Stephanie Laimer-Read


Stephanie Laimer-Read grew up in Bremen, northern Germany. After living in Belgium and East Anglia, United Kingdom, she is now back in Bremen. She loves reading and writing (especially fantasy), travelling, music, horses and languages. Her favourite authors include Sir Terry Pratchett, Tom Holt, Bertolt Brecht, Martin Millar, Virginia Woolf, Kurt Tucholsky, Joachim Ringelnatz, Christian Morgenstern, Bill Bryson and many others.
Stephanie's first novel Berlintoxication is a gaslight romance about love, magic and violence, a sinister fantasy set in Berlin in the 1880s. She has also written an Agatha Christie parody, The Mystery of the Second Cucumber, and the urban fantasy story Change. Any comments, questions, reviews and Facebook shares or likes are more than welcome. Stephanie would love to connect with other authors and learn more about their styles, the subjects they like to write about and the things that inspire them.

Smashwords Interview

Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
It was a pop-up book about dragons going to a funfair :). I was about five and had just learnt to read. I never really stopped since then.
When did you first start writing?
I started writing stories when I was about eight and had just been given an old typewriter. It could be little texts about mundane events, absurd stories or, occasionally, attempts at a novel.
In my teens, I wrote fantasy stories and some poems. I also started writing song lyrics. When I was in my early 20s, I had that idea about a mythical island where a centaur lived - the two resulting novels will be published in English as soon as possible.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Stephanie Laimer-Read online


Die Londoner Literatour
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 7,330. Language: German. Published: February 8, 2015 . Categories: Nonfiction » Travel » Hikes & walks
Ladies and gentlemen, machen Sie sich bereit für einen ganz besonderen Stadtrundgang. Folgen Sie den Spuren britischer literarischer Größen in London, einer Stadt der Literatur und der Lust, einer Stadt von Armut und Überfluss, Trauer und Freude. Erleben Sie Orte, von denen sich einige der größten Schriftsteller aller Zeiten inspirieren ließen, und erfahren Sie mehr über das Leben der Autoren!
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,760. Language: English. Published: August 1, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Urban
(4.00 from 1 review)
The man has been in a hopeless situation for years, trying to get by and somehow bear it. He is ignored by most of those around him and is not sure if he is still real, still visible, even still alive. Then, suddenly, he sees a chance to break free from his entrapment... A captivating story about isolation and alienation, a spooky fantasy set in a very real everyday situation.
The Mystery of the Second Cucumber
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 2,340. Language: English. Published: May 29, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Humor & comedy » Parody, Fiction » Mystery & detective » Short Stories
A crime story that Dame Agatha Christie never wrote, but probably should have done. Hercule Poirot investigates the grotesque death of Colonel Brindsley Arundel, helped by his famously incapable friend Captain Hastings and hindered by the Colonel's more than dysfunctional family. Who murdered the Colonel? Who killed beautiful actress Jane Rutherford? What do cucumbers have to do with it all?!
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 64,270. Language: English. Published: April 15, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Steampunk & retropunk
It is 1889. Berlin is ruled by a society that is benevolent towards those who obey its orders, but ruthless against those who disagree. A new leader emerges. His powers are almost impossible to resist. Walter Busch and Charlotte Schaefer suddenly find that they are enemies of the state, forced to live as outcasts, shunned by others. There are, however, rebels who are determined to fight back.

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Smashwords book reviews by Stephanie Laimer-Read

  • Untruths on May 03, 2014

    A moving and fascinating story - it would be interesting to hear more about the background and what happened afterwards.
  • About a Bird: Poems From Jerry the Bird on June 01, 2014

    Wow - dark stuff. Perplexing, somewhat shocking and bizarrely funny.
  • Terug van vakantie on Feb. 03, 2017

    A bizarre story, gripping and with a shocking ending. I enjoyed it.
  • Vengraaiers en Tulpentrollen, Reisgids voor Magisch Nederland, onder redactie van Tais Teng on June 22, 2017

    I really enjoyed this book. In a nice magic realism style, it describes the multiple magic creatures that inhabit the Netherlands: trolls, monster cats, a weed god, a dangerous Punch and Judy show... This is a great idea, and it works well. The stories feature a number of different styles, sometimes humorous, sometimes bizarre, sometimes unsettling, giving the book a pleasant diverse range. You will probably appreciate the book most if you know the Netherlands well because it contains plenty of local flavour, but if (like me) you are not so familiar with the country, it is still very enjoyable. My one criticism is layout-related: in the version I read (pdf), most of the links to the chapters in the table of contents didn't seem to work. This could be improved. It is, however, a very minor point.