Heidi Kole


Heidi, originally from DC, often described as a Renaissance woman, is a singer/songwriter, actress, dancer, voiceover artist, stunt person for film/tv and author. Her songwriting credits to date include songs that hold both opening and closing credit spots in a number of films. Heidi, an eternal absorber of life, lives in New York City where she writes and performs her music both above and underground in and around NYC, the US and the globe.

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The Subway Diaries
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 91,920. Language: English. Published: December 29, 2009 . Categories: Nonfiction » Social Science » Sociology, Nonfiction » Music » Biography
(5.00 from 1 review)
Heidi leads you on a guided tour through a subterranean world peopled by creative artists and sidewalk visionaries. Down winding tunnels and across gritty subway platforms, through her writing, both gritty and raw, she introduces you to an underground world and unforgettable cast of characters, a world that millions pass through, but few know well.A world where the music is the heartbeat of NYC.

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