Birdie Sena


Birdie Sena is a single parent from Michigan. She is doing what she can to try and make sure her kids end up happy and successful despite the past that was handed to them. Birdie started out as a writer for publishing manuals, fryers, brochures and legal documents. She is a recruiter and hair designer by trade and plays with book writing as an outlet and on a fluke and realized how much she enjoyed it. It was a self healing process that turned into a thought that her dysfunction could possibly help someone else if they had an opportunity to read what she was going through.
Let's put it this way. If my life wasn't filled with Non stop drama and insanity, I don't know If I would have started writing at all. Since it is I should be able to write forever.
Her first two titles were the Books: Heroin Became My Devil, Life As A Dysfunctional Single Parent.,,,

Smashwords Interview

When did you first start writing?
I first started writing when I was a teenager. I found it easier to tell a piece of paper how I felt about something than to tell someone else. This way there was no judgement involved or no one trying to fix a decision I made. It was just a form of venting without criticism.
What's the story behind your latest book?
Heroin became my devil is a story about the effects of Heroin addiction and how close it hit to home for me. It describes how badly the drug destroys not only the addict but the family members as well.
Read more of this interview.

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Where to buy in print


Heroin: Became My Devil
Price: $6.99 USD. Words: 15,670. Language: English. Published: March 11, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Relationships & Family » Abuse / general, Nonfiction » Psychology » Addiction
The Hold that Heroin Can Have Over Your World, Even When You Aren't the addict! This is a look at what levels some people go to in order to get a drug that they go from enjoying to a drug that they need to feel normal. It will destroy every single aspect of everyone's life in comes in contact with at some point or another. It destroyed mine, when my daughter, was the addict.

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