Karen Lynch


Karen Lynch is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author.

She grew up in Newfoundland, Canada - a place rich in colorful people and folklore to which she attributes her love of the supernatural and her vivid imagination. Though she loves supernatural fiction, she has a soft spot for Charlotte Brontë and Jane Austen. She is a fan of classic rock, country and classical music but her favorite music is the sound of a good thunderstorm or a howling blizzard. Her favorite past times are baking for her friends, hanging out by the ocean, and spending quality time with her three dogs.

Smashwords Interview

When did you first start writing?
I started writing and dreaming of publishing a book when I was 11 years old. I wrote four complete books and many partial stories over the years. It wasn't until I wrote Relentless back in 2013 that I finally published a book.
What's the story behind your latest book?
My last release Fated was book six in my series. Chris, who is a character in the main trilogy was so popular my readers wanted his story. I was happy to give it to them.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Karen Lynch online


Price: $0.99 USD.
Price: $4.99 USD.
Price: $4.99 USD.
Price: $5.99 USD.
Price: $4.99 USD.
Price: $4.99 USD.
Fae Games French
Fae Games French edition
Le Pion
Price: $4.99 USD.
Le Cavalier
Price: $4.99 USD.
La Dame
Price: $4.99 USD.
Fae Games
When eighteen-year-old Jesse James’s parents go missing, she enters the dangerous world of Fae bounty hunting to find them.
Price: $0.99 USD.
Price: $4.99 USD.
Price: $4.99 USD.
Relentless (French)
The Relentless series in French
Relentless (French)
Price: $4.99 USD.
Refuge (French)
Price: $4.99 USD.
Rogue (French)
Price: $4.99 USD.
Warrior (French)
Price: $5.99 USD.
Haven (French)
Price: $4.99 USD.
Fated (French)
Price: $4.99 USD.


Series: Relentless. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 127,920. Language: English. Published: March 5, 2024 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » Paranormal
Danielle Danshov has wanted to be a warrior for as long as she can remember. At eighteen, that dream is within her grasp – if she can get through her final year of training, master her Fae magic, and work with the enigmatic new trainer who challenges her as no one else has.
La Dame
Series: Fae Games French. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 125,550. Language: French. Published: July 15, 2022 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
Jesse a récupéré le ke’tain qui avait disparu pour protéger ses parents, mais ce n’est pas sans conséquences. Durant les semaines après avoir frôlé la mort, elle lutte pour s’adapter à sa nouvelle vie, écrasée par le terrible secret qu’elle a appris sur son frère Caleb.
Series: Fae Games. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 129,600. Language: English. Published: February 22, 2022 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » Paranormal
Jesse recovered the missing ke’tain to keep her parents safe, but it came at a high price. In the weeks after her brush with death, she struggles to adapt to her new life, while burdened with the terrible secret she learned about her brother Caleb.
Le Cavalier
Series: Fae Games French. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 131,690. Language: French. Published: February 25, 2021 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
Jesse a tout risqué pour ramener sa mère et son père à la maison, mais sa vie est loin de revenir à la normale. Victimes de perte de mémoire, ses parents ont tout oublié de leur enlèvement et Jesse n’obtient aucune réponse. Pourtant, la menace plane toujours sur sa famille.
Series: Fae Games. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 122,530. Language: American English. Published: January 5, 2021 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
Jesse risked everything to bring her mother and father home, but her life is far from back to normal. With her parents’ memories of their abduction gone, Jesse is no closer to finding answers, and the threat still looms over her family.
Le Pion
Series: Fae Games French. Price: $4.99 USD. Language: French. Published: November 9, 2020 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
Jesse James est une fille normale de dix-huit ans, même si ses parents sont les meilleurs chasseurs de faës de tout New York. Le seul souci de Jesse, dans la vie, c’est le paiement de ses frais universitaires. Mais voilà que tout bascule le soir où ses parents disparaissent.
Series: Fae Games. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 101,600. Language: American English. Published: May 26, 2020 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
Jesse James is a normal eighteen-year-old, even if her parents are the best faerie bounty hunters in New York. Jesse’s only concern is how to pay for college, but that changes the night her parents disappear.
Hellion (French)
Series: Relentless (French). Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 118,590. Language: French. Published: October 1, 2019 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Paranormal, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
Jordan Shaw fait partie des meilleurs guerriers Mohiri débutants. Intrépide et courageuse, elle met un point d’honneur à accomplir chacune de ses missions et à vivre sa vie à fond, même si cela implique d’enfreindre toutes les règles.
Fated (French)
Series: Relentless (French). Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 127,590. Language: French. Published: August 4, 2019 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Paranormal, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
Christian Kent a de nombreuses facettes – guerrier, protecteur, ami, amant –, mais la seule qu’il a toujours refusée, c’est celle de compagnon. Il n’a aimé qu’une seule fille dans sa vie, celle qu’il ne pouvait pas avoir. Il l’a quittée pour la protéger, mais son cœur lui appartiendra toujours.
Haven (French)
Series: Relentless (French). Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 140,670. Language: French. Published: June 16, 2019 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
Tout se passe bien pour Roland Greene. Il a terminé le lycée, il a une nouvelle voiture du tonnerre, un nouveau travail et des projets d’avenir. À l’âge de dix-huit ans, c’est l’un des loups-garous les plus puissants de la meute, et il a déjà tué plus de vampires que la plupart des loups dans toute une vie. Alors pour lui, la vie est belle. À un détail près.
Series: Relentless, Book 7. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 110,540. Language: English. Published: January 8, 2019 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy
Jordan Shaw is one of the Mohiri’s best young warriors. Fearless and bold, she’s passionate about completing every job and living life to the fullest, even if that means breaking all the rules.
Warrior (French)
Series: Relentless (French). Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 252,270. Language: French. Published: December 20, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
Le guerrier a enfin trouvé sa moitié. Nikolas Danshov est la plus fine lame des Mohiri, intrépide et mortel, redoutable avec toutes les armes. Pendant près de deux cents ans, il a consacré sa vie à protéger les humains contre les démons qui arpentent la terre. Respecté par son peuple, c’est une véritable légende, un guerrier invaincu et prêt à tout. Jusqu’à elle.
Rogue (French)
Series: Relentless (French), Book 3. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 154,170. Language: French. Published: June 5, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
Sara Grey en a assez de se cacher et d’avoir peur. Le Maître croit la terroriser, mais elle a repris les rênes de sa vie, et à présent, elle prend les choses en mains. Avec l’aide de ses amis, elle entreprend de retrouver la seule personne capable de répondre à ses questions au sujet de son passé et de les conduire jusqu’au Maître.
Relentless Trilogy
Price: $8.99 USD. Words: 417,950. Language: English. Published: May 10, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
Sara Grey's powerful gift forces her to live a double life as she searches for answers about her father's death. Her separate worlds collide as a sadistic vampire sets his sights on her. Can Nikolas protect her from her new enemies?
Series: Relentless, Book 6. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 116,170. Language: English. Published: February 13, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
The only girl Christian Kent has ever loved, was the one he couldn’t have. He left her to protect her heart, but his own will always belong to her. When they are suddenly thrown together to battle a lethal new foe, old feelings resurface. But will she be able to let go of the old heartbreak and open her heart to him again? Can they come together before they are torn apart forever?
Refuge (French)
Series: Relentless (French), Book 2. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 149,650. Language: French. Published: February 1, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
Pour protéger ceux qu'elle aime, Sara a abandonné tout ce qu'elle connaissait. Tout en essayant de se faire une place parmi les Mohiri, elle doit faire face à ses pouvoirs grandissants et à son mal du pays. Elle se retrouve entraînée dans une aventure à la découverte d'elle-même, qui lui révélera ses véritables forces et l'éveillera à un aspect de sa personne dont elle ignorait l'existence.
Relentless (French)
Series: Relentless (French), Book 1. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 143,560. Language: French. Published: September 10, 2017 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
(5.00 from 2 reviews)
À dix-sept ans, la jeune Sara Grey mène une vie remplie de secrets, animée par le besoin de découvrir la vérité sur la tragédie de son passé. Mais les monstres qu'elle traque sont eux aussi à sa poursuite. Est-elle prête à tout risquer, jusqu'à ses amis et sa famille, pour obtenir enfin les réponses qu'elle cherche ?
Series: Relentless, Book 5. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 129,400. Language: English. Published: May 2, 2017 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
Things are going well for Roland Greene. High school is behind him, he has a sweet new ride, a good job, and he’s making plans for his future. Now he just needs to make it through the annual pack gathering, where every unmated female has their sights on him as a future mate. The last thing he wants right now is a mate, and he’ll do all he can to stay a free wolf - until he meets her.
Series: Relentless, Book 4. Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 235,260. Language: English. Published: October 25, 2016 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
Nikolas Danshov is the Mohiri’s finest warrior, fearless and lethal with any weapon. For almost two hundred years, he has devoted his life to keeping humans safe from the demons that walk the earth. Revered by his people, he is a legend in his own time, a warrior undefeated in battle, and prepared for anything. Until her. Now the warrior has met his match.
Series: Relentless, Book 3. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 143,920. Language: American English. Published: October 27, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
(5.00 from 1 review)
Sara Grey is done hiding and done being afraid. The Master thinks he has her running scared, but she’s taking matters into her own hands and taking her life back. With the help of her friends, she sets out to find the one person who can answer her questions about her past, and who may be able to lead them to the Master.
Series: Relentless, Book 2. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 145,330. Language: English. Published: December 9, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
(5.00 from 1 review)
To keep the people she loved safe, Sara left everything she knew behind. Trying to make a place for herself among the Mohiri, she struggles with her growing powers and her homesickness. She finds herself on a journey of self-discovery that uncovers her truth strengths and awakens a part of her she never knew existed.
Series: Relentless, Book 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 132,150. Language: English. Published: December 26, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
(4.83 from 6 reviews)
Seventeen year old Sara Grey lives a life full of secrets and she is driven by the need to uncover the truth about her tragic past. But while she is looking for monsters, they are also hunting her. Will she risk everything, including her friends and family, to finally get the answers she seeks? And is she prepared for the new man who enters her life and the truths he reveals about her?

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