2persevere by Lana Barry


Lana Barry is a dedicated fitness enthusiast and writer, effective leader, certified project manager, wife, dedicated mother of 3 and human rights advocate.

Lana is the Founder of 2persevere.com, @2persevereHIIT and Author of the interactive 'HIITroks!' fitness eBook.

Follow the HIITnutri online nutrition guide for quick and tasty meal suggestions at 2persevere.com & #HIITnutri on Instagram.

View the HIITroks! workout video previews at the #HIITview interactive gallery on Youtube, Vimeo and 2persevere.com.

HIITroks!© is dedicated to my children, may this book inspire you to live a healthy life, dream big and aspire!

Smashwords Interview

What are you working on next?
I am currently in the process of designing 2persevere.com and making sure that the interactive online video gallery is engaging and accessible to the users. My attention is spent on the details and visual end result.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I do HIIT, I run, hike, bike, ski and spend a lot of time with my children. They are all in multiple sports and there is never a dull moment around the house. My family and I prefer home cooked meals and I really enjoy cooking. The salads that I make are quite appealing and very tasty. They were the drive behind creating #HIITnutri. I love to read and listed to music.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find 2persevere by Lana Barry online


Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 12,350. Language: English. Published: May 28, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Sports & outdoor recreation » Weightlifting, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Food-content guides
The HIITroks!© eBook reveals the fat loss secret that every Fitness pro & CrossFit trainer is talking about. It teaches how to achieve maximum fat loss by jump-starting your metabolism at home. HIIT requires no gym equipment. It teaches how to use your body weight, in order to transform yourself in weeks. Experience the after-burn effect that High Intensity Interval Training delivers.

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