Reviews of The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success

Learn the 30 best practices of the bestselling self-published ebook authors. This updated January 2014 edition of the The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success has already helped tens of thousands of self-published ebook authors publish more professionally. This ebook is a must-read for every writer, author, publisher and literary agent.

Reviews of The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success by Mark Coker

Larry_T reviewed on April 12, 2016

Well written and full of solid advice from cover to cover. I believe that doing most or all of the things in this book increase your chances of success with ebook publishing, however it takes great writing and lots of luck to sell a lot of books.
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Ronda Del Boccio reviewed on April 2, 2016

I'm new to Smashwords. I've had books out for a while (print and e), and I can honestly say there are TONS of golden nuggets in this guide even for those not using Smashwords. Help with platform building, catching the reader's attention, how readers find your book and more are all terrific teachings inside this book.

Follow your B.L.I.S.S.
Ronda Del Boccio
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Jack Parker reviewed on March 29, 2016

If you are an indie author, this book explains everything you need to do, how to do it and why to do it -- when it comes to laying the foundation for your brand and your marketing plan. There are many other things you need to do, but this is a great place to start.
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Malcolm Torres reviewed on March 25, 2016

I've actually done most of this in an attempt to sell and give away free eBooks under my pen name. I can report that some of these tactics are more useful than others. I don't think blogging or asking your friends and relatives really contributes to success. The most helpful thing I've found is to give away free short stories and novels, and if people like them they will come back and buy your other books. The golden rule is your writing has to be good.
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PaulS972 reviewed on March 25, 2016

I can do everything in this handy book myself, unlike eBook formatting which I have to hire an expert to do. I'm hoping that following the step by step instructions here will help me sell some books. Thanks to the author for sharing all this secret knowledge.
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CloudeySkyes reviewed on March 24, 2016

I was sitting here trying to think what I'd write for a review. I was trying to think of something witty and clever to say. But I couldn't come up with anything . . . so I read the review below this one by someone names TexMex, and I have to agree. I think the review below mine by TexMex really nailed it. I'd like ad a huge thank you to Mr. Coker for everything he's doing and to all the people ate Smashwords. Indie publishing is changing the literary world and Smashwords is totally making it happen.
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DoloresMatthews reviewed on March 9, 2016

I just read this and enjoyed it. I've been thinking about publishing some poems and a collection of stories. This book has many good ideas for building your network, marketing books. Lot's of high-tech and creative ideas I never would have thought of.
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MarkRuggs reviewed on March 4, 2016

Thanks, Mark Coker, for giving me a whole bunch of reasons to spend hours on my computer writing fiction and then surfing social networking sites promoting my eBooks.
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Flex X reviewed on Feb. 27, 2016

Really motivated me to get started marketing my ebook. With all the social networks today connecting with readers is easier than ever. What this book made me realize is that I have to get started marketing now.
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Ray1184 reviewed on Feb. 25, 2016

This well written book is filled with things any author should do to sell their books. I just wonder if all this activity adds up to selling lots of books or not. I mean after my relatives and friends buy it and tell their their friends, then what? I guess what is really needed is a great story that is well written to begin with -- and that is the hard part. Either way, I can't stop writing so I'm doomed to try this. Thanks.
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