Barbara Hinske


Barbara Hinske is a practicing attorney who inherited the fiction-writing gene from her father. She began her career as an industrial engineer, but found her true passion in the law. She has two children - now grown - with her exceedingly kind and good second husband, who died of cancer in 2006. Lucky in love, Barb married another exceptional man and father of two in 2010, and they live in Phoenix, Arizona, in their own Rosemont, with their two adorable and spoiled dogs.

Smashwords Interview

What inspired you to write your first book?
I've wanted to be an author since I was a little girl: I wanted to be Jo in Little Women. Life gave me a push in this direction when I was seriously injured in an auto accident -- including double vision -- and the only activity I was capable of doing to relieve my boredom was to sketch out my novel on a legal pad.
What excites you most about your book's topic? Why did you choose it?
I love watching people come into their own. I've known so may extraordinarily capable women who support everyone else in their lives -- admirably so -- but never get their own turn in the limelight. I wanted to create a series where a woman acts in the limelight. And I've always worked on community political and socio-economic issues, so they are a natural backdrop for my plots.
Read more of this interview.

Where to buy in print


Coming to Rosemont
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 68,250. Language: English. Published: April 13, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Women's fiction » General, Fiction » Romance » Contemporary
Forensic accountant Maggie Martin’s orderly life is shattered by her husband’s untimely death and the double life he concealed. Dealing with the financial and emotional wreckage left in Paul’s wake, she is stunned to learn he inherited an estate known as Rosemont in the seemingly-serene Midwestern town of Westbury. Seeking a fresh start and a quiet, solitary life, she moves halfway across t

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