Reviews of The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success

Learn the 30 best practices of the bestselling self-published ebook authors. This updated January 2014 edition of the The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success has already helped tens of thousands of self-published ebook authors publish more professionally. This ebook is a must-read for every writer, author, publisher and literary agent.

Reviews of The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success by Mark Coker

jackjohnson reviewed on July 20, 2017

Simply put this is required reading for anyone who even hopes to achieve any success as an indie author. The market is massively overcrowded, so all of these tips and tricks are needed just to get started.
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TiraGP reviewed on July 20, 2017

A very nice set of instructions for marketing your ebooks, but these methods will likely apply to selling just about anything on line. The author is savvy to the various technology and marketing / networking methods, but I wonder if someone does all this will it really increase their chances of success?
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Charlotte Underwood reviewed on June 28, 2017

Very informative and helpful to a first time e-book publisher and also for someone like me who has only just released their first book. I love the amount of detail and history put into this book.
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BooksAndCocktailsBlog reviewed on March 6, 2017

Three years ago-it was much easier to publish an indie and make money. Now with the crazy amount of authors and the sites who publish books under 5000 word means all the good and full-length books are buried beneath them and no one can afford to market them on their own. I am completely burned out on social media to promote it too. Coker does point out some great ways to do it-but you need persistence or $$$ to carry it out. If publishers charged $300 per book there would be a lot less authors who are not serious. Of course, they could offer scholarships to the starving writers. So-no one get mad at me for suggesting things--OK?
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A.R. Young reviewed on March 4, 2017

Finally, a book that can help indie authors give traditional publishers a run for their money.
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J. J. Garcia Cozar reviewed on Jan. 3, 2017

SPANISH: Este libro me parece de lo mejor para empezar en el mundo de la autopublicación. Se nota que el autor sabe de qué habla y muestra pasión y entrega en cada párrafo.
Leer este libro es casi obligatorio para cualquier escritor novato como lo soy yo, la sabiduría escrita aquí no tiene precio.
Como siempre, Mark Coker, impecable y firme, defiende con fuerza a los autores indie y la inmortalidad de los ebooks.
ENGLISH: This book seems to me the best to start in the world of self-publishing. You can see that the author knows what he is talking about and shows passion and dedication in each paragraph.
Reading this book is almost mandatory for any novice writer as I am, the wisdom written here is priceless.
As always, Mark Coker, impeccable and firm, strongly defends the indie authors and the immortality of ebooks.
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deerbulldozer reviewed on Nov. 21, 2016

If I have to choose between marketing and formatting my eBook, I'm going to spend my time marketing. The reason I'm more into marketing is because it's mostly about networking in person and on line. This book is full of great ideas to build my audience and that suites my personality. But this is a catch 22, because if my book is not formatted properly it won't look good and it won't sell. Still, though, I'll hire a MS Word expert to format my book and do the marketing myself. This book is full of great ideas but it needs an update for 2017.
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Greeenie reviewed on Nov. 18, 2016

I will enjoy marketing my ebooks more than I will enjoy formatting them. Marketing sounds fun and creative, according to this book it's a lot of socializing and social networking.
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ManlyDude reviewed on Oct. 22, 2016

Many good tactics for building an audience for your ebooks. You could probably use many of these same ideas for selling anything online. Did seem a bit dated, since it hasn't been updated since 2014.
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Eraser Head reviewed on Oct. 18, 2016

I grabbed this ebook a few months ago and I'm glad I did. I've been chipping away at establishing my social media presence in prep for publishing my ebook. There are so many great tips and tricks in here. I just hope I can find more people to buy my book, not just my mom and brother (lulz). Wish me luck.
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