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Smashwords book reviews by RAVENSWOOD PUBLISHING

  • Following My Toes on April 29, 2011

    I have to say I am not one to read this type of story often. I believe todays society calls books like this chick lit. Though after reading this book I can honestly say that I loved it. This story was a whirlwind! It was fun, exciting, and real containing all the emotions every woman has experienced at least once in their lives. I would definitely recommend this book to women who love this type of genre and even ones who have yet to embark upon the journey. The characters are bright, vivid, and balanced. They have real emotion and the story is intriguing, keeping you reading until the very end. There’s an underlying mystery to the entire scenario and I bet you will never guess the answer until the writer reveals it. This book was great! Kudos to Laurel Osterkamp for creating such a great novel!
  • Dirty Little Angels on May 02, 2011

    I think it's been a long time since I have read a story that took me back to my teenage years. Hailey, on the cusp of womanhood goes through so many emotions a lot of which I remember myself experiencing at that age. Chris Tusa has done a remarkable job capturing the depth of feeling and turmoil of a 16 year old girl from a middle-class family background rift with alcoholism, depression, and on the verge of complete poverty, struggling to keep them all together while giving up a part of her own sanity. At times during reading this book there were so many thoughts that paralleled with things I could remember from my own time as a 16 year old that it was simply amazing to read. I felt as if Chris had stood up and allowed Hailey to take his seat at the computer and tell her story first hand. It's rare you find a man able to so effectively capture what it was really like to be a teenage girl in Louisiana trying so hard to hold it all together while questioning not only her faith but her own place in the grand scheme of life. This book was a fantastic read and I would definitely recommend it to any one that enjoys stories that are real and gritty, that can grab you up and toss you into the lives of these very real characters. Without giving away too much I will only say, caution when reading this book... be prepared for some dark times in the life of Hailey Trosclair.
  • POP-splat on May 11, 2011

    IAN MARTIN'S "POP-SPLAT" (A REVIEW) Ian Martin has coined the market on tongue-in-cheek humor. "Pop-Splat" is a hilarious parallel with a modern twist to Shakespeare's "Hamlet". The entire time reading this book it was hard to stop laughing even when some of the parts were sad. This books was an ingenious farce and delightful to read. If you need enjoy dark comedy and interesting remakes of classic characters you will love this book.
  • Guardian of Eden on May 18, 2011

    LESLIE DUBOIS' "THE GUARDIAN OF EDEN" (A REVIEW) If you get the chance to read this book I feel that you should not pass up such a wonderful opportunity. "The Guardian of Eden," is not just the beautiful story of a brother that would do anything to protect the sister he loves and cherishes. This story is an emotional ride that shows what true love really is and what it means to care for someone so much that you'd risk your own life and well-being to make and keep them happy. Garrett Anthony is more than just a brother that loves his sister, he's a genius , a brilliant young man with the ability to have a bright future if it weren't for his horrible family life. From the moment he was old enough to think for himself he was tossed into the role of guardian, protector, and supplier for his younger sister. This young boy became a man because he had no choice and he did what his parents couldn't and didn't want to do. In my eyes this character is a hero, he's the kind of young man that any parent would be proud to have as their son. This story generates so much raw emotion I don't think I've cried like this in quite some time. The depth of love that this book shares with the reader is just phenomenal. Leslie DuBois is a first rate storyteller and her characters are alive, vibrant, and so real that you can't help but feel you truly know them. This is a definite must-read for anyone and I would definitely recommend this book for ages 13 and up. -Kitty Bullard / Great Minds Think Aloud Book Club
  • Kikaffir - a Black Comedy on May 27, 2011

    IAN MARTIN'S "KIKAFFIR" (A REVIEW) Yet another great read by Ian Martin. This darkly humorous book takes you on a dangerously gritty path. It was an enjoyable adventure. I definitely recommend for those that truly have an interest in dark comedy. -Kitty Bullard / Great Minds Think Aloud Book Club Read more: http://www.greatmindsthinkaloud.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=gmta&action=display&thread=193#ixzz1NZQPbOIy
  • Priscilla the Great on July 16, 2011

    SYBIL NELSON'S "PRISCILLA THE GREAT" SERIES (REVIEW) These books are absolutely wonderful. The heroine, Priscilla is spunky, spirited, and completely what you'd expect a 12 year old super girl to be. The message of 'girl power' in these books is one thing that I really loved. This is a series that every young girl should read from ages 9 and up. While I was reading I'd give my own daughter an idea of what the books were about and now she's dying to get her hands on them. I feel that Sybil Nelson has definitely found her niche in the writing world and these books are destined to become huge! I can't wait for more in the series! The story is one that catches you in its grasp and doesn't let go, if you read only one middle-grade series this year you must make it "Priscilla the Great"! Be sure to check out the website for Priscilla as well at: http://www.priscillathegreat.com/ -Kitty Bullard / Great Minds Think Aloud Book Club Read more: http://www.greatmindsthinkaloud.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=gmta&action=display&thread=324#ixzz1SJAEMLrz
  • Priscilla the Great: The Kiss of Life (Book #2) on July 16, 2011

    SYBIL NELSON'S "PRISCILLA THE GREAT" SERIES (REVIEW) These books are absolutely wonderful. The heroine, Priscilla is spunky, spirited, and completely what you'd expect a 12 year old super girl to be. The message of 'girl power' in these books is one thing that I really loved. This is a series that every young girl should read from ages 9 and up. While I was reading I'd give my own daughter an idea of what the books were about and now she's dying to get her hands on them. I feel that Sybil Nelson has definitely found her niche in the writing world and these books are destined to become huge! I can't wait for more in the series! The story is one that catches you in its grasp and doesn't let go, if you read only one middle-grade series this year you must make it "Priscilla the Great"! Be sure to check out the website for Priscilla as well at: http://www.priscillathegreat.com/ -Kitty Bullard / Great Minds Think Aloud Book Club Read more: http://www.greatmindsthinkaloud.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=gmta&action=display&thread=324#ixzz1SJAEMLrz
  • The Assassin Evolves Book Two of the Irrevocable Change Trilogy on July 16, 2011

    R. E. SCHOBERND'S "IRREVOCABLE CHANGE SERIES" BOOKS 2 & 3 (REVIEW) The expansion in books 2 & 3 of the "Irrevocable Change" series is remarkable. Mr. Schobernd writes with precision and accuracy. His books are wonderfully detailed and he takes both time and great care in developing his characters. I highly recommend these books to anyone interested in high crime novels. -Kitty Bullard / Great Minds Think Aloud Book Club Read more: http://www.greatmindsthinkaloud.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=gmta&thread=325#ixzz1SKkPmZdr
  • For Nothing on July 16, 2011

    NICHOLAS DENMON'S "FOR NOTHING" (REVIEW) I have always been fascinated and a little terrified by the world of Mafia families. I must admit that Nicholas Denmon has written a rather alluring piece of fiction that packs in both the politics and action with a punch, I really enjoyed the novel and would love to read more in the near future. -Kitty Bullard / Great Minds Think Aloud Book Club
  • The Day of the Dead on July 16, 2011

    KAREN CHANCE'S "DAY OF THE DEAD" (REVIEW) This is a short story about a young girl looking for her brother during the "Day of the Dead" celebration in Mexico. She ends up becoming the hostage of a Vampire coven and has to be rescued. This story also involves raising Zombies! A good short story with plenty of heart-stopping action! -Kitty Bullard / Great Minds Think Aloud Book Club Read more: http://www.greatmindsthinkaloud.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=gmta&thread=332#ixzz1SLE0W7DH
  • The History of Rock and Roll in 99 tweets on July 18, 2011

    "THE HISTORY OF ROCK -N- ROLL IN 99 TWEETS" BY ANDY SZPUK There are a few words I can use to describe this short story. Fun, cute, silly, and adorable. Andy Szpuk tells the story of a man and his ups and downs with rock -n- roll by way of song excerpts. You can't help but find yourself thrown back in time to your own "Glory Days" while reading it, as you find yourself remembering the songs and singing along. A definite must-read short story. -Kitty Bullard / Great Minds Think Aloud Book Club Read more: http://www.greatmindsthinkaloud.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=gmta&action=display&thread=335#ixzz1SVUqjezF
  • The Dark Gifts Birthright on Aug. 18, 2011

    "THE DARK GIFTS: BIRTHRIGHT" BY WILLOW CROSS I am on a continuous search for something different when it comes to vampires. Not necessarily that the entire concept has to be changed but at least that the story is different and not the same old vampire falls in love with human type deal. I can even deal with that as long as there is an underlying story that drives the synopsis further than just revolving around the romance. I can honestly say that Willow Cross has done just that, she has written a story that moves away from the simple romance we are all so familiar with to an actual plot that is full of action and intrigue. When Liz is turned by accident and not in the usual way you'd imagine, the Council decides that she must stay hidden until they can trust her. All their good intentions come crashing down when those that believe she is a nuisance decide to overthrow the Council once and for all. Her maker Michael and her are plunged into a world full of turmoil as they have no choice but to run for their lives. Another aspect that was refreshing was Willow's use of the Greek Goddesses. I have always wanted to believe that some of the myths from old were still out there, just having put themselves in a place they could live comfortably. What better way to do this than to become a creature with the ability to hide for eternity. I'm a huge fan of Greece and Roman culture so that was another wonderful surprise. I think a lot of people will enjoy this story and it's one that you should definitely pick up! Thank you Willow for the opportunity to read your novel and review it! -Kitty Bullard / Great Minds Think Aloud Book Club Read more: http://www.greatmindsthinkaloud.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=gmta&action=display&thread=414#ixzz1VQI6sntF
  • Spin the Plate Short Story on Aug. 27, 2011

    "SPIN THE PLATE" BY DONNA ANASTASI This was an amazing book, Jo, also known as Julianne has long held back her feelings about the sexual and physical abuse she suffered as a child at the hands of her father. Now much older and working as a tattoo artist at a local shop, she has amazing talent as an artist and she spends her free time searching the streets for animals that have been mistreated. There are moments when the finds turn into altercations that give her the chance to get her anger out in the open by way of physical violence. Jo soon meets a man named Francis that shows her the light of God and helps her bring her father to justice for the crimes he committed against her at such a tender age. This is a story about acceptance, finding love, the courage to do what's right, and the will to accept your life and let go of the past. Wonderfully written with more than one beautiful and important message. You should read this book! -Kitty Bullard / Great Minds Think Aloud Book Club Read more: http://www.greatmindsthinkaloud.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=gmta&thread=431#ixzz1WHlRUDvM
  • Raven (The Raven Witch Saga) on Sep. 01, 2011

    "RAVEN" BY SUZY TURNER Lately I have been stumbling across some of the most amazing YA writers, and Suzy Turner is by far one of the best. I love the fact that she has brought elements of all supernatural beings into her story and the plot was very well thought out where explanations for every aspect were articulated so there was no mistake. She writes with intelligence and precision and the result is something otherworldy and completely beautiful. This story is about Lilly Taylor, otherwise known as Lilly Tulugaq a 13, almost 14 year old girl that has grown up without the true love of a parent her entire life. For so long she has thought it was normal for parents to act the way hers did until they disappear... that's when she starts to find out that her world is anything but normal and her true family is something that fantasies and dreams are made of. When she goes to live with her grandfather Gabriel, she not only finds the acceptance and love she always craved, but she finds an entire world that is far more dangerous than she could have ever imagined. This YA novel is a definite must read and don't miss out on our contest for the sequel this month! But don't read "December Moon" until you've read "Raven" you can find both of these books on Amazon.com. Read more: http://www.greatmindsthinkaloud.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=gmta&thread=438#ixzz1Wl1orL90
  • Watched on Sep. 15, 2011

    "WATCHED" BY CINDY M. HOGAN Poor Christy! It's bad enough to be stalked by possible murderers, but to have two guys you care for suddenly find you interesting... at the same time? Christy is a girl that has spent her life being virtually invisible, but one trip to Washington D.C. changes everything. She goes from being an intelligent, barely seen, little known girl, to being wanted by a group of murderers, harbored by the F.B.I. under protective custody, and adored by two guys that she never would have imagined could even look at her in that way. Not only does she have to help the F.B.I. find out who killed a man and why, but she has to decide which guy is the one for her. This book was emotional on so many different levels it was hard to keep yourself from trying to mentally steer Christy in the way she should go. A fantastic read, full of suspense and excitement! Cindy M. Hogan writes brilliantly and she knows just how to keep you on the edge of your seat. It's virtually impossible to just relax reading this book and when you finish you feel as if you've been right there in the midst of it all! Kitty Bullard / Great Minds Think Aloud Read more: http://www.greatmindsthinkaloud.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=childrens&action=display&thread=637#ixzz1Y36Rn5F5
  • Spoon-fed Addiction on Oct. 30, 2011

    "SPOONFED ADDICTION" BY SILVANO WILLIAMS This book takes you on a journey through the last few moments of the really messed up life of Adiran. Adiran is a drug dealer that seems to stay high on acid most of the time. The story starts off with a journal entry by the one girl that seems to genuinely love him for himself. The entire short story is written on a melancholy note in which Adiran seems to point out, in his own way, just how truly messed up the world is. The points he makes are even valid and really have the power to make you think. The shame of course comes with his untimely death and the loss of a young man that seemed to have a truly remarkable, bright mind regardless of his many addictions. The story was well-written and somewhat philosophical in nature, an interesting and intriguing read. 4.5 Ravens! Kitty Bullard / Great Minds Think Aloud / http://www.greatmindsliterarycommunity.moonfruit.com/
  • Temperature: Dead and Rising on Jan. 05, 2012

    Book Title: "Temperature, Dead and Rising" Author: Adam Santo Published By: Self Published Age Recommended: 15 + Reviewed By: Kitty Bullard Raven Rating: 3 Review: Even though this book had some interesting concepts to it, I couldn't quite understand the idea behind it. It seemed to almost be half vampire, half zombie and I was always unsure about the main character, Sally. For some reason I felt she was taking the whole situation too easily and as for Bo leaving her so soon it was a little strange. She is supposedly going to be hunted by these other undead clans because of her power but he basically leaves her to fend for herself. The story had some good elements and the plot was interesting but I feel that it could have been written a little differently and perhaps a few things changed to make it stand out more. I could never figure out exactly what Sally was suppose to be, whether zombie of vampire and the concept of the undead was something I just couldn't grasp. I suppose I felt like there could or should have been more of a back story to clear things up a bit. Still it was worth the read and I do give it 3 Ravens. I would recommend anyone that may be interested in something a little different to give it a try! Read more: http://www.greatmindsthinkaloud.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=supernatural&thread=976#ixzz1ichGKMp9
  • Shit that Pisses Me Off on Feb. 03, 2012

    Book Title: "Shit That Pisses Me Off" Author: Peg Tittle Published By: Magenta Age Recommended: 18 + Reviewed By: Kitty Bullard Raven Rating: 5 Review: This book had me laughing and had me nodding my head in complete and total agreement with a lot of things Peg Tittle wrote about. When you sit down and think about all the things in life that stumps you or really gets to you, you realize just how insane the world can be! There are so many things out there that often have us scratching our heads as to why people do the things they do and only a few of them are touched on in this delightful, and candidly honest book. I enjoyed it completely and I can't wait to read her next installment which I have the good fortune of knowing it's on its way! So I say to Peg, thank you for the chance to read this informative and honest view of life and what is so wrong with it! I urge others to read this book, there may be some things you don't agree with, but I bet you'll find a lot that you do! If you like blatant honesty with some humor tossed in for fun then you'll love "Shit That Pisses Me Off" by Peg Tittle.
  • Protected on Feb. 28, 2012

    Book Title: "Protected" Author: Cindy M. Hogan Published By: Self-Published Age Recommended: 14 + Reviewed By: Kitty Bullard Raven Rating: 5 Review: "Watched", was unique and so elegantly written that it did no less than amaze me with the brilliance of this author. In a world where danger is real and there are bad people just waiting to hurt you at every turn, Cindy M. Hogan still manages to weave in the hope that is found in believing in a higher power. Christie is is a teen like no other. Though she sees herself as far less than average, she is brilliant, stunning, and a fighter. In this amazing sequel to "Watched", Christie finds herself placed in witness protection and realizes her nightmare is far from over... in fact it's truly just beginning. Still unsure if her heart lies with Alex or Rick, she is thrown into the situation of losing them both yet again. The terrorists are hot on her heels and every false move could mean the end if she cannot let go of her past and become someone new, someone completely different from who Christie could ever imagine being. She has lost everything and has no choice but to start anew. Where will she end up, who will she become, and will she ever see her family again? This is one of the very best YA series I have ever read and it's definitely worth picking up. I think I love this series most because of the real-life drama and situations these teens are put in. The situations are indicative of what could truly happen in today's world and that's what makes it so exciting and thrilling. Packed with a combination of heart-wrenching teen angst and heart-stopping action with the threat of some really bad people, this is one you don't want to miss! Read more: http://www.greatmindsthinkaloud.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=childrens&thread=1160#ixzz1nhBbJxmK