Reviews of The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success

Learn the 30 best practices of the bestselling self-published ebook authors. This updated January 2014 edition of the The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success has already helped tens of thousands of self-published ebook authors publish more professionally. This ebook is a must-read for every writer, author, publisher and literary agent.

Reviews of The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success by Mark Coker

Daniel Hardie reviewed on Nov. 29, 2012

Great book to get started on eBooks. If only I started by reading this... would have saved so time. I've already read through this a few times now and plan to keep it for reference. Thanks Mark.
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Joseph Henry Gaines reviewed on Nov. 22, 2012

So pleased I downloaded this! Some fantastic information written in common sense so that newbies like myself can easily understand it. Excellent Book Mr Coker!
You have my sincere thanks and once I sell a million copies of my novel you will have my sincere gratitude (LoL)
(review of free book)
Leora C. Waldman reviewed on Oct. 9, 2012

This book is AMAZING. It is written by a genuinely good and outstanding person who doesn't mind sharing his wisdom and experience with the rest of the people who need it.
I believe that for as long as there are people like Mark out there the world is definitely a better and more inspiring place. I strongly recommend this book not only to young and inspiring authors, but to anyone who needs a sound knowledge of how marketing and PR works.
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Kathleen Morris reviewed on Sep. 27, 2012

This book actually made me cry at the end and that is unusual for a non-fiction book. It just gave me the validation as a writer that I've never had before. Seldom do I run across other writers in person and so reading Mark's book really was a confidence booster. I recommend this book to all writers especially those who are new. It's the added boost we all need to see our little "babies" rise from the literary crib to adulthood.
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Richard Colletta reviewed on Aug. 20, 2012

Great book! Although a few portions of it are geared towards Smashwords and sort of shilling for SW (nothing wrong with that though) the majority of it can be applied to ebook publishing in general.

If you're new to writing/publishing this isn't a bad book to give a thorough read to. If you're not entirely green it's still worth a decent skim.

I kind of Cliff-noted the book. Here are some of the best general tips I picked out below.

-ebooks/tablets are revolutionizing book publishing
-write a great book, proofread, reread, edit, get
honest critical feedback, do market research
-don't spend more in an attempt to make more money
-create a great ebook cover
-edit your metadata, make it work for you
-write another great book, give more for your readers
to look forward to, build reader trust
-maximize distribution, smashwords + direct upload to
Amazon to cover all bases
-avoid exclusivity contracts
-consider avoiding Amazon's KDP Select program (one
free book a month to users) because it requires
-give some of your books away for free, free books
introduce your readers to you
-you can change your price
-use a cover image that catches the eye
-inform your distributor of big upcoming titles for
marketing possibilities.
-aggregate your distribution
-be patient with sales
-get reviews, get great covers, edit!, write a great
story, get distributed
-drm inconviences customers more than pirates
-use google alerts to stay abreast of of search terms
phrases used in your book to watch out for
-market your book/brand, blog, fb, twitter
-get beta readers
-never-ending book launch
-study bestsellers in your category
-highest earners write 150-200k words
60-80k are considered full length tho
-top 50 bestsellers on smashwords average 100k words
-write series
(review of free book)
Adam Drake reviewed on Aug. 18, 2012

Great stuff. Mark makes no promises of guaranteed success, but simply provides the techniques and information that can help an author along the way. It gave me a lot to think about. I've got some work to do...
(review of free book)
C.M. Skiera reviewed on Aug. 14, 2012

The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success is a must-read for any self-publishing author. Possibly a little wordy with some obvious instructions, it's still chock-full of excellent advice, tips, and resources. Although I liked The Smashwords Book Marketing Guide a little better, they are a great companion set. It's well-written and organized in a logical manner. Definitely a steal for free, as it is easily worth paying for.
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Carolyn Flynn reviewed on July 19, 2012

I really appreciate that Mark Coker looks after the best interests of both authors and readers. Thank you for another great resource!
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Maaja Wentz reviewed on July 8, 2012

Mark Coker does it again with this in-depth guide to epublishing success. I used his previous formatting guide to publish a children's screenplay with little expectation of financial gain. With this new guide, Coker has inspired me to consider epublishing my current manuscripts-in-progress, instead of submitting to agents or publishers. Informative, clear and inspiring, this guide is a must-read for prospective Smashwords authors.
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Inhousepress reviewed on June 27, 2012

Having published some 30 books, most of them also on Smashwords, I was pleasantly surprised that I still had quite a few titbits to learn. Thanks, Mark. Here's hoping.
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