Patrick C. Greene


In addition to his novel PROGENY, and the short story collection DARK DESTINIES, Greene has several film projects in the works, and just finished writing his second novel - THE CRIMSON CALLING -the first in the action-adventure vampire trilogy, The Sanguinarian Council.

Some dark serendipity plopped a young Patrick Greene in front of a series of ever stranger films-and experiences-in his formative years, leading to a unique viewpoint. His odd interests have led to pursuits in film acting, paranormal investigation, martial arts, quantum physics, bizarre folklore and eastern philosophy. These elements flavor his screenplays and fiction works, often leading to strange and unexpected detours designed to keep viewers and readers on their toes. Literary influences range from Poe to Clive Barker to John Keel to a certain best selling Bangorian. Suspense, irony, and outrageously surreal circumstances test the characters who populate his work, taking them and the reader on a grandly bizarre journey into the furthest realms of darkness. The uneasy notion that reality itself is not only relative but indeed elastic- is the hallmark of Greene’s writing. Living in the rural periphery of Asheville North Carolina with his wife, youngest son and an ever-growing army of cats, Greene still trains in martial arts when he’s not giving birth to demons via his pen and keyboard.

Smashwords Interview

What is the first work of fiction you remember writing?
I wrote a story about a giant praying mantis for school when I was in 1st or 2nd grade. When it was time to introduce my monster, I spelled out 'GIANT PRAYING MANTIS!' in scary font. I had this affinity for weird bugs and lizards.
Your work, while definitely horror, seems to reach into other genres as well. Is that something you do consciously?
I believe a story of any genre should be first and foremost, a drama. People joke that The Walking Dead for example, consists of more scenes with the characters arguing than battling zombies. Even George Romero has leveled that criticism. But the strong characters and their efforts to remain the people they were before shit went bad is what keeps the series going. Romero's films themselves were heavy on the drama.

I became interested in martial arts and action films at a young age so I do tend to draw from that to build characters and create suspense. Maintaining a breathless pace seems to work well for many of the scenarios in which I write, but I love a good mood piece as well. And of course, you can't deny the opportunities for scares in the sci-fi genre.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Patrick C. Greene online


Stingy Jack and Other Tales
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 71,040. Language: English. Published: November 12, 2017 by Sekhmet Press LLC. Categories: Fiction » Horror » General, Fiction » Horror » Occult
A collection of short horror stories including the new STINGY JACK, OL’ SCRATCH, AND A HEAD FULL OF FIRE.
Into the Small Hours
Price: Free! Words: 2,700. Language: English. Published: December 23, 2012 by Sekhmet Press LLC. Categories: Fiction » Horror » General, Fiction » Horror » Weird fiction
Richard Booth suspects something amiss just beyond his hotel room door. Waking to the memory of a scream in the wind blown New Hampshire night, does he dare to explore the hallway? Was it just the remnants of a dream? How do you know when your imagination is getting the better of you, and when there really is something out there?
Price: Free! Words: 2,120. Language: English. Published: December 20, 2012 by Sekhmet Press LLC. Categories: Fiction » Horror » General, Fiction » Horror » Weird fiction
Shelley Frakes didn't intend to spend her morning sweeping up broken glass and investigating an open basement door, but the real estate business had taken such a hit in the last year these were the least of her concerns. The real problem would be getting the secluded property to sell. Unless...someone has already moved in.
High Strangeness in South Haven
Price: Free! Words: 2,560. Language: English. Published: August 7, 2012 by Sekhmet Press LLC. Categories: Fiction » Horror » Weird fiction, Fiction » Horror » General
(5.00 from 1 review)
RayRay and his crew are braving the weather for a quick walk over to SouthHaven,where their fav dealer lives.Turning a corner,the enterprising young criminals spy an odd-looking man standing under the streetlight like a present under a Christmas tree,probably sporting a fat wallet.The boys would like to relieve the man of his money,but the thing is,he's not from around S.H.or any place on earth...

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