Broken Eggshell Publications

Publisher info

Indie Publisher of short stories, mainly YA, Zombie Tales, and Children's Stories. Sometimes the genres collide.

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Smashwords book reviews by Broken Eggshell Publications

  • The Secrets of Dreams on Nov. 15, 2011

    I was a little hesitant to read this at first, since erotica is not my normal reading material. However I decided to give it a try and was pleasently surprised. Stephanie is a woman that wants to honor her grandmother's memory with a traditional Samhain ritual. However she is also lonely and ends up summoning two, twin demi gods to keep her company. A night of passion follows. There is often a thin line with erotica, in my opinion, between a good story that happens to have sex and something over the top. I felt the author handled this well. While I think there was a bit of repetition with some words, the story was good and the scenes steamy. I also thought the ending was great and can imagine that Stephanie and her twin demi gods may be making an appearance in another short story, or maybe a book.
  • Feed on Jan. 19, 2012

    When I first started reading Feed, I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy it. It is a short story, but I felt that it was moving along way too fast. I would have prefered for a slower pace and more details into how the main character, Ian, came to become the desperate creature he is and some more into the characters he encounters. That being said, I did enjoy this book. Ian, a newly transformed vampire, is clueless to how he became the way he is. Yes, he knows it was Penny, a beautiful vampire with a young son that changed him, but he doesn't know what about vampires is true. The sunlight is and the hunger for blood, but why can't he do anything else that vampires can do. Then there is his mysterious keeper. Someone is leaving him 'food' and he has been forbidden to go into the city. He doesn't understand why, but is drawn to a woman that lives in a Victorian house. Soemtimes he does sneak out to see her. The ending brought about a twist that I didn't see coming, leaving me shocked and wanting to know more about the creture that proved to be Ian's undoing. I really hope the authors write a longer version of this short story. I would be one of the first in line to buy it.
  • Pumpkin Flesh on Oct. 26, 2012

    This is a short story... 5 pages if you read the online option, about a man who wants some pumpkin seeds. That's all. What he gets is a something else. This is a fun story for Halloween, maybe while sitting around a fire, roasting seeds. It's a quick read, but it will stick with you long after you finish it.