Kelly Napoli


Kelly Napoli holds a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering, a minor in English, and is currently pursuing a Master's in Business. She currently works in South Florida. Her primary interests are in Young Adult and Adult Fiction.

Smashwords Interview

How do you discover the ebooks you read?
I discover them by searching genres that are similar to the genre that I write. This allows me to discover books I love as well as compare my work to the works of other accomplished authors.
How do you approach cover design?
I wanted to choose a cover design that expressed the gravity of Kiethara's responsibility to protect the forest, but I also wanted to design a cover that spoke volumes about the greatness of the power created in the forest and the sense of magical adventure that readers are to discover when they read The Guardians of the Forest: Book One. The image that I finally decided of--one of a majestic forest with light streaming through the leaves--seemed to portray the epic legend that hides in its depths as I wanted it too.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Kelly Napoli online

Twitter: @NapoliKelly
Facebook: Facebook profile


The Guardians of the Forest: Book Two
Price: Free! Words: 126,190. Language: English. Published: August 1, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Romance » Action/adventure
(4.00 from 1 review)
Kiethara, a descendant from a long line of powerful guardians who have been charged to protect a magical forest, is forced to face her mother’s killer and the greatest threat magic has ever faced: Gandador. As she fights to hone her skill and control her emotions, the fate of the forest—and the world—faces the most peril it has since the dawn of time.
The Guardians of the Forest: Book One
Price: Free! Words: 114,760. Language: English. Published: December 16, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Adventure
(4.20 from 5 reviews)
Kiethara is a descendant from a long line of powerful guardians who have been charged to protect a magical forest since the dawn of time. She prematurely took the place of the previous guardian after she was defeated by a man known as Gandador; now, young Kiethara is forced into a position of power and danger. Wickedly dark yet extremely moving, this novel explores the demands of a legendary duty.