Todd McCann


Todd McCann is a trucker who has been married to a chick named Lorinda (lovingly referred to as The Evil Overlord) since 1993. He's been driving the big rigs since way back in 1997. The Evil Overlord was his co-driver and antagonist for nine of those years, so he's got experience with both solo and team driving. He's also still trying to figure out how he lived in a semi with her for that long without being involved in a murder trial. ;-)

Todd is a Christian who won't shove it down your throat, an uncle of four obnoxious, but loveable nephews, an unapologetic Apple fan boy, and a golfer who loves it so much that he spends an extra couple of hours looking for his ball every round.

Todd also does the Trucker Dump podcast/blog and is the author of two books about trucking.

"Trucking Life" is an entertaining, yet informative guide to being and becoming a truck driver. He explains the world of trucking through the telling of personal stories and some really lame attempts at humor. Whether you're just curious about the trucking lifestyle or you're considering truck driving as a career, this is the book for you. Every ebook version comes with details on how to receive a free audiobook version!

"How to Find a Great Truck Driving Job" is a guide for truckers who need help finding a good job. It was designed for newbies, but experienced drivers can benefit from it too. It explains how to deal with recruiters and it provides a printable list of questions that you should always ask the recruiters. Furthermore, for each question there is an explanation of why you're asking the question in the first place.

Smashwords Interview

When did you first start writing?
My college Creative Writing teacher told me I had some talent way back in the mid 90's, but I didn't really do anything with it until I started writing "Trucking Life" in 2005. A mere 10 years later and I'm finally done tinkering with it. LOL In the meantime, I started the Trucker Dump blog/podcast in 2009 and I've been doing a monthly article for My first paid gig!
What's the story behind your latest book?
Back when I got into trucking, there wasn't any good information on becoming a trucker. I went to the library, but only found books about technical stuff like service manuals for truck mechanics. The Internet was a fairly new thing in 1997, so you can imagine how worthless that was. I thought I was big stuff getting into an IRC chat room! So in order to find out what trucking was like, I just had to talk to the few truckers I had access to.

After the Internet became a "real thing," I still didn't see very much information about becoming a truck driver. And what I did see wasn't very good. The stuff that was decent, just wasn't very complete. That's when I decided to do something about it. Enter "Trucking Life," which explains the world of trucking through the use of stories and what I consider to be humor. I hope it works. Download it and let me know. LOL
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Todd McCann online


How to Find a Great Truck Driving Job
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 42,830. Language: English. Published: April 3, 2017 . Categories: Nonfiction » Career Guides » Transportation
How to Find a Great Truck Driving Job is designed for people new to the trucking industry, but it can also help experienced truckers. The book begins with some basic information about how the hiring process works, but the majority is a list of questions you should be asking any potential employer. Alongside is a detailed description of why you're asking it as well as elaborating on each subject.
Trucking Life: An Entertaining, Yet Informative Guide to Becoming and Being a Truck Driver
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 103,600. Language: English. Published: March 3, 2016 . Categories: Nonfiction » Career Guides » Transportation
Trucking Life was written for anyone interested in the world of trucking, whether you simply have a passing interest or you are someone who is considering truck driving as a career. The author, who has been a trucker since 1997, describes the trucking lifestyle through the use of stories and humor. There is a link to a free audiobook version included. Over 200 printed pages.