Socialbuzz: Directory of Smashwords Users on Twitter

Follow me on Twitter at @kelseyraek Kelsey Keating
Kelsey Keating doesn’t know the meaning of the word “bored”. Living by day as a blue monkey in a brown monkey world, she moonlights in the realm of writers, weaving tales of adventure, fantasy, and romance. When she’s not writing, she can often be found embracing her swanitude or soaking in all that God’s beautiful earth has to offer…even if she’s not so fond of actual “earth” (ewww. Outdoors!). A student of media, Kelsey considers acting a hobby, critiquing movies a calling, and riding unicorns through rainbows a daily expectation. Driven by her love of Fantasy, Kelsey’s novels reflect the wonderment imagination can dream up. 
Latest book: A Stolen Crown
Follow me on Twitter at @kelseyketch Kelsey Ketch
Kelsey Ketch is a young-adult/new-adult author, who works as a Wildlife Biologist and Data Analyst. During her free time, she can often be found working on her latest work in progress. She also enjoys history, mythology, traveling, and reading. For more information, please visit her site at
Latest book: The Defining Moment
Follow me on Twitter at @K_reedauthor Kelsey Reed
Kelsey has a warm and fun-loving nature. A hybrid between rhythms of life, extrovert versus introvert. She enjoys spending time in nature, especially with her family. Her children are her treasures and anchors in life. But, her great love in life is storytelling, using her imagination to create worlds wherein others might find their true selves.
Latest book: The Tribe of Lion - Warrior Heart Trilogy
Follow me on Twitter at @KelseyJMills Kelsey J. Mills

Latest book: Yesterday's Feelings
Follow me on Twitter at @krcopywriter Kelsey Ray Banerjee
Hi, I’m Kelsey. Memphis raised, indefinitely living outside the U.S. of A. More of an immigrant than an expat. When I’m not working or writing, you can find my drinking chai, sketching, reading, or making calzones and cakes. My first poetry collection, Shy Anger, will be published on August 21st, 2020.
Latest book: Shy Anger: A Poetry Collection In Three Parts
Follow me on Twitter at @kelsie_blanton Kelsie Blanton
Kelsie Blanton is a fun-loving young woman from a small town in Kentucky. Writing has always been her passion and when she’s not working at her full-time job, she is at home writing on something. Her hobbies include reading, writing, singing (poorly), dancing (again, poorly), and talking…a lot. Surrounded by amazing friends and family that support her, Kelsie is following her dreams. Happy reading!
Latest book: Broken Pieces
Follow me on Twitter at @HargisKelson Kelson Hargis
Kelson Hargis is an author, analyst, and professional technical writer for a Fortune 100© insurer. He has a B.S.|B.A. in Organizational Innovation which he’s found to be completely useless. He’s also an internet entrepreneur and partner at 1106 & Darkhouse Films where he’s still forbidden from touching any equipment. Their 2016 Cincinnati 48 Hour Film Project entry Abaddon was critically acclaimed by close friends, relatives, and anyone remotely familiar with the disturbing nature of Kelson’s horror fiction. He’s occasionally permitted to relieve himself, eat, or sleep when he meets scripting word counts, casting, sourcing, and project management objectives. Kelson has published horror shorts suc ... read more
Latest book: Brilliance
Follow me on Twitter at @kelsykasey Kelsy Kasey
I read and write smut. The dirtier and more taboo the better. I have very few hard limits in what I read, write, and in my personal experiences. I suck on social media. I have a website but it is mostly ignored because I have not had time to go back into i Note that there are other Kelsy Kasey books on Amazon that aren't published on Smashwords. These books are in KU until the 90-day exclusivity ends. The books published on Smashwords were blocked from publication on Amazon.
Follow me on Twitter at @KelviaJohns Kelvia-Lee Johnson
The Nefaliem Universe, is created by author Kelvia-Lee Johnson, with her first book released Vampieruz which is now available on Amazon. She’s dedicated most of her time to other things but when she has the time—writing becomes more than just another hobby. With a fantasy science-fiction world, Kelvia throws her characters and readers into the most dangerous of scenarios. With blood curdling action, maritime warfare, the Codex of Innocence Series, Ordinal Novella Series and many more is encrypted in a world of death and destruction leaving very little time for a perfect fairytale. Author Kelvia-Lee Johnson, first published her book, under the name ‘Kia Scarlette’, at the age of twenty and is the creat ... read more
Latest book: Nefaliem
Follow me on Twitter at @KelvinBaggs Kelvin Baggs
Kelvin Baggs was seriously bitten by the “travel bug” many years ago and loves to spend his spare time travelling the world in search of interesting cultures and food. Kelvin has travelled to many countries including Australia, Canada, England, Bali, Cambodia, China, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, Thailand, Taiwan and Vietnam - just to name a few. For more than 10 years Kelvin has been booking his own travel online, enjoying the experience of researching his destinations and finding some great bargains online. After years of booking his own travels, Kelvin has shared his tips, ideas and experiences in ... read more
Latest book: How to Book Your Own Travel and Save
Follow me on Twitter at @JasiKelvin Kelvin Jasi
Kelvin Jasi is a young dynamic man keen interested in writing some kind of fiction and poetry he'd like to read for a very long. Thank you for supporting an indie author. Anything you can do whether it be writing a review or telling a fellow reader how you enjoyed this will keep the ball rolling. Please tell me what you think and send me ideas. My email address is and I'd love to hear what direction you want any sequels to these stories take! Sponsoring your author is welcome and greatly appreciated. You can contact the author or bless through PayPal Thank you.
Latest book: Murozvi
Follow me on Twitter at @Kevin___Fitness Kelvin Mbalu
Kelvin Mbalu is a Professional Author, Blogger, Fitness Coach and has a Sound Political Feed, in one of the fastest growing economies, Kenya. His art has won him a series followers and he uses it to keep them GLUED. You feel like you are speaking through his struggles in a well built character, in every book, and while you listen to yourself, you cant afford to miss...episode, after episode. Try every one of MY BOOKS!!
Latest book: SHADOW OF EVIL
Follow me on Twitter at @knamwanza Kelvin Namwanza
Kelvin Namwanza is an author, leadership expert ,NLP practitioner, inspirational speaker, strategic advisor and innovative thinker. Standing at the nexus of spirituality and a quest for knowledge, Kelvin teaches strategies for success that empower people from all walks of life to unlock their latent potential and foster creativity to transform their work as well as reshape not only their own future, but also the future of those to come. Known for his authenticity and far-reaching care for people, Kelvin melds unique insights gained from his life experiences to inspire change. He believes that all we need to become noble and impactful individuals that are capable of leaving an indelible mark is within reach. ... read more
Latest book: Fashioning Your World
Follow me on Twitter at @Kelvinoralph Kelvin O'Ralph
I love creating stories people can relate to. I began my writing journey as a paranormal/fantasy author, but now I am proud to inform everyone I have found a genre I love writing, and it is Suspense. I want anyone that picks up my book(s) to appreciate the plot of the story, and not be distracted by paranormal or fantasy elements. I am currently working on two projects. One is a short story suspense series titled "Sandville High" and the other is a thriller/suspense novel that will be completed before the year ends. My major influences have been Danielle Steel, Mary Higgins Clark, J.K. Rowling, Lee Child. I love football (soccer) and adore Emma Watson (the girl from Harry Potter).
Latest book: Sandville High (Season One)
Follow me on Twitter at @ksulugwe Kelvin Sulugwe
Kelvin Sulugwe is a Malawian author, entrepreneur and diplomat who was born and raised in Mchinji, Malawi. He is the founder Akometsi Group based in Malawi's Capital City, Lilongwe. Kelvin Sulugwe has authored two books, Life is a Journey and In Honest Ways, both of which are available on Digital Platforms including Amazon and Google Books. In Honest Ways book was also made into audio books and is available for downloads on Malawi’s leading music and audio websites as well as streaming sites such as Spotify and iTunes. His contributions are published on both print and online media in Malawi and across Africa with most of them also available on his website: is external). ... read more
Latest book: In Honest Ways
Follow me on Twitter at @kelvinjwade Kelvin Wade
Kelvin Wade is a 45 year old freelance writer/author. He has written an opinion column, "The Other Side" for the Daily Republic in Fairfield, California for 19 years. He has also done technical writing, newsletter design and production for various homeowner associations from Pacific Grove to Roseville, California. He also currently writes for the iPinion Syndicate. He helped co-found the Bay Area Survivors of Suicide and worked with the group for years before rolling it into the national organization. He wrote a column on dealing with the aftermath of suicide for the group's newsletter. He got his start writing for the Daily Republic in junior high when he wrote a column called "The Bear Facts" reporting on h ... read more
Latest book: MORSELS Twisted Tales of Life and Death Vol. 2
Follow me on Twitter at @ArchiveZero Kelvin C. Bias
Kelvin C. Bias has written for the Los Angeles Times, The Dallas Morning News, The Washington Post and Sports Illustrated, where he has been a reporter since 1995. He graduated from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts, Dept. of Dramatic Writing, with an M.F.A. in Screenwriting in 2000 and received his B.A. in political science from the University of Arizona in 1995. His independent short films and feature film Noctambulous (2011) have screened at festivals worldwide. You can watch his short films on his Vimeo channel: For more information on Noctambulous, visit: His favorite authors include: Rod Serling, John Christopher, Madeline L'Engle, Arthur C. Clarke, J.D ... read more
Latest book: Milkman: A Novel
Follow me on Twitter at @ropeskin Kelvin James Roper
Kelvin James Roper is a freelance writer, author, artist, editor of The Locked Book Magazine, and co-host of the iBits podcast. Winner of the BT Millennium Man competition, he writes for many online publications, specialising in consumer electronics and short fiction. His first book, Elysium, is a three part novel that will conclude at the end of 2017, and is published by Red Crow. His latest project is an dark and epic fantasy to be published soon.
Latest book: The Meteorologist
Follow me on Twitter at @KEMAL_ARAS_ Kemal Aras
ÖZGEÇMİŞ KEMAL ARAS KİMDİR? ZORLU ADAMIN ZORLU HİKÂYESİ? 23.11.1967 yılında 1.100 gr. olarak Konya’da dünyaya geldi. Doktor annesine; “Bu çocuk ölür!” dediğinde merhametli annesi; ”Allah dilerse ölür!” diye cevap verdi. Doktor bu söze çok kızmış... Çocuk yaşlarında simit satmaya, ayakkabı boyamaya başladı. Bazen satış menüsüne kuruyemişleri de ilâve ederdi. Baskülle, Alaaddin Tepe’sinde insanları tartarak üç-beş kuruş kazanmaya çalışırdı. Simit satmada ustaydı, sabah ezânıyla kalkar, 150 simidi çabucak satıp âilesine katkı da bulunursa sevinirdi, Rabbine şükrederdi. Hasat zamanı köyü olan Akburun’da, yakıcı sıcakta nohut ve buğday t ... read more
Latest book: Kur’ân: Ebedî Doğrular “Putlara Ultimatom” Cilt II
Follow me on Twitter at @Kemberlee Kemberlee Shortland
Kemberlee is a native Northern Californian who was raised in a community known as Steinbeck Country, home to authors John Steinbeck, Jack London, Robert Campbell, Robert Louis Stevenson, George Sterling, Robinson Jeffers, Mary Austin... just to name a few. With so much influence around her, it’s not hard to see why she fell in love with the printed word. In 1997, Kemberlee couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend six months in Ireland, where she met a man who eventually became her husband. Upon permanently relocating to Ireland, Kemberlee established an Irish travel consultancy, building a reputation as one of Ireland's foremost Irish travel experts. Kemberlee has had the opportunity to study Ireland's his ... read more
Latest book: The Power of Love
Follow me on Twitter at @lovetalkstv Kemi Olutunbi
Kemi Olutunbi is a lifelong learner and adventurer who is passionate about people encountering God’s love, power and manifest presence and seeing His purposes fulfilled in our generation. She longs for people to discover themselves in God, flourish and excel in their God-given gifts and destinies and fulfil God’s calling by making a difference in our world. She believes there is so much more to each of us than is visibly obvious; strengths yet to be discovered, desires yet to be pursued, and dreams yet to be realised. We are made for more. Kemi is passionate about relationships - marriage, family and friendships - and fulfilling the different roles designed for her by God. However, her most treasured role ... read more
Latest book: Made4More
Follow me on Twitter at @kemisogunle Kemi Sogunle
Kemi Sogunle is an award-winning certified life and relationship coach , award-wining international speaker and multi-award-winning author of "Love, Sex, Lies and Reality," "Being Single," "Beyond the Pain" and "On Becoming Restored." Kemi's purpose in life is to help single men and women to navigate the murky waters of life and relationships, overcome challenges/ roadblocks and build positive and healthier relationship habits while living truthfully and purposefully to make their lives become better not bitter. Learn more about Kemi Sogunle at Books Published: • Love, Sex, Lies and Reality • Being Single • Beyond the Pain • On Becoming Restored
Latest book: Beyond the Pain: A Return to Love
Follow me on Twitter at @flashlegs38 Kemosabe
Linton Lewis *~KEMOSABE~* Writes #fempowerfiction Bold and Boiled Hard digitally published novels by Ediva Sin City Crime Novels, THE BLACK WIDOW RANCH THE RIVER NILE, The Hollywood Crime Novels MACHALAND THE PECKING ORDER Candy Rules Novel, COMING OUT, All can be purchased digitally at Kindle, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Apple, Sony, Diesel, Kobo, etal. Linton Lewis grew up in Atlanta and attended Georgia Tech University before enlisting in the navy. He studied acting at the Academy Theatre in Atlanta and pursued an acting career in Hollywood while working as a caddy and assistant caddymaster at Bel Air Country Club. He worked as a craps dealer and supervisor on the Las Vegas Strip. He sold re ... read more
Latest book: The River Nile: The Sin City Novels 2
Follow me on Twitter at @Kenanderson123 Ken Anderson
SHE REFUSES TO LEAVE Author Ken Anderson has a film, television, and sound recording background. He produced the successful and widely acclaimed movie, ‘Naturally Free’, this feature film was distributed throughout Australasia and the USA. Ken has now turned his skills to authoring; ‘She Refuses To Leave’ is a fictional novel which is an outstanding contribution to the genres of Mystery and Romance. Utilizing his interest in cinematography, his characters maintain a screen-like effervescence. They become energised with subtle close-ups and believable dialogue, the reader quickly synchronises with these characters and relishes their direction. Ken’s style of writing is unparalleled in today’s world o ... read more
Latest book: She Refuses To Leave
Follow me on Twitter at @ken_ashdown Ken Ashdown
Ken Ashdown is President of Fifth House Group, a management consulting firm specializing in conflict resolution, team and leadership development for the arts & entertainment industry. A former music journalist, indie label entrepreneur and major label executive, Ken has worked with some of the music industry's biggest stars of the 1980s and 90s including Shania Twain, Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, John Mellencamp, Dire Straits, INXS, David Bowie, Cecilia Bartoli, the Pixies and U2. After serving as Vice President of the Mercury/Polydor division PolyGram Group Canada he was named VP of QDesign Corporation, a leading provider of advanced digital audio compression technologies (now part of DTS). His media appearances ... read more
Latest book: Keep the Drama in Front of the Camera! Conflict Resolution for Film and Television
Follow me on Twitter at @KenBaumbach Ken Baumbach
I view myself as a renaissance man. I’ve done a little of everything over the years: written three books and a few dozen song lyrics, created hundreds of web pages, published two magazines and written dozens of articles from “how‐to” programming to restaurant and movie reviews, built a fence and gate without any help or any instruction (okay, my 7‐year‐old daughter handed me boards), and even helped tear apart and rebuild a car.
Latest book: Mere Theosophy
Follow me on Twitter at @KenBriodagh Ken Briodagh
Ken Briodagh is a writer and editor with nearly two decades of experience under his belt. He is in love with technology and if he had his druthers, he would beta test everything from shoe phones to flying cars. In previous lives, he’s been a short order cook, telemarketer, medical supply technician, mover of the bodies at a funeral home, pirate, poet, partial alliterist, parent, partner and pretender to various thrones. Most of his exploits are either exaggerated or blatantly false and no one can prove otherwise. He lives in Connecticut with his wife, children and dogs. The dogs usually miss him when he’s away.
Latest book: IoT Time: Evolving Trends in the Internet of Things
Follow me on Twitter at @kenkenbusato Ken Busato
I am new to the writing game, and even though The Canadian Highland is my first book, it most certainly will not be my last. I have taught middle school for a number of years, and my writing is for this audience. It's important that we bring history to life, and that is what I do every day in class. This book is simply an extension of my teaching style. I have a little 3 year old, so getting time to write these days has been a challenge. Soon, however, I'll have a new book for readers with another strong female character. The feisty nature of my daughter is the inspiration I use to create characters who are resilient in the face of tremendous odds. Ultimately, it's my hope that others can feel the pass ... read more
Latest book: The Canadian Highland
Follow me on Twitter at @writerkenb Ken Byers
Ken Byers lives in Portland, Oregon. A born and raised in the Northwest writer, his stories take place now or then in Northwest locales that either suggest or describe the wonders of that part of the world. He features life and death situations and possibilities in creative ways. He writes thrillers, mysteries, and speculative fiction. His next project looks at small town life and the challenges of the changing American landscape. He is a train lover and is active in the Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation as editor of the web page.
Latest book: The Weight of the Journey
Follow me on Twitter at @chainfree2b Ken Clifton
A former Liberty University Bible Degree trained Evangelist and Devry University- MBA Accountant that worked for fortune 20 companies. Currently, he lives in Tampa Florida, rebuilding his life after his recent divorce and writes from this inspiration.
Latest book: Godwitch: Being A Christian Witch
Follow me on Twitter at @kencoleman1967 Ken Coleman
Ken Coleman is a Detroit-based communications consultant. His first book is titled: "On This Day: African-American Life in Detroit."
Latest book: Million Dollars Worth of Nerve
Follow me on Twitter at @kendean10 Ken Dean
Born in the U.K. Emmigrated to the U.S. when I was a young child. I have generally been interested in dystopian fiction, but also read a variety from Shakespeare through college texts. I'm a soldier, a nurse, son, brother, many things. I'm bothered by the gradual decline in personal freedoms and sense of self reliance and personal responsibility that I see around me. The reliance and ever increasing big government is troubling to say the least. Much of what I am writing these days focuses on this aspect of the world. I have upwards of 8 books in various degrees of completion that I hope to publish as time slowly ticks by. There's plenty of fodder out there to use as a basis for writing. I thank you for reading ... read more
Latest book: Chainge
Follow me on Twitter at @DoyleKen Ken Doyle
Ken Doyle was born in Bombay, India, into a family with Portuguese and Anglo-Indian roots. He moved to the USA for graduate studies and currently lives in Madison, Wisconsin with his family. His first collection of short fiction, Bombay Bhel, was published in 2013. His other projects include literary fiction and science fiction for young adults.
Latest book: Saturday Date (A Short Story)
Follow me on Twitter at @kensbookinfo Ken Everett
I'm a 61 year old widower of 6 years who is retired and lives in Des Plaines IL. I'm pretty much a stay at home person (especially during these Covid times).  I live with my 2 loyal companions, my 12 year old silky terrier Scottie and my 11 year old American longhair black cat Edy. My passions are reading and cooking. I love writing and this is my second book with a third in the works. My first published book is called The Fermi Paradox which I wrote 15 years ago. I have a website ( that deals primarily in literature, as well as news and info. I also buy and sell textbooks which I like to call textbook arbitrage. I love books because they provide an escape. They allow me to ... read more
Latest book: Babbage
Follow me on Twitter at @kenfry10 Ken Fry
Bestselling thriller author, Ken Fry, holds a university Master's Degree in Literature and has extensively traveled around the world. The places and events are reflected in his stories and most of his tales are based on his own experiences. He was a former publisher before deciding to retire and devote his full time to writing. He now lives in the UK and shares his home with 'Dickens' his Shetland Sheepdog. Fry has published 7 suspense thrillers with more to be released in 2017. The Patmos Enigma, Red Ground, The Lazarus Succession, Suicide Seeds, The Brodsky Affair, and 2 short stories, Check Mate and Is That You, Jim? Join Ken Fry's Circle of Readers and get free books and discounts: http://www.booksbyk ... read more
Latest book: The Chronicles of Aveline: Awakening
Follow me on Twitter at @kengilleo Ken Gilleo
Dr. Ken Gilleo is a retired materials scientist from the electronics industry with a PhD from the University of Connecticut. He developed materials and processes for the printed circuit and semiconductor industries in a career spanning several decades. Dr. Gilleo has authored 9 books and over 500 technical papers. After leaving electronics, he was an expert witness in Federal Courts and the International Trade Commission (ITC) for over a dozen years in litigation involving theft of trade secrets, patent infringement and other intellectual property areas. Now retired, he is a volunteer at the Port Orange Police Department - VIPS - Volunteer in Police Services and also a Special Projects volunteer for the Volusia ... read more
Latest book: Guide for Dumb Crooks
Follow me on Twitter at @kengoudsward Ken Goudsward
I'm a Canadian sci-fi author, and poet, living in northern BC. I enjoy character-driven stories, plausible science, and of course, robots.
Latest book: UFOs In The Bible
Follow me on Twitter at @KenHagdal Ken Hagdal
Ken Hagdal was trained as a control engineer, worked as a programmer and moved on to artsy endeavors and non-academic psychology research, with a focus on coercive persuasion and its manifestations in every area of life. He’s very familiar with victims of abuse in all its forms (sexual, emotional, physical); an experience gained from running a support group on late msn groups, RL involvement and observation, forum moderation, and long-term immersion in fringe groups. Past Writings: Screenplays, including a dark comedy finalist in the 13th edition of the Write Movies contest. Interests: History, Mythology, Sciences, Psychology, Music, Writing, Web Development, Runes, Nutrition, Paranormal, Dream Interpretati ... read more
Latest book: X-Novo
Follow me on Twitter at @kenharvey27 Ken Harvey
Ken Harvey has recently completed a memoir ("A Passionate Engagement") about the same-sex battle in the United States that The Boston Sunday Globe hailed as "MOVING"and "POWERFUL." His collection of stories, "If You Were With Me Everything Would Be All Right," was the winner of the "Violet Quill Award" for best new gay fiction. It was also listed as "a book if note" by the Lambda Literary Review and was a #3 bestseller on the book club. The book has been translated into Italian. Ken lives in Boston and Toronto.
Latest book: A Passionate Engagement: A Memoir
Follow me on Twitter at @ken_knh Ken Hudson
I was born in London quite some time ago. My family emigrated to New Zealand when I was 12. A small but rather beautiful country, New Zealand is tucked away in the south Pacific. Christchurch, my city, suffered two devastating earthquakes in 2010-2011. The centre of the city was almost completely wiped out so we currently live in a donut. Life is still good however in this laid-back place where people treat very seriously their leisure time and their coffee. I first thought of a novel about roundheads far too many years ago. In the meantime I met quite a lot of success as a playwright and prose took a back seat. I have a fascination with social history and the moods of the ages. In my musical Till The Boys Come ... read more
Latest book: The Work of The Devil
Follow me on Twitter at @kennyboy6 Ken Hughes
Ken Hughes is a professionally qualified Mechanical Engineer, a native citizen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, born in Denton, Lancashire, England in 1947 during the period of austerity immediately after the Second World War. He is born and bred of northern stock and inherits the down to earth attitudes typical of that region. As a child, he played in the rubble that was the city of Portsmouth and throughout his life has borne witness to the rebuilding and re growth of the UK. He was educated in the local schools and colleges and attended the University of Portsmouth where he read Mechanical Engineering. He has spent the majority of his career in the process plant design and construction industry, m ... read more
Latest book: The Binary Universe
Follow me on Twitter at @americansoccerd Ken Jones
Kenneth Jones is the author of American Soccer Dream. He is an avid fan of the United States National Soccer Team as well as Chelsea FC. Professionally, Ken leads Xerdict Group LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sedgwick that provides litigation support extranets to clients. Xerdict offers web-based collaboration products that help our clients manage complex litigation data, such as litigation calendars, case management data, litigation costs, discovery materials and litigation documents in a secure and efficient online portal. Mr. Jones' professional history includes information management and applications development positions in Fortune 500 companies, at which he led efforts to build innovative website co ... read more
Latest book: 50 Hockey Rules
Follow me on Twitter at @use_foreclosure Ken Kappel
Author, Ken “Postman” Kappel was known solely as “The Postman” for his first book on the foreclosure disaster: Choose Foreclosure: the Case For Walking Away. Background: Licensed Real Estate Sales Agent in California, current. The Homeowners Economist, web site, where he wrote accurately on the economy (2004-2006), and how it would affect residential homeowners and investors. LampLight Communications Inc. NYC, while pursuing a writing career in NYC he owned and operated an incor-porated expert word processing and training consultancy. He did work for: Goldman Sachs, Drexel Burnham, Mor-gan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, Solomon Brothers, Prudential-Bache Capital Funding, Merrill Lynch; law firms including ... read more
Latest book: Use Foreclosure Law: Second Edition 2012
Follow me on Twitter at @_KenKaufman Ken Kaufman
Ken Kaufman has held leadership and executive positions with many companies for almost two decades. In 2012 he was named by Utah Business as the CFO of the Year. Ken earned a B.S. in business from BYU and an MBA from the University of Georgia in finance and entrepreneurship where he was the most outstanding MBA student of his class. He has committed his career to helping the rising generation of entrepreneurs realize their full potential. He speaks and writes frequently and, in between a weekly date-night with his wife, spending time with his seven children, and other church and volunteer activities, he mentors business students and tries to add value to all of his relationships
Latest book: Impact Your Business: An Allegory Of An Entrepreneur's Journey To Clarity, Cash, Profit, Family, and Success
Follow me on Twitter at @kenkaye_chicago Ken Kaye
Ken Kaye's fiction, available from online booksellers, includes the collection of short stories "Birds of Evanston" and five novels: "Eve" (Adam's memoir, a novella), "The Net", "Eye of the Storm", "Survivors", and "Be the Best". Kaye lives in Evanston, Illinois, where he has worked as a college professor, a family therapist, and a consultant to family-owned businesses. (His nonfiction books are in the field of psychology.) Thirty-five years after his Ph.D., he earned an MFA in creative fiction from Bennington College. email: (and please remember to leave a review of my book at your favorite online retailer)
Latest book: Birds of Evanston
Follow me on Twitter at @icarus745 ken kemper
The idea for the Tempus Bellator series came while I was reading about Hari Seldon, Thomas Covenant, and even the Doctor.
Latest book: Tempus Bellator part 1.1
Follow me on Twitter at @ Ken Kuhlken
Ken Kuhlken's stories have appeared in ESQUIRE and numerous other magazines, been honorably mentioned in BEST AMERICAN SHORT STORIES, and earned a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship. His novels include MIDHEAVEN, finalist for the Ernest Hemingway Award for best first fiction book, and the Hickey family mysteries: THE BIGGEST LIAR IN LOS ANGELES; THE GOOD KNOW NOTHING; THE VENUS DEAL; THE LOUD ADIOS, Private Eye Writers of America Press Best First PI Novel; THE ANGEL GANG; THE DO-RE-MI, finalist for the Shamus Best Novel Award; THE VAGABOND VIRGINS; THE VERY LEAST; and THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING. His five-book saga FOR AMERICA, is together a long, long novel and an incantation, a work of magic created ... read more
Latest book: Hickey & Hickey
Follow me on Twitter at @kenladeroute Ken LaDéroute
Ken LaDeroute is a lifestyle design coach and founder of Clarity Mind Institute and Affirmation Music for Better Outcomes. With more than 30 years of real-world experience, Ken coaches individuals and corporate clients to clarify their vision of their best life and facilitates them achieving it with greater ease and wisdom. Such insight has been gained through studying ancient wisdom traditions, traveling on tour as a musician, running profitable franchise businesses and teaching at the university level to inspire young minds to fulfill their highest potential. And asked about his personal life, Ken admits he is “blessed beyond words.” Anyone can step back and see that Ken has managed to create an amazin ... read more
Latest book: Meditation Changes Everything