Felix Pleșoianu


Felix is a life-long geek and speculative fiction reader. Always wanted to write as well, which is exactly what he's doing as of late when he's not making videogames or digital art.

Smashwords Interview

Who are your favorite authors?
That's a complex question... I like many authors, but looking back, my thinking was mostly influenced by Asimov (specifically the Caves of Steel trilogy), Heinlein and Michael Moorcock (especially the End of Time stories). More recently, Phil Geusz (who has a presence right here on Smashwords) managed to blow my mind with his David Birkenhead series.

Note, I'm talking strictly about those authors whose books really changed the way I think -- the list would be a lot longer if I included everyone I *liked*...
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
The first story.... woo... who could say? But the first serious novels I read were The Three Musketeers and The Odyssey of the Space Beagle, both at the age of 5. The impact, I believe, is quite obvious...
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Felix Pleșoianu online


Clash of Cultures
Price: Free! Words: 31,210. Language: English. Published: February 6, 2016 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Short stories
Five stories, five protagonists, a common theme: people from vastly different civilizations suddenly must live together and learn how to survive now that their worlds are touching. Will they find common ground despite starting off the wrong foot, or are they doomed to remain wary and fearful of each other?
Little Magic
Price: Free! Words: 12,480. Language: English. Published: January 30, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » General
Shipwrecked on a distant shore, with no hope of returning home, Jinx only possesses one thing of value: a unique magical ability. But soon that will make all the difference in the world.
Afterlife by Night
Price: Free! Words: 14,750. Language: English. Published: January 15, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal, Fiction » Fantasy » Urban
There's a power struggle in the Afterlife, and newly deceased Anton lands straight in the middle of it. But is the Grim Reaper just a disinterested friend and mentor, or does he have ulterior motives?

Felix Pleșoianu's tag cloud

Smashwords book reviews by Felix Pleșoianu

  • Ship's Boy on Nov. 29, 2013

    Are you a fan of classic space opera? Do the words Vorkosigan Saga tell anything to you? Then you're going to love Ship's Boy. Be warned though that it's not a stand-alone novella, but rather the first episode in a series; you'll have to read more of them to get any kind of closure. But if you like this one, you'll probably want to anyway, so.
  • Above The Clouds on Jan. 15, 2014

    Take The Machine Stops, add a good dose of Romeo and Juliet and mix well. Sprinkle a dust of post-apocalyptic steampunk, and you get Above the Clouds, the story of two AI-driven airships who fall in love during a war -- a theme fairly uncommon even in genre fiction. For the more sensitive readers, it's also a feel-good story with a happy ending... or is it? Read to find out.
  • Sixes Wild: The Bluff on Jan. 24, 2014

    Here's a book I keep hearing about, and if it was available on Smashwords I'd buy it on the spot, especially after reading this promotional comic, because it promises to be funny and sweet and exciting -- a modern Western with modern sensibilities. I really want to see more!
  • Lust at First Bite 1: Bury Me on March 06, 2014

    Disclaimer: I'm a friend of the author's, and not normally in the market for erotica, so take the following with a grain of salt. I hesitated for a long time to read a book labeled "erotica", because I don't see the point of smut for the sake of it. I should have suspected that the author of Bury Me is smarter than that: the sex scenes are there for a reason, serving to define both the protagonists and the relationship between them. And for what it's worth, they also work really well. *Looks down, blushing.* But there's more in the book: sweet, tender romance that made me go "d'awww!" more than once, and vampire drama, which I imagine only seems fresh for me because I haven't read that many vampire stories. Just the big classics in fact. But then again, perhaps I'm being unfair here. If I was to criticize Bury Me for something, it would be the writing, which isn't quite there yet. But that stopped bothering me soon enough, which is testimony of the work's overall quality, and besides, it's a debut; give this author a break! Overall, it was an enjoyable reading that made me want to read more of the same. Not the kind of book you'll see nominated for awards, but the kind that will keep you good company on a rainy afternoon. And sometimes that's exactly what I need.
  • Space Man's Burden on March 13, 2014

    I had some difficulty getting into this book at first. Should have trusted the author more, really. Say what you want, Phil Geusz is a master of suspense, the characters are well-rounded and sympathetic, and the fictional environment comes alive in a spectacular fashion. Sure, the story is just a Lost World scenario in a Standard Sci-Fi Setting (look them up on TVTropes), and the book's political message is controversial at best. But there are many nice touches along the way, and the mystery that builds up steadily has a satisfying resolution. At the very least, Space Man's Burden gave me a lot to think about in addition to being entertaining, so I can't *not* recommend it. Just give it a chance.
  • Trap Me! - Finally, a Happy Gay Furry Adventure on March 05, 2015

    Imagine one of those whacky cartoons with talking animals, except in book form (charmingly illustrated, no less). Take a steampunk world with a mysterious past, that runs on the Rule of Cool. Add two awkward boys, not much older than twelve by the way they act. They'll embark on an ill-conceived adventure, cause trouble all along the way and unearth a centuries-old secret -- quite literally at that. All this while improbably falling in love, a new feeling for both of them. There's action, romance, puzzles to figure out, and quite deep musings on ethics and society for what is technically a light-hearted Young Adult book. The writing isn't quite there yet, and the book feels shorter than its 70K word count, but a sequel is in the works, so all is good. Recommended.
  • Shardfall on March 28, 2016

    There's a funny story about me and this book. I stumbled upon it once on Smashwords and dismissed it. Then I stumbled upon it again on Wattpad, and this time decided to give it a change. (How ironic for a story about fate.) And you know what? I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. Here's a fantasy novel steeped in real history -- taking place in a mythical Scandinavia -- that nevertheless emphasizes the fantastic element. A harsh world where people nevertheless have empathy, weeping for the dead even though life is cheap, and many villains still have honor. A low fantasy story that still features more magic -- full of wonder and variety -- in the first book alone than the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy. A book set in the Dark Ages that somehow manages to be deeply feminist. Last but not least, a book about coming of age, friendship, loyalty and belonging, that can appeal to young adult and mature readers alike. I'd dock a star for the cliffhanger ending, but it doesn't hurt the book that much after all, and it's just two more books to buy, so all is fine. Highly recommended.