skinny House-A Memoir of Family (2019). The Kindle book currently ranks top #10 in genealogy and top #40 in African American and US History categories on Amazon. Her book adaptation won a best screenplay award at the 2021 Big Apple Film Festival. Her short documentary: Ten Feet Wide: The Story of a Skinny House is currently showing in film festivals. Skinny House Productions develops untold diverse legacy stories into creative projects. Contact:
Latest book: Skinny House-A Memoir of Family
Visit my Facebook Page Javier Gutiérrez Chamorro
Javier Gutiérrez Chamorro es ingeniero informático de profesión, y aficionado a la escritura y la relojería entre otros temas. Un autor que nos ofrece una obra de calidad y que transmite valores implícitos. Vive y escribe en Barcelona, y de algún modo es capaz de gestionar el poco tiempo libre que le queda para escribir también en, colaborar en diferentes medios impresos y desarrollar software de código abierto. Es autor de la saga “A contrarreloj”, así como de otros títulos.
Latest book: A Contrarreloj: Paul Davis. Primera temporada
Visit my Facebook Page Jack Coan
Jack Coan is a comics writer and novelist specializing in urban fantasy and character-driven drama. He is currently pursuing a BFA in Creative Writing from Full Sail University. He is a member of the Wisconsin Writers Association. He has worked in the restaurant industry as well as customer service and although he loves people, he knows for sure that he does not want to work in those industries anymore.
Latest book: Hearts as Breakable as Glass
Visit my Facebook Page S. C. Coleman
S. C. Coleman has written stories since a child. Among many published works, he has a long list of accomplishments outside of writings. Serving honorably for five years in the Marine Corps, S. C. Coleman also retains fluency in multiple languages, including Spanish and Portuguese. Growing up in Ohio, S. C. Coleman always wished to explore the world, and has traveled to many places, but writing stories has always been his main passion.
Latest book: C膬lug膬rul, Mafia 葯i Marchizul
Visit my Facebook Page De'Vannon Hubert
De’Vannon Hubert is the author of Sex, Drugs and Jesus, a memoir about his struggles with drug addiction, drug dealing, homelessness, serving in the Armed Forces, contracting HIV and HEP B, and rejection from his church for his sexuality. De’Vannon is also the host of the Sex, Drugs and Jesus Podcast and is the owner of DownUnder Apparel - A lingerie and sportswear store for men and women. Aside from this, De'Vannon is an Honorably discharged veteran of the United States Air Force and a graduate of both Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and the Hypnosis Motivation Institute. He also graduated from the Medical Training College of Baton Rouge and is a Licensed Massage Therapist. De’Vannon’s story ... read more
Latest book: Sex, Drugs & Jesus: A Memoir Of Self-Destruction & Resurrection
Visit my Facebook Page William Grams-Byrne
Hi, I have been writing seriously for the last four years and think that SMASHWORDS is a great way to share my work and maybe gain a little feedback along the way. All the work I share here initially will be on a voluntary fee basis and so you won't have to spend a cent to read my work. The suggested $0.99 option is available but it is voluntary. I hope you enjoy what you read and I look forward to reading others like me who want to earn a living writing, eventually.
Latest book: Four Poems on a Theme of Light
Visit my Facebook Page Latrell R. Morris
Latrell R. Morris was born and raised in South Florida where she has been since she was a wee little one. Likewise, she has also been a fan of Horror and Science Fiction from a young age. Throughout her childhood, Latrell and her family would go over to Aunt E’s house and watch all types of horror movies. Afraid and intrigued, this is where her love for the genres started. Never shying away from the weird and unusual, Latrell wrote Executioner of Justice as a result of her inspiration from the horror genre. Fun fact about Latrell: she prefers to write her stories on paper first. Therefore, she owns over 50 pens.
Latest book: The Making of a Friend
Visit my Facebook Page Colin Dereham
Colin Dereham lives in sunny Sydney, Australia, in a gay household with two demanding Italian greyhounds. After a lengthy career in LGBT health, Colin finally got around to capturing the maelstrom of ideas in his head and putting them down on paper. A self-confessed gay fiction junkie, Colin’s writing mission is to push the erotic envelope in these genres as far as it will go, with a strong focus on realistic gay characters and accurate representation of gay relationships and intimacy.
Visit my Facebook Page Marci Greenberg Cox
Marci Greenberg Cox was born and raised in Solon, OH, and currently resides in Glendale, AZ. She is a full time Realtor but when she was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer in 2018 she wrote a children's book to help in her healing process. Her kids were 1 and 5 at the time and trying to explain to them that mommy was going to lose her breasts was hard. Now with her positivity she is turning lemons into lemonade and helping other women get through this battle. She recently collaborated with her daughter on two coloring books and is excited that her daughter is now an author at 8 years old!
Latest book: Mommy Has a Boo-Boo: Explaining Breast Cancer to Children
Visit my Facebook Page Andi Sulistiadi
Anthesianz is an eccentric singer, songwriter, author, and arts and culture researcher. He has spawned few digital albums. Hope's the first album contains eight catchy songs in the Pop-Etnic-EDM genre in early 2022. Then, he released his previous digital albums entitled "Laka Laka", "Mr. Christmas", "Sraddha", and "Saved" in 2023. Then he was realeasing his album "Sokasrana", and extended play tittled "Short" in 2024. This singer from West Java is often known as a researcher in art, society, and culture under the name Dr. Andi Sulistiadi, MM. 鈥婣nthesianz became the opening performer of the second day of Prambanan Jazz 2022 in Yogyakarta, previously Anthesianz was selected as the winner of the Jawara Goes To ... read more
Latest book: Masih Hujan Rintik
Visit my Facebook Page A.C. Dawn
A.C. Dawn is an active and enthusiastic author and reader of short stories, novellas, and novels. She enjoys bringing her characters to life and strives to stir the imagination of her readers. She believes the best writing touches the reader in ways they hadn’t expected and will never forget! So, that's the official bio... Really, I'm a lover of chocolate, a strong jaw line with a 5 o'clock shadow, and romances that make your heart pound and your middle get all squishy. I love quiet country living on my north Georgia farm with my family and fur babies of all shapes and sizes. I think the scariest thing in life is how fast my daughter is growing and an empty coffee pot. I can't stand slow drivers in the fast ... read more
Latest book: Dark Song: Book 1 of the Dark Siren Duology
Visit my Facebook Page Skye MacKinnon
Skye MacKinnon is a USA Today Bestselling Author with a slight obsession with bunnies, dried mango and Scotland. And when she says slight... her friends are trying to find ways to trick her into not having a book set in Scotland. You'll often find Skye bribing herself into writing words using cake and tea, but whatever works, right? Whether they're set in space (Scottish space, obviously), fantasy worlds (Scottish fantasy worlds, obviously), or Scotland, Skye's tales are full of magic, romance and adventure. Oh and unicorns.
Latest book: The Alien's Shepherd
Visit my Facebook Page M Leigh Morhaime
M Leigh Morhaime is an East Coast Native finding her home in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, dog, and two cats. She’s been writing since she was a child, dreaming of the day she could publish one of her countless stories. That dream came true in November 2020 and keeps going. While she is chaos, her stories revolve around the heroine and their battles to heal and love. Full time, she finds people homes and kills their spiders. AKA, she’s in property management.
Latest book: Pieced Together
Visit my Facebook Page Bruce Rolfe
Bruce Rolfe was born in Miami, Florida and earned a bachelor’s degree from Florida International University and a master’s degree from Pepperdine University. Before embarking on his writing career, Bruce spent twenty years as a search and rescue pilot in the United States Navy and is proud to say there are nine souls here today because he was there then. He is the author of the newly published Chip Hale Handyman mystery series and lives in the Pacific Northwest on Fidalgo Island with his wife, Cora, and her 19-year-old Norwegian Forest cat, Max.
Latest book: Trademark of Murder
Visit my Facebook Page Aaron Pacentine
Aaron Pacentine Aaron Pacentine, owns and is dedicated to bringing quality family entertainment. The young, Southern Californian who now lives in Indiana is committed to bringing a new generation of family entertainment both online and elsewhere. Erich Kästner Emil Erich Kästner was a German author, poet, screenwriter and satirist, known primarily socially astute poems and for children's books including Emil and the Detectives, The Parent Trap (Das Dopplette Lottchen) and more. He received the international Hans Christian Andersen Medal in 1960 for his autobiography, "When I Was A Little Boy". Landon Parks Landon is a film and theatre producer and director. A lifelong fan of bo ... read more
Latest book: I Am Erich Kastner a Time Traveling Adventure
Visit my Facebook Page Inma Chamorro
Inma Chamorro Rodríguez nació en Benicarló (Castellón - Comunidad Valenciana - España). Desde muy niña le gustaba mucho escribir cuentos; con solo cinco años comenzó a escribir sus propios cuentos para que su madre se los leyese por las noches en lugar de los cuentos tradicionales. A sus diecinueve años decidió pasarse a la novela romántica.
Latest book: Contigo y solo contigo
Visit my Facebook Page Dr. Gayle Madeleine Randall
Gayle Madeleine Randall, MD, has been an esteemed physician, scientist, medicine woman, administrator, seminar presenter and writer for more than 40 years. Her passion and thirst for new learning and deep commitment to the health of humanity and the planet reflects her life of raising consciousness and practicing healing from numerous approaches: advocate and pioneer in integrative medicine; indigenous medicine; leader in environmental efforts; and regular women's empowerment and dreaming as a spiritual practice focused on raising consciousness. After graduating with high honors from the University of Nebraska Medical School, Dr. Randall completed an internal medicine residency and gastroenterology fellowship a ... read more
Latest book: Soul Doctoring: Heal Yourself, Heal the Planet