Andreas Michaelides


Andreas was born in Athens, the city that gave birth to Democracy, in Greece, the country that taught to the world how to live, think, and have fun. He grew up in the beautiful island of Cyprus. With both of his parents bibliophiles (and his father a high school teacher), Andreas grew up with a love and appreciation for literature. In addition to the books he borrowed from the school library, a stack of encyclopedias taught him about the world. A history lover from age 13, he devoured the memoirs of Winston Churchill and Charles de Gaul, and by age 17, he had read all of Julius Vern's books. After serving his country for 26 months immediately after finishing high school, Andreas studied in Patra, Greece to become a computer engineer. With his Master of Computer Engineering and Informatics, he began working in the Informatics Department of the local university hospital, and started reading again with a vengeance. In 2004, Andreas authored his first book, a historical novel that has not yet seen the light of publication. Leaving it unpublished made him feel like a failure, but a lot has changed since then. Eleven years later, he has successfully quit smoking and has been smoke-free for the past six years. He has also started running again and managed to lose 26 kg (57 lbs). Andreas has run three marathons, as well as many half-marathons and other shorter races. His love for running is what renewed him and actually saved his life. Multiple medical problems pushed Andreas to research and experiment with a plant-based diet; since 2013, he has become a vegan. In addition to running, Andreas enjoys hiking, cycling, playing basketball, camping, photography, and going out with friends and family and having a good time. Andreas is currently working on an upcoming vegan cookbook filled with delicious recipes inspired by Greek cuisine. He hopes to have it published within the next year.

Smashwords Interview

When did you first start writing?
Twelve years ago. I will write short stories about everything I found interesting.
What's the story behind your latest book?
My personal transition from an obese sedentary smoker to a plant based eater, a runner of marathons as a hobby and lean mean sexy running machine (smile)
Read more of this interview.

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Where to buy in print


The Best Way To Stop Smoking Permanently My Quit Smoking Story – Book One
Price: Free! Words: 9,390. Language: Simple English. Published: September 24, 2017 . Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » healthy living, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Healthcare issues
I wasn’t exactly mentally ready yet to be able to stop; my mindset was not fully prepared to face the physiological and emotional steps to becoming a non-smoker.
Six Awesome Personal Short Running Stories By Six Everyday People.
Price: Free! Words: 16,900. Language: English. Published: September 3, 2016 . Categories: Nonfiction » Sports & outdoor recreation » Running & jogging, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Nutrition
I hope the journeys of these six ordinary people will show you that nothing is impossible as long you take the decision to commit and make good time management. Happy reading!
How Running Saved My Life.
Price: Free! Words: 4,410. Language: English. Published: July 10, 2016 . Categories: Nonfiction » Sports & outdoor recreation » Running & jogging
Tiny Revelations There are moments, instances, short time periods, brief encounters with other people, small or big events that, at the time didn’t mean much to you, register any information, or leave an emotional footprint on you right away.
My Weight Loss Story: How To Lose Weight Safely And Permanently.
Price: Free! Words: 4,990. Language: American English. Published: July 9, 2016 . Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » healthy living, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Nutrition
Ignorance is Bliss? When I was younger, I used to quote this phrase a lot to justify other people’s lives and my own life events. Some, I was responsible for, others, I was not. An example is I was a heavy cigarette smoker for 16years, from age 19 to 35. That was not a very wise thing to do. Cigarette smoking is one of the many ways of delivering a highly toxic substance into my body, namely nicot
Sweets I Grew Up With
Price: Free! Words: 2,430. Language: English. Published: March 22, 2016 . Categories: Nonfiction » Cooking, Food, Wine, Spirits » Baking
This small book let contains some recipes of the sweets my mother used to make when I was a kid. I will be updating this regularly. Regards Andreas Michaelides

Smashwords book reviews by Andreas Michaelides

  • Fun with Languages: Tips and Tricks to Master Foreign Languages Easily on April 26, 2017

    Fun with Languages: Tips and Tricks to Master Foreign Languages Easily By Monica Di Santi is a well thought and comprehensive complementary guide to whichever foreign language you are currently studying or intend to start learning. It is a magnificent prepared and organized book that covers a plethora of all the issues that someone might consider while studying a foreign language or she or he is on the verge of starting educating themselves to a new foreign language. The book is covering in remarkably condense structure the benefits of learning a foreign language, how to create a nice habit, how to keep yourself motivated, how to be a successful learner and overcome negative beliefs. It provides a few books that support her claims and methods which I personally found absorbing and useful. At the same time, the quotation from many sources shows that the author did her homework and one thing I like is a good research book. A few books I learned by reading Di Santi’s book are: English As A Global Language, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press (2003) by David Crystal The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg Belief Change by Gentleman Janet and Torrence Diana The book also covers issues of how to work with a foreign language, what to pay extra consideration like poor listening, how to improve your pronunciation, how to write in the foreign language and many more helpful and exciting methods and ideas. Another part of the whole learning a foreign language which is covered in the book is how to learn using technology, how to use humor as an educational venue, how to use multimedia like songs and music to excite and get involved as many of our senses in the learning process. Finally, the author offers ideas methodologies and ways for you to enjoy your foreign language abroad. There is a detailed and complete list of what to have in mind when you are planning for a journey abroad. The traveler’s checklist and the trip safety tips are well researched, and I actually learned a lot. Exquisite complementary philosophical and practical at the same time guide for learning a foreign language. Highly Recommended.