Michelle Iacona


Michelle Iacona is a 40-year-old author and poet currently living in the dark, misty nowhere that is the countryside of North Carolina. A graduate (Magna Cum Laude) in Creative Writing from Saint Andrews Presbyterian College, she had her first works published at the age of 21 in 1993 when she won the distinguished Bunn-McClelland Chapbook Award. Writing since the age of five, life has become an endless quest to achieve that one piece which will make of her a household name.

Although a bit of a cynic, her gothic mindset has enabled her to explore the fantastic, both in this realm and the next. Her cynicism is tempered with a dose of phantasm which lends itself not only to her daily life, but to her writing as well.

Currently, she has become addicted to the internet, as well as continuing her interests in comparative mythology, poetry, classical literature, gothic/industrial music, and collecting model equines. Favorite authors include T.S. Eliot, Ronald H. Bayes, Oscar Wilde, Yukio Mishima, Clive Barker, Anne Rice, and J.R.R. Tolkien.

Where to find Michelle Iacona online


Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 27,740. Language: English. Published: August 4, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal, Fiction » Horror » General
Troy Hancock had been born into the smalltown South like every other kicking, mewling brat that had ever been, with one major difference: his family had secrets. Maybe not so different. After all, in the South, don't we all? Most of them just don't involve blood-splattered walls and dead people, nor creatures and spirits from the mythic past of the Cherokee....
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 20,490. Language: English. Published: July 23, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal
The American South is a maze of dark country roads and forgotten memories where even the destination might prove the journey. Carnavale weaves a misty tapestry of rain-covered backroads, Otherworldly realms and peoples, and decidedly internal adventure with a moral compass dictated by the works of T.S. Eliot against a backdrop of autumn in the Carolinas.

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Smashwords book reviews by Michelle Iacona

  • Shadowcat on July 24, 2012

    Had I known where this story would go, I, like others, would never have begun reading it. On the one hand, that would have been unfortunate, because the first few pages--prior to the threatened pedophilia--were delightful. They had a very whimsical quality, which I quite enjoyed--particularly the first two paragraphs--a whimsy not unlike that of T.S. Eliot's Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats, or some genres of Japanese fiction. The story continued to share much with many works of Japanese fiction (I was particularly reminded of I Am A Cat by Soseki) even following the "uncle encounter", but that is about the only positive comment I can honestly come up with regarding the story from that point forward. There were moments--such as at the sub shop--where one honestly felt the writer was filling space with words; telling random things simply to increase word count. I agree with other reviewers who have noted that there should be some warning regarding the content herein. A child picking this up, charmed by the first few pages, might well be scarred by reading the remainder....