Reviews of The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success

Learn the 30 best practices of the bestselling self-published ebook authors. This updated January 2014 edition of the The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success has already helped tens of thousands of self-published ebook authors publish more professionally. This ebook is a must-read for every writer, author, publisher and literary agent.

Reviews of The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success by Mark Coker

A.R. Young reviewed on March 4, 2017

Finally, a book that can help indie authors give traditional publishers a run for their money.
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J. J. Garcia Cozar reviewed on Jan. 3, 2017

SPANISH: Este libro me parece de lo mejor para empezar en el mundo de la autopublicación. Se nota que el autor sabe de qué habla y muestra pasión y entrega en cada párrafo.
Leer este libro es casi obligatorio para cualquier escritor novato como lo soy yo, la sabiduría escrita aquí no tiene precio.
Como siempre, Mark Coker, impecable y firme, defiende con fuerza a los autores indie y la inmortalidad de los ebooks.
ENGLISH: This book seems to me the best to start in the world of self-publishing. You can see that the author knows what he is talking about and shows passion and dedication in each paragraph.
Reading this book is almost mandatory for any novice writer as I am, the wisdom written here is priceless.
As always, Mark Coker, impeccable and firm, strongly defends the indie authors and the immortality of ebooks.
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Eraser Head reviewed on Oct. 18, 2016

I grabbed this ebook a few months ago and I'm glad I did. I've been chipping away at establishing my social media presence in prep for publishing my ebook. There are so many great tips and tricks in here. I just hope I can find more people to buy my book, not just my mom and brother (lulz). Wish me luck.
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Paul Ian Cross reviewed on Aug. 3, 2016

This is an excellent how-to guide. I've recently joined Smashwords and this was a must-read for me. Mark's tips are easy to follow and quick to implement. I have now successfully published my first ebook via Smashwords thanks to the advice in this book. A must-read for new indie authors!
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Redondo B reviewed on July 5, 2016

Like the other books by Mark Coker, I can't say it strongly enough: Indie Authors Read This Book and Follow the Many Great Tips and Tricks. I must admit, though, that I am one of those analysis paralysis people. I write a little, and I want to publish, but I keep reading and researching. I read books about writing and publishing and I love them. I keep making a plan to write my novel and publish it. I keep reading novels and short stories (I read A LOT!). Mark my words, I'll write my masterpiece and publish it on here . . . some day.
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KG1001 reviewed on July 4, 2016

Filled with great tips and tricks for anyone marketing themself or their products (esp ebooks) on line. I never would have thought of most of this. You will have better luck using this guide across all your social networks.
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Steven Bright reviewed on July 3, 2016

This is a great self help book, and I'm glad I had it the right time. In fact, I'm already implementing the ideas gotten from it. Thanks!
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N Jams reviewed on May 9, 2016

Are you considering trying to make it as an indie author? If so this is a great place to start. It seems there is a lot more to it than writing great stories and novels or non-fiction. In addition to writing the indie author must spend many hours marketing on line and in person. It seems that with all the social networks and on-line groups it might just be possible to build up a following of fans. I also get the impression that one must pick an area in which to write (a niche if you will) and stick to it. This books makes a case for working in a particular area and building a community around yourself through marketing your online presence. It's less likely to work for you if you just write whatever pops into your head. Rather, you should make yourself an expert in a specific area weather it's horror, crime, business, project management, history, military hardware, self-help, time management or whatever. Seems an indie author has to pick a specialty and become the online master of that universe. Very interesting approach that I had not considered.
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Mike White reviewed on May 5, 2016

This book does a good job of showing all of the ways in which eBook publishing is different from traditional publishing and how becoming successful as an indie writer is different from becoming successful as a traditional writer. Given all of the generic advice that is now written about the subject, it is great to get information that is much more specific.
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RockySlattery reviewed on April 17, 2016

This is a great place to start for anyone who wants to be successful with eBook publishing. There are so many things you have to do to set up your online presence in the social networks. Some of this is high tech and probably warrants hiring someone with special skills in web design and marketing.
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