Joyce Sandilands

Publisher info

This couple began writing and producing books in 1998 when Robert was 65 years old and a retired coal-mining engineer from England. Unable to work in a physical job anymore due to the effects of work injuries including coalminer's black lung disease, he began to write with his wife, Joyce, as his editor and publisher. Before long, they had produced three books, and Robert's popularity for writing family-style historical novels was huge. By 2008, they had 11 novels mainly set in the UK and the Pacific NW Canada, the author's homes, as well as the USA. Joyce also wrote two chapter books with CDs (Moonbeam Series) and other audiobooks which were reprinted but are now no longer available (Laughing Through Life and Lizzie: Lethal Innocence). Robert became a 3x Canadian bestselling author due to his happy disposition, his unique accent, and his amazing efforts as a salesman-on-the-street at the Victoria BC Bastion Square Market for 19 years. He retired in 2016.

Robert and Joyce set a new standard for self-published authors who, for years, had been ostracized by the press and professional publishers. They proved that even Indies could produce a good read and make money from their own books. "Lizzie: Lethal Innocence" became their first bestseller and continued to become a 4-volume series. Robert began his second series at the same time and the 3-volume Victoria Chronicles was full of real history 1900-1920 and set in and around their home of Victoria BC. They also won two IPPY Gold Medals. They travelled widely in their province and loved introducing their books to new areas, but Bastion Square in Victoria was their main venue being a tourist town with a huge cruise ship industry. There are thousands of most of their books out in the market, but Robert is gone now and Joyce has now turned sales over to a large, local used book store, Russell Books who will keep them listed on their website. She is currently writing their joint Biography, A Lifetime of Todays, and hopes to release this book in print and ebook by late 2022. She is taking orders through their website.

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