Marata Eros



Tamara Rose Blodgett: Princess of Antiheroes. Duchess of Dark Fiction. Lover or Words. She is also the author of 66 novels, including her NEW YORK TIMES bestselling novel, A TERRIBLE LOVE, and the international/Amazon #1 bestselling TOKEN, Road Kill MC and DRUID serials.

Marata Eros is the pen name for Tamara Rose Blodgett and writes a variety of dark fiction in the following genres of: erotica, fantasy, horror, romantic suspense and sci-fi. She lives in the midwest and Mazatlan Mexico with her family and pair of disrespectful dogs.

After releasing three books with Simon & Schuster (A TERRIBLE LOVE, A BRUTAL TENDERNESS and THE DARKEST JOY) Tamara is a Hybrid Author of both Traditional and Self-published work.

Smashwords Interview

Describe your desk
My desk is my couch that reclines.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in a suburban small city in the Pacific Northwest region just outside of Seattle. Much of my earlier titles are featured in this geographical area and use the vernacular of the area.
Read more of this interview.

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Kevin Shlosberg
Latest book: Pahoa Village Utility Poles.
Published February 27, 2013. (5.00 from 2 reviews)