maryanne harris

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Smashwords book reviews by maryanne harris

  • Ties To The Blood Moon on March 07, 2013

    I really enjoyed this book . The whole princess not knowing who she really was different and the fact she was raised away from everything. Nice I don't feel the Twlight thing I seen in some of the reviews as I started mine. Totally different. She has a responsibility to the tribe she is suppose to lead, and she wants to save Mom, not fair that someone is working against her the entire time. Gen. Has a lot to deal with and it does get overwhelming , hell just being a teen is awful, now she's a princess of the Adlet Wolfs and she is to take the throne and then rule. She not even out of High school. I am so looking forward to the next book which I do have and Will read next. I think that everyone should give this book a chance it is a great a story. Maryanne
  • Shadow of the Blood Moon on March 07, 2013

    Great 2nd book and a lot of stuff happens. So many good things and bad things. Twists and turns that I had no idea were coming. No spoilers and i cant wait for the next book. Robin keep going its a great story and I can t wait to see what twisty turns you have for us next.