Reviews of The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success

Learn the 30 best practices of the bestselling self-published ebook authors. This updated January 2014 edition of the The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success has already helped tens of thousands of self-published ebook authors publish more professionally. This ebook is a must-read for every writer, author, publisher and literary agent.

Reviews of The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success by Mark Coker

Adrian Juhl reviewed on Nov. 12, 2014

Thanks for the book. I discovered several issues with how I set-up Dalynia and Kayne. Very much appreciated. This is definitely recommended reading!
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Martin Peltz reviewed on Aug. 3, 2014

From Cape Town ( where I live ) to Cairo and far beyond; the steps here will yield results if worked consistently over time.

Use together with Coker's other guides.
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Tikiri Herath reviewed on May 19, 2014

A must read for any self-publishing author.
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David Dockery reviewed on Aug. 7, 2013

I was really impressed with the information here and I am sold on publishing with smashwords. I worked very hard on my book and now that it's ready for submission to a publisher I hunted all over and I really feel like smashwords is the only distributor that has their author's best interest in mind. It's very apparent that Mr. Coker cares about his customers and more importantly he respects the author, the writing process and he is an advocate for the future of ebooks.
I can't wait to get started with smashwords, but this book taught me that you can't just upload it right away. You have to do your homework, some promotional work and more. I also read the other 2 books on style guidelines and marketing by Mark Coker and those were very helpful too. Frankly when I looked at Amazon submissions I was a little intimidated. I don't feel like that with smashwords. I also enjoyed Mark's blog which has even more great information if that's possible. Thanks for such a great book Mark and I can't wait to work with smashwords to get my new indie book out there.
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Paul Morrison reviewed on June 12, 2013

It is certainly the right material to anyone in the e-book business to read. Sharing your knowledge just shows how you believe in this business and I am enjoying every tip and advice. I would also like to congratulate you for doing it for free, but I have to say that I would gladly pay for your books!
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Adra Young reviewed on May 27, 2013

Every time I read one of Coker's books, I feel as if I'm taking one of my favorite college prerequisite's courses once again. The Secrets to Ebook publishing is the kind of read that keeps indie authors such as myself having continuous "Aha Moments." From sharing the best way to sell your books, or the reason why your e-book may simply not be having any success at all, this book is great for all authors simply to trying to raise the bar revenue wise. I liked the fact that there were some secrets I already had knowledge on. On the other hand, I loved the fact that there were a lot of secrets listed that I simply were not aware of. The information provided allows me now to look upon the e-books that I write from a wide range of various angles. The e-book terminology towards the end of the book comes in very handy as well. More importantly, Coker chooses to provide all this priceless information for free to any author who's simply interested at getting better at their craft. Thanks again Coker.
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Chantel Rhondeau reviewed on May 11, 2013

Great, practical advice. Easy to understand and helpful ideas. I'm off to read the other marketing books by this author.
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J B Bergstad reviewed on May 3, 2013

I have only three words to describe Mark Coker's Secrets of eBook Publishing Success...Great, great, great. Many of the secrets are common sense, but common sense all writers need to be reminded of once in a while. Writers, like actors, have big egos and even bigger expections. Two of the most important lessons I took from Mr. Coker's book were: don't cheat your book out of quality by a rush to publish. Don't plan on being a #1 bestseller thirty days after you're accepted by the Premium catalogue. Thanks for Smashwords,(not saying some things don't need a little more work), and thank you for compiling these simple truths and making us aware of them. Jim Bergstad writing as Matt James.
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Kimaya Mathew reviewed on March 28, 2013

Mark coker, as always, gives you the basic principles of how to get successful in the ebook's bussiness. I am going through his other book right now, along with this one.I am finding his words both successful and inspiring.
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S Long reviewed on March 7, 2013

Awesome book! Read it twice... A must-have book, especially for newbie writer/publisher!
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