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Visit my Facebook Page Gloria Boakye
Mrs. Gloria Boakye is a committed pursuer of God’s presence as a lifestyle, a wife, mother of 3 girls, author of several inspirational books, and founder of I Glow Inspirational and Creative: an initiative to support women through boundless inspiration and limitless creativity Gloria has the heart to support young ladies and so willingly offers a helping hand of hope and inspiration to all she encounters. She serves actively in her church; Kharis Ministries, in diverse capacities. Gloria also offers excellent resources to support ladies through the books she has authored, and other personal growth materials available at her website Gloria holds a Master’s degree in Business Administ ... read more
Latest book: Super Mama
Visit my Facebook Page Rebecca M. Senese
Based in Toronto, Canada, I write horror, science fiction and mystery/crime, often all at once in the same story. Garnering an Honorable Mention in “The Year’s Best Science Fiction” and nominated for numerous Aurora Awards, my work has appeared in TransVersions, Deadbolt Magazine, On Spec, The Vampire’s Crypt, Storyteller, Reflection’s Edge, Future Syndicate and Into the Darkness, amongst others.
Latest book: Beyond Control, Interlude, Beyond Reach
Visit my Facebook Page Okang'a Ooko
Okang’a Ooko is the author of Businesswoman’s Fault, (stories), and three mainstream novels, including Bengaman, When You Sing To The Fishes and the latest, Hunter & Gatherer mostly vivid accounts of scandalous vices, human folly, power games, and peopled by men and women struggling to succeed in the new African renaissance. He writes thrilling and intriguing character-driven fiction based on African characters and situations. His work presents a compelling narrative voice and a new way of seeing the world. Ooko is a very ambitious and hardworking writer for this generation. His three Must-Read cavalier bestselling novels are in categories that matter to him: history, politics, pop culture (especially musi ... read more
Latest book: Wayward Eastlanders
Visit my Facebook Page Carolynne Raymond
Carolynne Raymond is an enchanting wordsmith who loves storytelling. As a dedicated Wife, Mom, and captivating Science Fiction and Fantasy author, she effortlessly transports readers to extraordinary realms brimming with adventure and boundless imagination. When she isn't crafting captivating tales, she finds solace in the loving embrace of her husband and son. An avid enthusiast of painting and gardening, she indulges in the pursuit of creative endeavors that spark her joy. With a voracious appetite for reading, she delves into the realms of Fantasy, Romance, and Sci-Fi. Immerse yourself in her captivating worlds. Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms, where she shares heartfe ... read more
Latest book: What Does Teddy Do While You Are Away All Day?
Visit my Facebook Page Tyora Moody
Tyora Moody is the author of Soul-Searching Mysteries which includes cozy mystery, women sleuth mystery, and mystery romance under the Christian Fiction genre. Her books include the Eugeena Patterson Mysteries, Reed Family Mysteries, Serena Manchester Mysteries, and the Victory Gospel Series. As a literary-focused entrepreneur, she has assisted countless authors via her company, Tywebbin Creations LLC since 1999. Popular services include book covers, book formatting, and virtual author assistant services. She writes the nonfiction series, The Literary Entrepreneur. In 2022, she began writing books for children under her pen name, T.M. Moody. When Tyora isn’t writing or working for a literary client, she's ... read more
Latest book: Double Mocha Blues
Visit my Facebook Page Jessie Lane
Jessie Lane is an Amazon, Barnes & Noble and iBooks Top 100 best-selling author. She writes Paranormal and Contemporary Romance that might make you laugh, cry or do both at the same time! A sometimes shy, sometimes hyper, but often snarky chick who’s addicted to books, caffeine & hot fictional men. She lives in Kentucky with her two crazy ass grown kids, her dad and her overprotective alpha husband that she’s pretty sure is a latent grizzly bear shifter. Jessie has a passionate love for reading and writing romance, cliff hanging suspense, and out-of-this-world characters that demand your attention or threaten to slap you around until you pay attention to them. So, you’re going to pay attention now, right? ... read more
Latest book: Lone Wolf Collection
Visit my Facebook Page Oolong Overload Dishy Digest
Oolong Overload is an adult digest magazine dubbed as "Dishy" Digest.
Visit my Facebook Page Robby Charters
I live with my wife and my son, sometimes in Thailand where I was born and my wife is from, sometimes in Ireland where my dad is from. In Thailand, I taught English as a second language. Here in Ireland, I work from home, turning people's manuscripts into e-books. Wherever I am, I write.
Latest book: It's All about Focus: A study of the Epistle of James
Visit my Facebook Page Peter Cruikshank
Writing has always been in Peter's blood. His love of writing started in his early teens when he cut his teeth on Sci-Fi and the passion never left him. Peter lives in Southern California with his beautiful and fetching wife, along with an exceedingly talkative cat. At an early age, Peter was introduced to Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land and has been an avid reader ever since. As a teen, he picked up a copy of Lord of the Rings and expanded his love of reading to include Medieval Fantasy. By 18 years of age, he knew he wanted to be an author, but life got in the way, and his dreams were put on hold - until 2012 when he turned his energy to writing. Outside of writing he obtained a Masters of Scie ... read more
Latest book: Quest of the Covenant (Dragon-Called) (Volume Three)
Visit my Facebook Page Barbara Lindsley Galloway
Born in Tennessee; raised in Albuquerque, NMX; now live in Texas. Read every sci-fi book in my junior high and high school libraries (Asimov, Clark, Heinlein), where I elected to spend and work an hour every school day. Also, allegorical fantasy has had a huge influence on my writing. Love J.R.R. Tolkien. Wanted to write stories since I was a child. Was very shy and spent more time watching people than participating in activities. This has served me well in creating 3-dimensional characters. As an adult, I have enjoyed the works of Victor Hugo, Charles Dickens, William Faulkner and Earnest Hemingway, to name a few authors of classical works. Love how times have come around to open doors for independent wri ... read more
Latest book: Rebel
Visit my Facebook Page Ian M Kilgour
Ian Kilgour is a Salvation Army officer and Christian minister with wide experience in pastoral care and the deeply human issues we all struggle with. Although now retired, he remains actively involved in church, chaplaincy, community and social justice work. After a serious health event that caused him to face his own mortality, he gathered together the reflections that comprise this book—a work in which he was encouraged and assisted by the people of his home congregation, St. Heliers Presbyterian Church in Auckland. Ian believes that everyone has the capacity to find meaning in life, to deepen their spirituality, and to become all they can be. He has an inclusive understanding of life in which everything ... read more
Latest book: Finding Your Sacred Self: Prayers, Poems and Pastoral Helps
Visit my Facebook Page Ronald Bunch
Ronald Bunch is a dedicated and passionate writer with a deep love for the art of poetry, science fiction, and fantasy. He’s committed to his Catholic faith and his writing. Ronald's interests span a wide range, including writing, reading, social media, weight lifting, and riding an exercise bike. He's a full-time writer. He did volunteer work at Kids Food Basket, and Habitat for Humanity. He loves pizza and cats. His upbringing in Catholic schools and his birthplace in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, in 1982, have also shaped who he is today.
Latest book: Neobadians
Visit my Facebook Page Βαγγέλης Δημητρόγλου
1953 Καισαριανή, Αθήνα, 2ο Δημοτικό Βενιζέλου, Γυμνάσιο (6ταξιο) Καισαριανής, ΑΣΟΕΕ, Τράπεζα, γάμος Μαριάννα, Χανιά-Κρήτη, fagotto και Les Vagabonds, διδυμα Οδυσσέας και Μελίνα το 98, Νοτιοδυτική Γαλλία 2003. Σήμερα, 2020, που τα δίδυμα τελειώνουν το Πανεπιστήμιο και δεν υπάρχουν άλλες υποχρεώσεις, μετ'α από τόσες πολλές μαλακίες που έκανα σε τόσο μικρό χρονικό διάστημα και αφού ξέφυγα απ' τον διαβήτη... απλ'α περ ... read more
Latest book: Στο Ρέμα ... της Καισαριανής
Visit my Facebook Page James Field
I was born in Essex, England, in 1951. My early days of work as an engineer led me to Norway where I met my future wife Kari. She moved to England where we married and raised our two daughters. We moved back to Norway in 1985. My wife and I now live far in the north, well within the Arctic Circle, in the land of the midnight sun. Life here is slow and comfortable, blessed by unspoilt nature and its magnificent moods. Being creative in the written form gives me vast pleasure. I hope, dear reader, you will take a break from your world and lose yourself in one of mine.
Latest book: Life in the Clouds
Visit my Facebook Page Raja Sharma
Raja Sharma is a retired college lecturer. He has taught English Literature to University students for more than two decades. His students are scattered all over the world, and it is noticeable that he is in contact with more than ninety thousand of his students.
Latest book: Love's Unwritten Chapters (A Romantic Novella)
Visit my Facebook Page Pat Ritter
Hi Everyone, Let me introduce myself. My name is Pat Ritter. Since 1988 I have been writing and publishing books. In 2009 I decided to publish my books as e-books on this and other websites. Writing and self-publishing became expensive especially the marketing end of the business. I experienced little problems with my first book 'Closing The Gap' however after writing and self-publishing six other books the printing costs out-weighed the cost of production. At this stage of my writing I am converting from writing true life stories to fictional or better known - storytelling and it's difficult I can tell you. I'm giving it my best. Reading is a passion. When I read I try and place myself in the writer's seat ... read more
Latest book: Outback Australia Series - Book One
Visit my Facebook Page Tom Mach
Tom Mach wrote three successful historical novels, Sissy!, All Parts Together, and Angels at Sunset. The first two were listed among the 150 best Kansas books in 2011. Sissy! won the J. Donald Coffin Memorial Book Award while All Parts Together was a viable entrant for the 2007 Pulitzer Prize Award. Angels at Sunset was a Finalist for the International Book Award. Tom's latest collection of poetry is The Museum Muse and his previous poetry collection won the 2008 Nelson Poetry Book Award. He also wrote a collection of short stories entitled Stories To Enjoy which received positive reviews. In addition to winning poetry awards from Kansas Authors Club, Tom was a finalist in a nationwide Writer’s Digest Awards ... read more
Latest book: Persisence, Then Peace
Visit my Facebook Page Peter Dennis
Peter Dennis, B. Comm., B. Ed., M.B.A. is the Past President of the Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce, The Human Resources Professionals Association of Windsor and District, and The Ontario Chapter of The International Graphoanalysis Society. Peter is a Certified Consulting Hypnotist, a Meditation Teacher and a personal coach. He has been a Human Resources executive with major business organizations, and as a university lecturer and college professor, he has taught HR Management, Emotional Intelligence, Metaphysics, Handwriting Analysis and Self-reliance. Peter continues to write, give talks and work with individuals.
Latest book: The Channeling Connection, the Process, the Beings and the Messages
Visit my Facebook Page Doug West
Doug West is a retired engineer, small business owner, and an experienced non-fiction writer with several books to his credit. His writing interests are general, with expertise in science, history, biographies, numismatics, and “How to” topics. Doug has a B.S. in Physics from the Missouri School of Science and Technology and a Ph.D. in General Engineering from Oklahoma State University. He lives with his wife and little dog “Millie” near Kansas City, Missouri.
Latest book: Greek Presocratic Philosophers and Sophists: A Short Introduction
Visit my Facebook Page Keira Andrews
After writing for years yet never really finding the right inspiration, Keira discovered her voice in gay romance, which has become a passion. She writes contemporary, historical, paranormal and fantasy fiction, and—although she loves delicious angst along the way—Keira firmly believes in happy endings. For as Oscar Wilde once said, “The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what fiction means.” You can find out more about Keira and her books at:
Latest book: Gay Romance Holiday Collection
Visit my Facebook Page Godiva Glenn
Godiva Glenn is just your average cat wielding author by day, but behind those massive glasses lives a woman with a million stories to tell, and she's going to tell them with all the steamy details.
Latest book: Royally Mated
Visit my Facebook Page Bert Holtes
About the authors Holtes & Sietsma is the pseudonym of the Dutch authors Bert Holtes and Wop Sietsma. Both authors were born in 1957, Bert in Alkmaar and Wop in Sneek. Bert spent his working life as a pastry chef, marine, police officer, entrepreneur and manager in various industries, while Wop worked as a secretary and as an independent IT worker in the computer world before they both began enjoying their free time. They are the joint authors of the fictional thriller series BACK-UP.
Latest book: BACK-UP Perspektive
Visit my Facebook Page Carla Krae
Fiction writer. Sci-fi lover. Trained vocalist. Cat mom. Debuting in 2011, Carla Krae lives in California with two crazy cats and a tech guy. When she isn't writing love stories, she likes to dabble in fantasy.
Latest book: Kiss Me at Christmas (A Holiday Romance Collection)
Visit my Facebook Page Marie Sexton
Marie Sexton lives in Colorado. She’s a fan of just about anything that involves muscular young men piling on top of each other. In particular, she loves the Denver Broncos and enjoys going to the games with her husband. Her imaginary friends often tag along. Marie has one daughter, two cats, and one dog, all of whom seem bent on destroying what remains of her sanity. She loves them anyway.
Latest book: Never a Hero
Visit my Facebook Page Lea Bronsen
Award-winning author Lea Bronsen likes her reads hot, fast, and edgy, and strives to give her own stories the same intensity. After a deep dive on the unforgiving world of gangsters with her debut novel Wild Hearted, she divides her writing time between romantic suspenses, dark erotic romances, and crime thrillers. She's signed with Evernight Publishing, Decadent Publishing, and Insatiable Press. She has also self-published some of her works and participated in the making of several anthologies.
Latest book: Red Black Dawn
Visit my Facebook Page Robert Thier
Robert Thier is a German Historian and writer of Historical Fiction. His particular mix of history, romance and adventure, always with a good deal of humor thrown in, has gained him a diverse readership ranging from teenagers to retired grandmothers. For the way he manages to make history come alive, as if he himself had lived as a medieval knight, his fans all over the world have given him the nickname “Sir Rob”. For him, Robert says, becoming a writer has followed naturally from his interest in history. “In Germany,” he says, “we use the same word for story and history. And I've always loved the one as much as the other. Becoming a storyteller, a writer, is what I've always wanted.” Besides writ ... read more
Latest book: New Storm Rising
Visit my Facebook Page Kannan Narayanan
An Indian born world citizen. He has lived in India, Japan, Germany, Korea, and Malaysia and is a naturalized citizen of Germany. He is multilingual and multicultural. He is a poet and an author of 15 books in Tamil, a poetry book in English, a non-fiction in English and he has edited a bilingual treatise. He is a digital humanist and co-founder of Tamil Heritage Foundation ( He is an internet savvy. An active blogger, FB content provider, social media activist, Pod caster and a YouTuber. His training as a scientist brings unique flavor to his creative writings whether it is a simple quote or a poetry or fictions. He prefers to write more of non-fiction these days. He often dwells in myth ... read more
Latest book: Fotoquote
Visit my Facebook Page Donna B. Comeaux
Donna writes romantic suspense and Christian devotionals. She's written for defunct online magazine, and uses her website to encourage readers and writers. Donna hopes to publish her next novel, "White Castle," a family saga, in the fall of 2024. Donna and her family reside in Oklahoma.
Latest book: Breathe for Me
Visit my Facebook Page Ali Vali
Originally from Cuba, Ali Vali has retained much of her family’s traditions and language and uses them frequently in her stories. Having her father read her stories and poetry before bed every night as a child infused her with a love of reading, which carries till today. In 2000, Ali decided to embark on a new path and started writing. She has discovered that living in Louisiana and running a non-profit provides plenty of material to draw from in creating her novels and short stories. Mixing imagination with different life experiences, she creates characters that are engaging to the reader on many levels. Ali states that "The feedback from readers encourages me to continue to hone my skills as a writer."
Latest book: Rivals for Love
Visit my Facebook Page Jenny Frame
Jenny Frame is from the small town of Motherwell in Scotland, where she lives with her partner, Lou, and their well loved and very spoiled dog. She has a diverse range of qualifications, including a BA in public management and a diploma in acting and performance. Nowadays, she likes to put her creative energies into writing rather than treading the boards. When not writing or reading, Jenny loves cheering on her local football team, which is not always an easy task!
Latest book: Living For You
Visit my Facebook Page Sheri Lewis Wohl
Lewis Wohl grew up in northeast Washington State and though she always thought she’d move away, never has. Despite traveling throughout the United States, Sheri always finds her way back home. And so she lives, plays, and writes amidst mountains, evergreens, and abundant wildlife. When not working the day job in federal finance, she writes stories that typically include a bit of the strange and unusual and always a touch of romance. She works to carve out time to run, swim, and bike so she can participate in local triathlons, her latest addiction.
Latest book: Buried Secrets
Visit my Facebook Page Evelyn Klebert
Evelyn Klebert (1965 to present) is an author in the grand old city of New Orleans where she lives with her husband and two sons. She’s written sixteen acclaimed books: nine paranormal novels, five collections of supernatural short stories, and two esoteric poetry collections. She is an avid reader and student of esoteric studies intent on examining the “big questions” in life as are her characters. One of her latest novels "Treading on Borrowed Time" is a love story set in New Orleans which explores the issue of past lives, karmic obligations, as well as other dimensional beings. Her latest book, "Travels into the Breach: Accounts of a Reclusive Mystic," follows the exploits of a supernatural detective w ... read more
Latest book: Dumaine Street
Visit my Facebook Page Onuorah Michael Williams
RTN. Onuorah Michael Williams is an educationist, a novelist a coach, and a human capacity builder. He is from West Africa; In the Eastern part of Nigeria where he obtains his first degree in computer science in a reputable higher institution. Michael began his writing career as a teenager who loves composing nonfiction stories for fun, he had written many published and non-published books. His books are one of the bestselling books of the century. Because of his passion for building the youths and raising leaders, he establish a nongovernmental organization called STAND UP YOUTH ALIVE where he coached youths and develop their useful talent. He loves entertainment so much, and because of his love for entertainm ... read more
Latest book: Foolish Investor Wise Investor
Visit my Facebook Page Abigail de Niverville
Abigail de Niverville is an author, poet, and composer based in Toronto. Originally from the East Coast of Canada, she often is inspired by her hometown. She holds an M.Mus from the University of Toronto. Abigail's debut novel I KNEW HIM is now available from NineStar Press and most major book retailers. Her poetry chapbook POEMS WORTH SAVING is available now in ebook through most major book retailers and in print on Amazon.
Latest book: Destined to Be Normal
Visit my Facebook Page J. Leigh Bralick
J. Leigh writes primarily fantasy and YA fantasy novels. She has made one foray into science fiction, and enjoyed it so much she may eventually publish that experiment, if she survives the effort. Her favorite thing about writing fantasy is the excitement of exploring new worlds and experiencing exciting adventures — all on a very low-cost budget! All you really need is coffee. When she isn’t writing, J. Leigh loves her other job as an ER nurse (most of the time). (Except at 3AM.) She spends the rest of her non-existent spare time wrangling her three big dogs, acting as glorified tree branch for her little parrot Pippin, attempting to not murder garden plants, and taking care of her husband.
Latest book: Down a Lost Road: Extended Edition
Visit my Facebook Page Holly Bush
Holly Bush was born in western Pennsylvania to two avid readers. There was not a room in her home that did not hold a full bookcase. She worked in the hospitality industry, owning a restaurant for twenty years and recently worked as the sales and marketing director in the hospitality/tourism industry and is credited with building traffic to capacity for a local farm tour, bringing guests from twenty-two states, booked two years out. Holly has been a marketing consultant to start-up businesses and has done public speaking on the subject. Holly has been writing all of her life and is a voracious reader of a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction, particularly political and historical works. She has written fou ... read more
Latest book: The Earl's Match
Visit my Facebook Page KA Lugo
K.A. Lugo is a native Northern Californian who grew up in Carmel-by-the-Sea, part of a larger community founded by artists and writers, including John Steinbeck, George Sterling, and Jack London. Over the years, she's worked with several Carmel notables, but it was in 1997 she left the employ of Clint Eastwood to live in Ireland for six months. It was during this time she met the man she would marry, and relocated to live in Ireland. While always writing since a very young age, K.A. earned her keep in Ireland as one of the country's foremost travel consultants who also wrote travel articles about Ireland. Since 2005, K.A. has published fourteen titles in genres including romantic suspense, erotic romance, coz ... read more
Latest book: Slaughterhouse
Visit my Facebook Page nabil mohamed salaheldin
married egy man sinstive,friendly,truth. like solving my friends problems and write poem- my email - nabil +201111381448. +201016873760 my address 36.elsheikh aly youssef st.,almounira.alqaser alainy.cairo.egypt.5th floor
Latest book: علي طريق الجب ( خواطر واشعار ) من العامية المصرية
Visit my Facebook Page Rodolfo Martin Vitangcol
RODOLFO MARTIN VITANGCOL spent his high school in the seminary, and worked his way through college, graduating with a BSC degree in Commerce majoring in Accounting at the Philippine College of Commerce. He worked with a foreign bank [Bank of America] for six years before pursuing a career in sales. In sales, he joined U-Bix Corporation and John Clements Consultants, and, for some time, also went into a build-and-sell business. After about six years in sales, he put up a training firm [FILIPINO SALESMASTERS CONSULTANTS which has now been changed into ATTITUDINALIST TRAINING CENTER] specializing in salesmanship, attitude, leadership, and customer service programs. In a span of 30 years now as a professional ... read more
Latest book: The Ten Differences between the Jesus in the Gospel and the Jesus in the Epistle of Paul
Visit my Facebook Page Krista Noorman
Krista Noorman is the author of sweet romance, contemporary Christian romance, and young adult novels. She's a small-town Michigan girl, who is constantly inspired by books and movies, gets some of her best ideas while driving or walking in the woods, enjoys beautiful Instagram feeds, and loves a good peppermint mocha. Krista studied at Cornerstone University then turned to her love of photography and spent nearly a decade running her own wedding photography business, which was the inspiration for her novel Goodbye Magnolia. For most of her life, she scribbled away in journals while documenting her everyday life, but it wasn't until she took part in National Novel Writing Month, that she found her true calling ... read more
Latest book: The Courtship Coach
Visit my Facebook Page Nicholas Grabowsky
Nicholas Grabowsky's novels of horror/fantasy and mainstream pulp fiction, both as himself, as Nicholas Randers, and as Marsena Shane, have generated worldwide acclaim for over two decades and praised by many of today's most popular horror gurus in the literary world. He began his career in traditional publishing houses with brisk sellers in mass market paperback horror and romance, and in the last two decades is seen by many as a mentor to many authors and the smaller presses, which has become to him a passion. His body of work includes the award-winning macabre aliens-among-us epic The Everborn, The Rag Man, Pray Serpent's Prey, Halloween IV (and its special edition), Diverse Tales, Reads & Reviews, The Wic ... read more
Latest book: Scary Stuff & Things
Visit my Facebook Page Barbara Lund
Award-winning speculative fiction author Barbara Lund has several indie-published novels, dozens of short stories, and has been traditionally published in Daily Science Fiction and L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume 37 (November 2021). She won the Writers of the Future Golden Pen (2021), along with a First Place, three Silver Honorable Mentions, and two Honorable Mentions. She won the 24th Annual Critters Best Magical Realism Short Story. She's always working on new novels and short stories. Add a husband, two kids, and a martial arts obsession, and she keeps pretty busy.
Latest book: Hidden Priestess
Visit my Facebook Page Cat Johnson
Cat Johnson is a top 10 New York Times bestselling contemporary romance author and writes the USA Today bestselling Hot SEALs series. Known for her creative marketing, she owns a collection of cowboy boots for signings, has used bologna to promote romance and has sponsored bull riders. She writes both full length novels and shorter works. Join the mailing list at
Latest book: Home Coming
Visit my Facebook Page Maria InJoy
Maria InJoy (Мария Карпенко Вимла) – психолог, физиогномист, энергетический кинезиолог. Автор проекта «Крылья в Дело»- помощь в реализации талантов личности в профессиональной деятельности. Создатель обучающего портала «Будь светом» «Думаю, что признание и реализация своей уникальной природы — это самый короткий путь к счастью». В прошлом основатель и директор успешной IT компании. На д ... read more
Latest book: Коли серце вимагає змінити професію
Visit my Facebook Page Maureen A. Miller
USA TODAY bestselling author, Maureen A. Miller worked in the software industry for fifteen years. She crawled around plant floors in a hard hat and safety glasses hooking up computers to behemoth manufacturing machines. The job required extensive travel. The best form of escapism during those lengthy airport layovers became writing. Maureen's first novel, WIDOW'S TALE, earned her a Golden Heart nomination in Romantic Suspense. After that she became hooked to the genre. In fact, she was so hooked she is the founder of the JUST ROMANTIC SUSPENSE website. Recently, Maureen branched out into the Young Adult Science Fiction market with the popular BEYOND Series. To her it was still Romantic Suspense...just on a ... read more
Latest book: Borrowed Time
Visit my Facebook Page Zanne Raby
Zanne Raby is a military veteran, having served for over three decades across North America, Europe and the Middle East. Passionate about all things space, her novels weave fast-paced, team-oriented environments into character-based science fiction. Currently residing in a small town on the shores of Georgian Bay, Ontario Zanne enjoys travel, photography, hiking, and gardening. And always, a good story to pass the time.
Latest book: Peril in Paradise
Visit my Facebook Page Omayra Velez
Omayra Vélez has been a scientist, researcher, teacher, Army Officer, but now she is retired and finally has the time to write. The years in the Army gave her the opportunity to travel around the world and gather wonderful experiences, which she now uses to write her books. For now, she lives in Florida and she is enjoying the sunny beaches of Florida. The warm waters make life blissful. Currently, she is a busy bee writing her books and working on making a family greenhouse. Her life is full of crazy fun with her service dog Dexxy.
Latest book: The General's Gift