Seraphim Press

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Seraphim Press is a collaborative publisher of fine non-fiction and fiction books. We also provide consulting services related to intellectual property related legal issues.

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Fruto Prohibido (Edición en español)
Series: Espada de los Dioses, 3. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 115,980. Language: Spanish. Published: April 16, 2023 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera
Ahora que Mikhail y Ninsianna se han confesado finalmente su amor, es cada vez más tentador olvidarse de su tarea. ¿Aa quién le importa un planeta tan primitivo como la Tierra? Mientras tanto, en los cielos, Lucifer urde un plan para utilizar a las mujeres humanas para instigar a los agonizantes Angelicales a rebelarse contra su padre inmortal....
Regină a unui imperiu mai mic (Ediția română)
Series: Sabia Zeilor, 5. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 137,450. Language: Romanian. Published: April 29, 2022 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera
Neștiind că Lucifer a preluat controlul asupra Alianței, Mikhail se străduiește să umple golul lăsat de alungarea lui Jamin pentru a convinge neamul Ubaid să lucreze împreună, nu doar ca sate individuale, ci ca un unic trib unit. Însă acuzațiile Shahlei i-au zdruncinat căsnicia, readucând la suprafață răni mai vechi și o putere primordială pe care niciun muritor de rând nu o poate controla. ....
ជាងនាឡិកា (សៀវភៅប្រលោមលោកខ្នាតខ្លី) - The Watchmaker - បោះពុម្ពជាភាសាខ្មែរ (Khmer Edition)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 2,880. Language: Khmer. Published: April 16, 2021 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal, Fiction » Women's fiction » General
នាង ម៉ារី អូខនើ មានបញ្ហាធំជាងអ្វីដែលជាការពិត ដែលនាឡិការបស់នាងបានគាំងនៅម៉ោង ៣ៈ៥៧ នាទី។ នៅពេលនាងយកនាឡិការបស់នាងទៅរកជាងជួសជុលម្នាក់ នាងដឹងថា នាងបានឈ្នះរង្វាន់ដែលជា ឱកាសដើម្បីរស់នៅម្តងទៀត ក្នុងមួយម៉ោងណាមួយនៃជីវិតរបស់នាង។ ប៉ុន្តែវាសនាបានកំណត់ច្បាប់យ៉ាងតឹងរឹង អំពីការត្រលប់ទៅកាន់អតីតកាល រួមទាំងការព្រមានលើការដែលនាងមិនអាចបង្កើតភាពខុសប្លែកនៅក្នុងអតីតកាលបានទេ។ តើម៉ារីអាចដោះស្រាយកំហុសដែលនាងសោកស្តាយបំផុត នៅក្ន
Prin mijlocul pietrelor scânteietoare (Ediția română)
Series: Sabia Zeilor, 4. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 149,660. Language: Romanian. Published: April 13, 2021 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera
Mikhail are o nouă misiune: să antreneze războinicii pentru a se opune răpirilor misterioase. Dar drumul de la soldat la general nu e niciodată simplu, cu atât mai mult cu cât fiul Căpeteniei îți subminează autoritatea. Provocările se complică și mai tare când se află că „demonii-șopârlă” au pus o recompensă pe capul lui Mikhail. Când un bărbat a căzut din ceruri și a jurat să îi apere satul.....
Thần hộ mệnh bóng đêm (Ấn bản tiếng Việt) (Vietnamese Edition)
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 32,930. Language: Vietnamese. Published: October 5, 2020 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal, Fiction » Fantasy » Contemporary
Bị bạn trai bỏ rơi vào đêm Giáng sinh, Cassie Baruch nghĩ rằng mọi nỗi đau của cô sẽ chấm dứt khi đâm xe vào một cây sồi cổ thụ. Nhưng khi một thiên thần cánh đen lộng lẫy xuất hiện và nói rằng "Đây không phải mấy chyện tình yêu thần dị vớ vẩn đâu, nhóc ạ", cô nhận ra cái chết không thể giải quyết vấn đề của mình. Liệu Jeremiel có thể giúp cô xua đuổi bóng ma quá khứ và kết thúc mọi chuyện không?
Fructul interzis (Ediția română) Romanian Edition
Series: Sabia Zeilor, 3. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 119,360. Language: Romanian. Published: July 31, 2020 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera
Încă de când s-a prăbuşit cu nava sa, Colonelul Forţelor Speciale Angelice, Mikhail Mannuki’ili, s-a luptat cu sentimentul că ar trebui să încheie o anume misiune. Din păcate, accidentul l-a făcut să îşi piardă toate amintirile, astfel că Angelicul nu mai ştie cui ar trebui să i se adreseze sau ce scop avea acea misiune. Acum că el şi Ninsianna şi-au mărturisit în sfârşit iubirea unul faţă de ...
ଦ ୱାଚମେକର: ଏକ ଉପନ୍ୟାସିକା ( ଓଡିଆ ସଂସ୍କରଣ | ) (Oriya Edition)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 10,750. Language: Odia. Published: July 25, 2020 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal
ମାରୀ ଓ'କୋନାଇର ତା’ର ଘଣ୍ଟା 3:57 ରେ ବନ୍ଦ ହେବା ଅପେକ୍ଷା ବହୁତ ବଡ ସମସ୍ୟା ଅଛି | ଯେତେବେଳେ ସେ ନିଜ ଘଣ୍ଟାକୁ ଏକ ଦୟାଳୁ ମରାମତିକାରୀଙ୍କ ନିକଟକୁ ଆଣନ୍ତି, ସେତେବେଳେ ସେ ଜାଣନ୍ତି ଯେ ସେ ଏକ ଅଦ୍ଭୁତ ପୁରସ୍କାର ପାଇଛନ୍ତି, ଜୀବନର ଏକ ଘଣ୍ଟା ପୁନର୍ବାର ଜୀବନଯାପନ କରିବାର ସୁଯୋଗ କିନ୍ତୁ ଭାଗ୍ୟକୁ ଅତୀତରେ ପକାଇବା ବିଷୟରେ କଡା ନିୟମ ରହିଛି, ସେ ଚେତାବନୀକୁ ଅନ୍ତର୍ଭୁକ୍ତ କରି ସେ ଏକ ସମୟ-ବିରୋଧାଭାସ ସୃଷ୍ଟି କରିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ | କଣ ମାରୀ ଏ ଦୁନିଆର ସବୁଠୁ ଅଧିକ ଅନୁତାପ....
Hodinář: noveleta (České vydání) (Czech Edition)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 9,930. Language: Czech. Published: July 20, 2020 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Contemporary, Fiction » Women's fiction » General
Marie Schmidt má důležitější starosti než její nefungující hodinky. Když totiž rozbité hodinky přinese k tajemnému opraváři, zjišťuje, že dostala neobvyklou příležitost: šanci znovu prožít jednu hodinu svého života. Osud však má přísná pravidla ohledně rýpání do minulosti, včetně zákazu vytvoření časového paradoxu. Je Marie schopna vyrovnat se s chybou, které lituje ze všech nejvíce?
Fruto Proibido (Edição Portuguesa) (Portuguese Edition)
Series: Espada dos Deuses, 3. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 119,260. Language: Portuguese. Published: June 21, 2020 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera
Desde que sua nave caiu, o Coronel das Forças Especiais Angélicas Mikhail Mannuki'ili tem tido uma sensação pertinaz de que ele deveria completar uma missão. É uma pena que a queda o tenha deixado sem memória sobre a quem ele deveria contar, ou qual era a missão originalmente. Agora que ele e Ninsianna professaram seu amor, é bastante tentador esquecer. Afinal, quem se importaria com um remanso...
Die Kalifaat: ‘n Post-Apokaliptiese Spannings Verhaal (Afrikaans Edition) (Afrikaanse uitgawe)
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 80,530. Language: Afrikaans. Published: April 28, 2020 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense, Fiction » Adventure » War & military adventure
Eisa McCarthy woon in Kalifaatstad onder die beheer van die radikale Islamitiese groep, die Ghuraba. Sewe jaar gelede het Generaal Mohammad bin-Rasulullah die Verenigde State in 'n meedoënlose verraad verslaan en hulle wêreldwye Kalifaat opgerig in die ruïnes van Washington, DC. Die hoogste heilige leier van Ghuraba, die Abu al-Ghuraba, beweer dat Eisa se vader hom beheer oor die VSA se ....
Il califfato: Un thriller distopico (Edizione Italiana)
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 78,440. Language: Italian. Published: December 17, 2019 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense, Fiction » Science fiction » Apocalyptic
Eisa McCarthy vive nella Città del Califfato, sotto il controllo del gruppo radicale islamico Ghuraba. Sette anni prima il generale Mohammad bin-Rasulullah ha sconfitto gli Stai Uniti con uno spietato tradimento e ha fondato il loro Califfato mondiale sulle rovine di Washington D.C. Il supremo sacro comandante del Ghuraba, l’Abu al-Ghuraba sostiene che il padre di Eisa gli abbia dato il.......
Меч на боговете (Българско издание)
Series: Меч на боговете. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 63,390. Language: Bulgarian. Published: December 10, 2019 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera
Михаил Маннуки'или от Ангелските военновъздушни сили се събужда смъртно ранен в своя разбит кораб. Жената, която спасява живота му, притежава способности, които му изглеждат познати, но без спомени за миналото си той не може да си припомни защо!
Gotycki Anioł Świąt (edycja polska)
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 24,550. Language: Polish. Published: October 15, 2019 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Paranormal
Porzucona przez chłopaka w dniu Wigilii Bożego Narodzenia Cassie Baruch myślała, że jej ból zakończy się, gdy wyceluje swoim samochodem w stare drzewo bukowe. Ale kiedy ukazał się jej wspaniały anioł o czarnych skrzydłach i powiedział „to nie żaden cuchnący romans paranormalny, dzieciaku,” zdała sobie sprawę, że śmierć nie rozwiąże jej problemów. Może Jeremiel pomógłby jej wypędzić w przeszłość...
Non c’è posto per gli angeli caduti (Edizione Italiana)
Series: La Spada degli Dei. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 96,580. Language: Italian. Published: October 13, 2019 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera
Precipitato sulla Terra senza alcun ricordo del proprio passato, il colonnello delle Forze Speciali Angeliche Mikhail Mannuki'ili non ha altra scelta che integrarsi nel villaggio di Ninsianna. Ma il figlio del Capo, Jamin, è determinato a mandarlo via. Quando la sua conoscenza tecnologica avanzata si dimostra ampiamente inutile per una cultura dell'età della pietra, Mikhail deve fare una scelta...
Kyk ‘n Vaal Perd (Afrikaanse uitgawe) (Afrikaans Edition)
Series: Die Veiling Trilogie: 'n Hedendaagse Jane Eyre. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 62,520. Language: Afrikaans. Published: October 11, 2019 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Women's fiction » General, Fiction » Literature » Literary
Al wat Rosie Xalbadore wil hê is ‘n werk vir die somer, en dan sal sy na beter dinge aanbeweeg- soos ‘n posisie as ‘n hoërskool onderwyseres by ‘n regte skool, met medies, voordele, en geen onderlangse aanmerkings oor “die oppasser” nie. Om emosioneel betrokke te raak by Adam Bristow sou ‘n groot fout wees. Eerstes, omdat hy tegnies nogsteeds getroud is. En tweedens, omdat sy mal eks-vrou.........
Put van Drome (Afrikaanse uitgawe)
Series: Die Veiling Trilogie: 'n Hedendaagse Jane Eyre. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 69,020. Language: Afrikaans. Published: June 6, 2019 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Women's fiction » General, Fiction » Literature » Literary
Al wat Rosie Xalbadore wil hê is ‘n werk vir die somer. Om emosioneel betrokke te raak by Adam Bristow sou ‘n groot fout wees omdat sy mal eks-vrou aanhou om op te daag en haar dogtertjie as ‘n wapen te gebruik om vir Adam terug te lok. Dinge lyk hopeloos totdat ‘n vreesaanjaende nuwe spook ruiter––‘n man op ‘n geverfde hings––in Rosie se drome verskyn in Boek 2 van "Die Veiling Trilogie."
Divorce Bootcamp for Low- and Moderate-Income Women (6th Edition): A Step-by-Step Guide to Navigating Divorce
Price: $13.99 USD. Words: 228,730. Language: English. Published: December 15, 2018 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Nonfiction » Law » Family law » Divorce & separation, Nonfiction » Relationships & Family » Divorce
Do you know what assets or how much alimony or child support you are entitled to receive? Has your spouse threatened to leave you penniless? Have you spoken to an attorney and gotten sticker-shock? We'll walk you through the process, from planning to launching your own trial, alongside a hypothetical self-represented woman. This is the only book written by an attorney who was once in your shoes!.
لو كانت الأماني خيولًا - الطبعة العربية (If Wishes Were Horses) (Arabic Edition)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 45,000. Language: Arabic. Published: September 1, 2018 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Women's fiction » General, Fiction » Romance » Contemporary
بعد أن أُلقيَت على المذبح وتُركَت دون منزل، أخذت 'روزي زالبادورا' وظيفة مربيّة على أطراف المناطق الريفية النائية في أستراليا٬ وهناك تلتقي بـ 'بيبا بريستو'، وهي فتاة حسّاسة تواجه مرارة طلاق والديها بالسفر إلى العالم الخيالي للجنيات والخيول أحادية القرن. اهتمت روزي بمساعدة بيبا لتخطّي تأخّرها في دراستها، وأصبحت كحجر شطرنج في نزاع الحضانة بين والد بيبا آدم، وزوجته الأنانية وريثة النفط. ...
Gotiskais Ziemassvētku eņģelis” (Izdevums latviešu valodā) (Latvian Edition)
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 25,670. Language: Latvian. Published: August 18, 2018 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » General
Kesiju Baruču Ziemassvētku vakarā pameta puisis, viņa cerēja, ka viņas sāpes beigsies, kad viņa triecās ar savu mašīnu senajā dižskābarža kokā. Bet, kad viņas priekšā parādījās skaists eņģelis ar melniem spārniem un teica: '’Šī tev nav smirdīga paranormāla romance, bērns,'’ viņa saprata, ka nāve nav atrisinājusi visas viņas problēmas. Vai Džeremiels varēs viņai palīdzēt atbrīvoties no pagātnes...
Un Gotico Angelo di Natale (Edizione Italiana) (Italian Edition)
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 28,370. Language: Italian. Published: August 11, 2018 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal, Fiction » Romance » New adult
Lasciata dal suo fidanzato il giorno della vigilia di Natale, Cassie Baruch pensa di poter mettere fine al suo dolore quando decide di schiantarsi con la macchina contro un vecchio albero di faggio. Ma quando appare un meraviglioso angelo dalle ali scure e gli dice “Questa non è una maledetta storia d’amore soprannaturale, ragazzina”, lei realizza che la morte non ha risolto i suoi problemi...
Eis um Cavalo Amarelo (Edição Portuguesa)
Series: Canção do Rio. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 60,760. Language: Portuguese. Published: May 11, 2018 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Women's fiction » General, Fiction » Literature » Literary
Com Eva em pé de Guerra, suas aspirações românticas suspensas, e o Rancho do Rio Condamine em risco de ser vendido como um espólio de guerra no amargo divórcio de Adam, a última coisa que Rosie Xalbadora precisa é outro problema. Mas às vezes o coração não dá ouvidos à razão. Quando Pippa implora para que ela resgate um pequeno pônei branco do abate, a compaixão inoportuna delas coloca a disputa..
Готически Коледен Ангел (Българско издание)
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 27,380. Language: Bulgarian. Published: April 25, 2018 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Science Fiction
Изоставена от своя приятел на Бъдни вечер, Касандра Баръч бе решила да приключи своето страдание като засили колата си към едно старо буково дърво. В този момент един голям ангел с черни крила й прошепна: "това не е смразяваща паранормална романтика, дете". Тя разбра, че смъртта няма да реши нейният проблем. Може ли Жеремиел да й помогне да изцели мъките си и да намери нужното спокойствие?
La Spada degli Dei (Edizione Italiana) (Italian Edition)
Series: La Spada degli Dei. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 66,610. Language: Italian. Published: April 5, 2018 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera
Il colonnello delle Forze Speciali Angeliche, Mikhail Mannuki’ili, si sveglia nella sua navicella spaziale precipitata, gravemente ferito, senza alcuna memoria del passato. La donna che gli ha salvato la vita, Ninsianna, ha delle abilità speciali che gli sembrano familiari, ma non riesce a ricordare il perché! Le profezie del popolo di Ninsianna parlano di un campione alato, una Spada degli Dei...
Aici nu e loc pentru îngeri căzuţi (Ediția română) (Romanian Edition)
Series: Sabia Zeilor, 2. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 96,240. Language: Romanian. Published: April 1, 2018 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » General
Doborât pe Pământ fără a avea vreo amintire din trecut, Colonelul Forţelor Speciale Angelice, Mikhail Mannuki’ili, nu are altă alegere decât să se integreze în satul Ninsiannei. Dar fiul Căpeteniei, Jamin, este hotărât să îl alunge. Atunci când cunoştinţele sale legate de tehnologie se dovedesc a fi inutile într-o cultură din Epoca de piatră, Mikhail este confruntat cu o alegere dificilă...
Anjo da Morte: Uma História de Amor (Edição Portuguesa) (Portuguese Edition)
Series: Filhos dos Caídos. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 146,930. Language: Portuguese. Published: March 30, 2018 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Paranormal
Azrael Thanatos não quer nada mais do que seguir os passos de sua mãe cientista. Enviado para estudar os humanos numa aposta entre o Imperador Eterno e Shay'tan, ele não tem ideia de que a Terra é o portão de entrada para uma prisão ardente. Longe de casa, ele é favorecido por Elissar, uma criança precoce com olhos prateados. Quando Moloch instiga a invasão de Cartago para escapar, Azrael...
यदि इच्छाएं घोड़े थे If Wishes Were Horses (हिंदी संस्करण) (Hindi Edition)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 77,810. Language: Hindi. Published: March 24, 2018 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Contemporary, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Family sagas
बलिवेदी पर फैंकी हुई और खानाबदोश, रोज़ी ज़ालबेडोरा ने आस्‍ट्रेलिया के आंतरिक क्षेत्र के सीमा में गवर्नस की नौकरी ले ली। वहाँ उसकी मुलाकात पीपा ब्रिस्‍टोह नामक एक भावुक बच्‍ची से हुई जो अपने माता-पिता के कटु अलगाव का सामना परियों की रानी और एक सींग वाले जानवर के जादुई दुनिया में पलायन कर करती था। पीपा को उसके थका देने वाली पढ़ाई-लिखाई में पकड़ जमाने के नियत काम के लिए रोज़ी की नियुक्‍ती की गई और...
No hay lugar para los ángeles caídos (Edición en Español)
Series: Espada de los Dioses, 2. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 95,450. Language: Spanish. Published: February 11, 2018 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Fantasy » Epic
Arrojado a la Tierra sin ningún recuerdo de su pasado, el coronel de las Fuerzas Especiales Angélicales, Mikhail Mannuki'ili, no tiene más remedio que integrarse en la aldea de Ninsianna. Pero el hijo del Jefe, Jamin, está decidido a sacarlo de ahi. Cuando su conocimiento tecnológico avanzado resulta en gran parte inútil para una cultura de la Edad de Piedra, Mikhail debe tomar una decisión...
Gamla hjältar: avsnitt 1x01 (Svenska utgåvan) (Swedish Edition)
Price: Free! Words: 17,050. Language: Swedish. Published: January 30, 2018 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera, Fiction » Fantasy » Epic
Angeliska specialstyrkans överste Mikhail Mannuki'ili vaknar, dödligt sårad, i sitt kraschade skepp. Kvinnan som räddat hans liv har en mystiskt förmåga att hela. Men vem sköt ned Mikhail? Och varför? Ninsianna har alltid haft en speciell relation till gudinnan. Hon kommer från en lång släktgren av shamaner och helare. När hon flyr ut i öknen för att undkomma tvångsäktenskap med Hövdingens...
Az órakészítő: novella (Magyar kiadás - Hungarian Edition)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 10,510. Language: Hungarian. Published: January 29, 2018 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Romance » New adult, Fiction » Fantasy » Contemporary
Mary O'Connor gondjai sokkal nagyobbak annál, minthogy az órája megállt 3 óra 57 perckor. Amikor elviszi karóráját egy órajavító mesterhez, különös dologban részesül: lehetőséget kap arra, hogy újraéljen egy órát az életéből. De a sors szigorú szabályokat ír elő a múltbeli események átrendezésére, például nem lehet semmi olyat tenni, ami időbeli paradoxont okozna. Vajon képes Mary megbocsátani...
Poço dos Sonhos (Edição Portuguesa)
Series: Canção do Rio, Book 2. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 66,560. Language: Portuguese. Published: January 23, 2018 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Women's fiction » General
Tudo o que Rosie Xalbadora quer é um trabalho rápido de verão, e então ela seguirá em frente para coisas melhores: como um trabalho de professora em alguma escola de prestígio. Ficar emocionalmente envolvida com Adam Bristow seria um erro terrível. Primeiro, porque ele ainda era casado. E segundo, porque sua ex-mulher maluca continua aparecendo, usando sua jovem protegida como uma arma para...
Zegarmistrz: Nowela (Edycja polska) (Polish Edition)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 10,830. Language: Polish. Published: January 17, 2018 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General, Fiction » Romance » Time travel
Mary O’Connor ma większe problemy, niż to, że jej zegarek zatrzymał się o 15.57. Kiedy zanosi go do poczciwego zegarmistrza, dowiaduje się, że wygrała niezwykła nagrodę, szansę ponownego przeżycia godziny swojego życia. Ale los ma surowe zasady dotyczące cofania się do przeszłości, w tym ostrzeżenie, że nie można stworzyć paradoksu czasowego. Czy Mary jest w stanie pogodzić się z przeszłością ...
Se Desejos Fossem Cavalos (Edição portuguesa)
Series: Canção do Rio, Book 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 60,660. Language: Portuguese. Published: December 22, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Women's fiction » General, Fiction » Romance » New adult
Abandonada no altar e deixada sem casa, Rosie Xalbadora aceita um emprego como governanta no extremo do interior australiano. Lá ela conhece Pippa Bristow, uma criança sensível que lida com o divórcio amargo de seus pais escapando para um mundo mágicos de rainhas fadas e unicórnios...
Não há Lugar para Anjos Caídos (Edição portuguesa)
Series: Espada dos Deuses, 2. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 95,270. Language: Portuguese. Published: December 22, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Romance » Fantasy
Derrubado na Terra sem memória de seu passado, o Coronel das Forças Especiais Angélicas Mikhail Mannuki'ili não tem escolha senão integrar a aldeia de Ninsianna. Mas o filho do Chefe, Jamin, está determinado a expulsá-lo. Quando seu avançado conhecimento tecnológico se prova amplamente inútil para uma cultura da Idade da Pedra, Mikhail deve fazer uma escolha: Completar a missão? Ou ficar em...
Kellassepp: Novell (Eesti väljaanne - Estonian edition)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 10,260. Language: Estonian. Published: December 14, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Time travel, Fiction » Fantasy » Contemporary
Maria O’Connore’il on palju suuremaid probleeme kui see fakt, et tema kell seiskus kell 3:57. Kui ta viib oma kella lahke parandaja juurde, ootamatult selgub, et ta sai kummalise auhinna – võimaluse taaselada ühe tunni oma elust. Aga saatusel on ranged reeglid mineviku torkimise suhtes, sealhulgas range hoiatus, et ei tohi tekitada aja-paradoksi. Kas Maria saab teha rahu oma kõige ...
Un înger gotic de Crǎciun (Ediția română)
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 31,180. Language: Romanian. Published: December 5, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Social Issues, Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal
Pǎrǎsitǎ de prietenul ei în Ajunul Crǎciunului, Cassie Baruch crede cǎ poate pune capǎt suferinței sale izbindu-se cu mașina de un copac bǎtrân. Dar atunci când un înger superb, cu aripi întunecate, apare și îi spune “asta nu e vreo afurisitǎ de poveste de dragoste paranormalǎ, copilo”, își dǎ seama cǎ moartea nu îi rezolvǎ problemele. Poate Jeremiel sǎ o ajute sǎ scape de rǎmǎșițele...
ملاك قوطي حارس -(A Gothic Guardian Angel) الطبعة العربية - Arabic Edition
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 21,520. Language: Arabic. Published: November 10, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Contemporary, Fiction » Romance » Contemporary
بعد أن تركها حبيبها في عشية عيد الميلاد، ظنت كاسي بركة أن معاناتها ستنتهي عندما صدمت سيارتها بشجرة زان عتيقة. لكن عندما ظهر ملاك جميل ذو جناح أسود وقال لها: " أيتها الطفلة، إن هذه ليست قصة حب دنيئة خارقة." أدركت أن الموت لن يحل مشكلاتها. دون القدرة على رؤية النور، قاد روحها خلال ماضيها، حاضرها ومستقبلها، من خلال المصاعب والقرارات التي أدت إلى مشاكلها الآن....
As Wense Perde Was (Afrikaanse uitgawe - Afrikaans Edition)
Series: Die Veiling Trilogie: 'n Hedendaagse Jane Eyre. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 64,830. Language: Afrikaans. Published: October 15, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Women's fiction » General, Fiction » Literature » Literary
By die altaar gelos en sonder 'n huis gelaat, het Rosie Xalbadora 'n werk aanvaar as 'n goewernantes op die rand van die Australiese outback. Daar ontmoet sy vir Pippa Bristow, 'n sensitiewe kind wat haar ouers se bitter egskeiding hanteer deur na 'n magiese wêreld van sprokies koninginne en eenhorings te ontsnap. Aangestel om vir Pippa met haar verswakkende studies te help, raak sy 'n pion...
Pulksteņmeistars: Novelete (Latvijas izdevums) (Latvian Edition)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 11,150. Language: Latvian. Published: October 10, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Women's fiction » General, Fiction » Romance » Time travel
Marijai Vintersai ir daudz lielākas problēmas nekā viņas pulksteņa apstāšanās uz plkst. 15:57. Atnesot savu pulksteni pie laipna meistara, viņa uzzina, ka ir ieguvusi savdabīgu balvu - iespēju izdzīvot vēlreiz vienu stundu no savas dzīves. Bet Liktenim ir stingri noteikumi par pagātnes aizskaršanu, ieskaitot brīdinājumu, ka viņa nedrīkst izveidot laika paradoksu. Vai Marija spēs samierināties.....
O Califado: um suspense pós-apocalíptico (Portuguese Edition)
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 79,560. Language: Portuguese. Published: October 7, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Spies & espionage, Fiction » Science fiction » Utopias & dystopias
Eisa McCarthy vive na Cidade Califado sob o controle do grupo radical Islâmico, o Ghuraba. Sete anos atrás, o General Mohammad bin-Rasulullah derrotou os Estados Unidos numa traição impiedosa e estabeleceu seu Califado mundial nas ruinas de Washington, D.C. O santo líder supremo do Ghuraba, o Abu al-Ghuraba, alega que o pai de Eisa lhe deu controle sobre o arsenal nuclear dos E.U.A...
Espada de los Dioses (Edición en Español - Spanish Edition)
Series: Espada de los Dioses, 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 68,540. Language: Spanish. Published: September 17, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Historical, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera
El Coronel de las Fuerzas Especiales Angelicales, Mikhail Mannuki'ili, despierta, herido mortalmente en su nave estrellada. La mujer que salvó su vida tiene habilidades que le parecen familiares pero, sin memorias de su pasado, ¡no puede recordar por qué! Las profecías del pueblo de Ninsianna describen a un campeón alado, una Espada de los Dioses que defenderá a su pueblo contra un Maligno...
Часовникарят: Новела (Българско издание - Bulgarian Edition)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 11,720. Language: Bulgarian. Published: September 16, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Time travel, Fiction » Romance » New adult
Марае О'Конър има много по-големи проблеми от това, че часовникът й е спрял в 15:57 часа. Когато подава часовника си на един любезен часовникар, тя научава, че е спечелила особена награда – шанс да преживее един час от живота си. Но съдбата има стриктни правила за връщането в миналото, включително предупреждението, че не може да създава временен парадокс. Може ли Марае да бъде в мир с грешката....
Swaard van die Gode (Afrikaans Edition) (Afrikaanse uitgawe)
Series: Swaard van die gode, 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 74,850. Language: Afrikaans. Published: August 31, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Romance » Fantasy
Van die begin van tyd, is twee antieke teëstanders in ʼn stryd vir beheer van die aarde. Een man het opgestaan om te staan by die mensdom. 'n Soldaat wie se naam ons steeds vandag onthou..
Helde van Ouds: 'n Novella (Afrikaans Edition) (Afrikaanse Uitgawe)
Series: Swaard van die gode, Episode 1x01. Price: Free! Words: 20,700. Language: Afrikaans. Published: August 31, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » General
Engelagtige Spesiale Magte Kolonel Mikhail Mannuki'ili word wakker, noodlottig gewond, in sy skip wat neergestort het. Die vrou wat sy lewe red het 'n ongelooflike vermoë om te genees. Maar wie het Mikhail afgeskiet? En hoekom? Ninsianna het nog altyd 'n spesiale verhouding met die godin gehad. Sy kom uit 'n lang lyn van toordokters en genesers. Toe sy die woestyn in vlug om die gedwonge...
Antični Heroji: Epizoda 1x01 (Slovenska izdaja)
Price: Free! Words: 15,470. Language: Slovenian. Published: August 26, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera
Polkovnik angelskih posebnih enot Mikhail Mannuki’ili se je prebudil hudo poškodovan v svoji razbiti ladji. Ženska, ki mu reši življenje ima neverjetne zdravilne sposobnosti. Toda kdo je ustrelil Mikhaila? In zakaj? Ninsianna je že od zmeraj imela poseben odnos z boginjo. Je daljna potomka šamanov in zdravilcev. Ko je pobegnila v puščavo, da bi se izognila prislini poroki s poglavarjevim.....
Urmageren: en novelle (Dansk Udgave)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 12,230. Language: Danish. Published: August 24, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Romance » New adult, Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal
Mari Olsen har langt større problemer end at hendes ur er gået i stå klokken 15:57. Da hun tager sit ur med hen til en venlig urmager, finder hun ud af, at hun har vundet en besynderlig præmie, nemlig muligheden for at genopleve en enkelt time af hendes liv. Men der er strenge regler for hvordan man må prikke til fortiden, blandt andet at hun ikke må foretage sig noget, der kan forårsage et...
Espada dos Deuses (Edição portuguesa)
Series: Espada dos Deuses, 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 67,140. Language: Portuguese. Published: August 9, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Romance » Fantasy
Mortalmente ferido, as angelicais forças especiais do coronel Mikhail Mannuki despertam em sua nave destruída. A mulher que salvou sua vida tem habilidades que lhe parecem familiares, mas, por estar sem memória de seu passado, ele nada pôde lembrar. O povo de Ninsianna tem profecias de um campeão alado, de uma espada dos deuses, que irá defendê-los de forças malignas. Mikhail insiste que não é...
Si Pembuat Jam Tangan: Sebuah Novel (Bahasa Malayu)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 11,300. Language: Malay. Published: August 8, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Time travel, Fiction » Fantasy » Contemporary
Mary O'Connor sebenarnya mempunyai permasalahan yang lebih besar daripada kenyataan jam tangannya yang berhenti pada jam 3:57 petang. Apabila dia membawa jam tangannya ke pembuat jam tangan yang baik hati, dia menyedari bahawa dia telah mendapat hadiah yang istimewa, satu peluang untuk kembali satu jam dalam hidupnya. Tetapi Takdir mempunyai peraturan yang tegas tentang seseorang yang .......
صانع الساعات (The Watchmaker - Arabic Edition)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 10,380. Language: Arabic. Published: July 29, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Time travel, Fiction » Fantasy » Contemporary
كان لماري أو كونور مشاكل أكبر من توقف ساعة يدها عند 3 :57 مساءًا, عندما أحضرت ساعتها عند مصلح ساعات طيب, علمت أنها ربحت جائزة خاصة, فرصة أن تعيش ساعة من حياتها مرة أخرى. لكن للقدر شروط صارمة للرجوع للماضي, بما فيه التحذير من أنها لا يمكن أن تحدث تناقضا زمنيا. هل يمكن لماري أن تصلح أكبر غلطة ندمت عليها في حياتها.
Pedang Para Dewa (Bahasa Indonesia - Indonesian Edition)
Series: Pedang Para Dewa, 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 63,590. Language: Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia). Published: July 19, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Romance » Historical » General
Di zaman dahulu kala, dua musuh besar berebut kekuasaan atas Bumi. Satu orang berdiri membela kemanusiaan. Seorang prajurit yang namanya masih kita ingat hingga hari ini...
L’Horloger: Nouvelle (Édition française) (French Edition)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 12,800. Language: French. Published: July 16, 2017 by Seraphim Press. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Time travel, Fiction » Fantasy » Contemporary
Marae O'Conaire a des problèmes beaucoup plus importants que le fait que sa montre a cessé de fonctionner à 15h57. Quand elle apporte sa montre à un gentil réparateur, elle apprend qu'elle a remporté un prix particulier : la chance de revivre une seule heure de sa vie. Mais le destin a des règles strictes lorsqu’il s’agit de toucher au passé ; la première étant qu’il ne peut pas créer de paradoxe.
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Espada de los Dioses
En los albores del tiempo, dos antiguos adversarios lucharon por el control de la Tierra. Un hombre se puso de pie al lado de la humanidad. Un soldado cuyo nombre recordamos hasta el día de hoy...
Sabia Zeilor
În zorii timpurilor, doi adversari antici se luptau pentru controlul Pământului. Un singur bărbat s-a înălțat, pe atunci, de-a dreapta oamenilor. Un soldat al cărui nume ni-l amintim încă și astăzi...
Espada dos Deuses
No limiar dos tempos, dois antigos adversários batalharam pelo controle da Terra. Um homem insurge-se para ficar ao lado dos humanos. Um soldado cujo nome nós ainda lembramos hoje.
Меч на боговете
В зората на времето двама древни противници се борили за контрол върху Земята. Един мъж се изправил, за да застане на страната на човечеството. Един войник, чието име се помни и днес...
La Spada degli Dei
All’alba dei tempi, due antichi avversari si scontrarono per ottenere il controllo della terra. Un uomo si innalzò a difesa dell’umanità. Un soldato il cui nome ricordiamo ancora oggi…
Die Veiling Trilogie: 'n Hedendaagse Jane Eyre
By die altaar gelos en sonder 'n huis gelaat, het Rosie Xalbadora 'n werk aanvaar as 'n goewernantes op die rand van die Australiese outback.
Canção do Rio
Abandonada no altar e deixada sem casa, Rosie Xalbadora aceita um emprego como governanta no extremo do interior australiano...
Swaard van die gode
Van die begin van tyd, is twee antieke teëstanders in ʼn stryd vir beheer van die aarde. Een man het opgestaan om te staan by die mensdom. 'n Soldaat wie se naam ons steeds vandag onthou...
Pedang Para Dewa
Zaman dahulu kala, dua musuh bebuyutan memperebutkan kekuasaan untuk menguasai Bumi. Salah seorang muncul untuk membela sisi kemanusiaan. Orang tersebut adalah seorang prajurit yang namanya masih kita ingat hingga hari ini...
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  • Stoneweaver on June 22, 2012

    Classic fantasy at its very best. Three main character points of view lead us through a strange world where water has covered the Earth, what's left of humanity huddles on floating cities worrying about when the next 'cleansing' will occur to reduce excess citizens the cities can no longer support and sell them into slavery for a mysterious despot, and gemstones can help certain wielders called Stoneweavers animate the element they're attuned with to act as avatars. The system of magic is well thought out, the three main characters credible and believable, and the way the three pathways converge page-turning. Language is kept basically 'clean' and there's lots of magical duals, so would be safe and interesting for a YA reader as well as adults. I'll be looking into Mr. Lewis's next book!
  • Coral Throne on July 21, 2012

    This fantasy tale reads like a historical tale of England during the time of Henry VIII. Petty city-states with limited resources vie for position. Dictators who will smile as they stick a knife in their allies back. Mercenaries, thieves, and privateers doing the dirty work that cannot be done officially. A champion forced to assume the title of unwilling leader. His close circle of friends, not one of them particularly anxious to assume the power that has been thrust upon them. And of course an assassination attempt by an usurper. Plenty of intrigues in this tale of floating cities in a world that has been covered by floodwater for many generations ... and for the first time has hope as the waters begin to recede. The system of magic is logical, and is expanded upon in an interesting way from Book 1 of the series. The magical duals continue, but take a back seat to the intrigues of kings ... and our champions dislike of being forced to fight his opponents behind-their-back instead of head-on like a true champion should. The research into what must be done to manage a world where newly emerged land must be tended and planted, but the flood waters are receding too slow to satisfy a desperate populace, is credible. My only complaint was the secondary antagonist's motivation. I wasn't sure whether to simply dislike him, or love to dislike him. Simple dislike is when you say 'this is the bad guy' and then every time he slithers into the room, the audience hisses. But when you love to dislike a character, it's like JR Ewing in the original Dallas. He's a snake. But he's so darned fascinating because a lot of the time he makes the most sense. I didn't 'love to hate' the secondary antagonist, and the primary antagonist was always so shadowy that I didn't get a chance to hate him. In the end, the REAL antagonist was the snails pace at which the waters were receding and how difficult it was for the hero to keep things together in light of human nature. Therefore, I'm giving this book four stars. And looking for the next installment in this series.
  • Reckless Nights in Rome on March 13, 2013

    Nico is so hot I think my Nook left singe-marks on my lap where it rested while I was reading this book. Good thing e-readers come with ubiquitous covers so the other mommy's at the gymnastics lessons couldn't tell the reason I was squirming in my seat and biting my hand was because I was on fire! I loved how three-dimensional the characters were in this story and the way that it grabbed you and dragged you kicking and screaming (or in this case, hot, sweaty, and screaming Oh! My!) through the entire book. If I had to make one complaint, Nico came on a bit strong for me at first (if it had been me, I would have drop-kicked him in the crotch the first three chapters ... but I'm a martial artist). It had a plot, too. And believable, well-rounded secondary characters. And ... cake. Yes, this book even had cake! Can't wait to read the next book in the series.
  • Children of the Plague on April 03, 2013

    In a fascinating twist on the usual post-apocalyptic or fantasy novel which features zombies or magic, Children of the Plague creates a world where aliens unleash a nano-particle plague (the Con) which overcomes humanity by altering humanities genetic structure. Depending upon which program-variation of the virus you have been infected with, either you are vulnerable to having your consciousness 'drained' by another human infected with the Con (hosts), you limp along surviving not knowing when you'll be turned or eaten, or you keep your faculties because mysteriously the consciousness's of other humans who have been taken are downloaded into your mind (exterminators) and it gives you the ability to harness the nanoparticles to use as a quasi-electrical/quasi-magic power. The alien intelligence directing this invasion remains largely unseen in this novel as humans fight to survive (barely) thanks to Lanni and a kind of partial immunity she has to being seized, but you have to question why the two variations of abilities? (and I won't say more because it's a potential spoiler). It's a fascinating world Greg Carrico paints and as the book ends, I hope there will soon be another installment so we can learn what happens next.
  • Apocalypstick on April 19, 2013

    This is a collection of two post-apocalyptic short stories that have an unusual slant on the usual feast of rotting flesh and brain-sucking undead. COULD you be merciless if it meant it might save the world? What if you needed to do it to someone you loved? Want to know more ... then read them! I enjoyed the plot twists.
  • Smashwords Style Guide on June 09, 2013
    (no rating)
    You may curse and stomp and rip out your hair at all the tedious little steps it takes to pre-format your document to upload to meatgrinder, but Mark Coker leads you step-by-step (with pictures) through the process and, even without meatgrinder, you'd be paying some ebook formatter big bucks to make these changes FOR you so you might as well learn now and avoid those bugaboos in the future. Easy enough for even the technologically incompetent (like me) to understand.
  • A Stormy Spring on June 17, 2013

    I wanted a hot romance, and once again C.C. MacKenzie delivered. This book started where many romance novels leave off, and then moved to back off (with all of the attendant angst) and then moved where you wanted to go. Nice description of the high-stakes world of choreography. Shared this book with a friend whose daughter is a dancer.
  • The Teacher's Billionaire on Oct. 03, 2013

    This was a well-written, fast-paced contemporary romance. The way the teacher-heroine ended up suddenly thrust into a family of billionaires, a presidential election, and in the eye of a wealthy male love interest was believable despite the tight page-count of less than 200 pages. The sex was only touched upon lightly and not too graphic. The peripheral characters were sympathetic and I am curious to find out what happens to the younger brother, the sister, and of course the best friend. Exactly what I was hankering for when I picked up this contemporary romance. Cleanly edited ... there were no formatting or grammatical errors that I noticed. I would definitely consider future titles by this author. This book was purchased from Smashwords.
  • Hidden Betrayal (A Jade O'Reilly Mystery) on Oct. 19, 2013

    It's been quite a while since I dove into a contemporary mystery novel. The plot about the stolen artwork was believable and, until the end, I was convinced one person was behind the theft and surprised it was somebody else (though in retrospect the clues had been there all along). There were enough red herrings to keep me guessing and on my toes. Overall ... enjoyed it!
  • Ayla Speaks to Dolphins - Book 1 - Dolphin Dreams on Jan. 22, 2014

    I downloaded this ebook to fill my 12-year-old daughter's Christmas Nook. Since she is quite articulate, I will let her post her OWN review below: *********** Hello!!! I overall liked that I could picture what was happening in my mind. A work of art!!! (view spoiler) I think that the author could've done something in a certian part... but i loved it!!! I'm reading the next book on my Nook... its good so far. -Catherine
  • Polly!: A Comic Novel of Hope and Blasphemy on April 10, 2014

    I find organized religion to be deeply offensive to what I *KNOW*. Polly, however, tickled my funnybone, with a deeply irreverent take on God not seen since Alanis Morrissette played god in the movie Dogma. This story was like reading one of those funny, feel-good stories you find in Guideposts magazine, only instead of scripture, this story is hilariously blasphemous to the teeny-tiny confines organized religion has tried to place around so vast a being as God. I can't tell you how many times I giggled as the protagonist (Herodotus ... or 'Hero') navigates his way out of personal tragedy into a Kafhaesque situation where you ask yourself if he died and went to heaven, hell, or some purgatory deeply reminiscent of the Twilight Zone. Polly is irrational and funny, and as she drags Hero in and out of various situations, it will lead you to a much more empowered viewpoint of the Dude Upstairs. If you are a religious person who believes that God truly makes wagers with the devil and tells people to go slit their son's throats to make burnt offerings, then is not the book for you. 4 Perfect Points
  • The Eternity Brigade on June 07, 2014

    I originally read this book back when I was in high school, not so long after the Vietnam war that people still questioned why wars were even being fought. Even back then this story stuck with me, and was my first real introduction to the sub-genre of military science fiction. What happens when killing doesn't matter, death doesn't matter, all that matters is to complete the mission, with no understanding of WHY you are fighting the war or killing the guy in the blue armband, only to be put to sleep when it's all said and done and woken up when the next war rolls around to kill again. Now, upon re-reading the updated edition in 2014, it strikes me how well this book brings you into the psyche of a 'career soldier' caught in this hellish merry-go-round as he is resurrected to fight in wars again and again. It was disturbing when I read this story back in the early 1980's, and it's even MORE disturbing now as we are not yet extricated from Afghanistan (which at least STARTED with a purpose) and Iraq (which is like ... WTF???) and already there are hawkish clamorings to 'help' Ukraine or 'help' Syria. War is dehumanizing, and while some wars can't be avoided, this book highlights that soldiers are not some fungible commodity to be shuffled form war to war. Great read! 5-stars.
  • Tsar Wars: Agents of ISIS, Book 1 on June 28, 2014

    I'm a sucker for a massive, galactic-spanning space opera that has everything but the kitchen sink in it (Star Wars anyone?), so when the tongue-in-cheek Tsar Wars came across my recommendation list, it was a given I'd snap it up. I enjoyed this book far more than perhaps I should have. Galactic empires, political back-stabbing, genetically engineered secret agents, a princess-in-peril, and ... circus performers? Including a cameo with some otherworldly jaguar-like antagonists? Oooh! Yeah. This book hit a sweet spot that ain't been hit since Princess Leah kissed Luke Skywalker just before swinging across that yawning chasm and said 'good luck!' Since when did it become not okay to just plain have FUN reading a book? With a happy ending? Why has everything become about some dark, tortured anti-hero? Can't heroes just be heroic because it's the right thing to do? If you enjoyed the light-hearted feel of the first three Star Wars movies (IV-VI)and lamented the loss of both characterization and feel-goodedness (is that even a word?) from the latter three prequels (I-III), then you'll enjoy this book immensely. And oh, goody ... there are several more books in this series.... 5 lightly-leaping space-faring circus tigers
  • Dead Lily Blooms on July 03, 2014

    A vampiress who suddenly discovers there is more to existence than simply being immortal and powerful. And I can't say much more than that because it would create spoilers. :-) Story was just the right length for sitting on the sidelines during one of those kiddie sports lessons
  • The Gift: A Family Holiday Story on Dec. 18, 2014

    Dad steps up to the plate! I read this short story as part of a winter-themed box set. As a mom myself, I always wonder what would happen if I ever 'ran away from home' and left my husband to take care of the holiday hassle, the gift-shopping and the kids. Mom gets even! Well, when Robert Chalmers wife gets called away a few weeks for Christmas to care for her sick mother, all of a sudden Robert has to deal with just that, along with his cute daughter Amanda, though I thought Robert handled it a lot better than -my- husband would and Amanda was a lot better behaved. MOSTLY better behaved... At about 45 minutes to read, this story was just the right length to give me a nice little warm fuzzy feeling while waiting for my kids gymnastics lesson.
  • The Caliban Program on July 04, 2015

    Super spooky spy thriller... This was an interesting short story just the right length to kill an hour while waiting for a connecting flight. The pacing was good, the story line gripping, but what struck me as most interesting was the way the protagonist Ritter got sucked into this super-spooky agency which is almost as bad as the terrorists hunt down. There was a clever plot twist about how Ritter tracks down the bad guy. I won't say more so I don't spoil it :-) I see there is a next-book which I've already downloaded, but in no way did this story make me feel it was one of those nasty teaser-trailers with a cliffhanger that I hate.
  • The Complete Parsina Saga on Dec. 09, 2015

    Wow! Just one more chapter… As a child, I loved the Tales of the Arabian Nights, of djinns and wizards, clever thieves and maidens-in-peril. The Parsina Saga has that same feel of exotic landscapes and ordinary people caught up in the clash between ancient good vs. evil. I could smell the spices and feel their exhaustion as they stumbled through desert heat, cheered for the characters who jumped right off the page, and found myself staying up late into the night to read 'just one more chapter' like Sheherezade's mad sultan. What was most interesting about this series is the fact it's not your same old boring re-hash of Lord of the Rings (which, let's face it, while we all love it, does every … single … epic fantasy series really need to be set in a medieval world?) I found myself running to the computer to google exotic words such as caravansary which, while I understood perfectly in context of the story was a camel-stable, I just -had- to find out if such a thing existed in real life (they did). Of course then I fell down the Wikipedia rabbit hole to learn about djinns and the ancient caravan routes. Some of the ruins of these caravan-cities were beautiful (google Qalaat al-Madiq). After reading this series, I could picture what they must have looked like in their heyday. While the length and worldbuilding in this series was excellent for a hard-core epic fantasy doorstopper fan like me, I would feel very comfortable giving these books to my teenage daughters to read. Fingers crossed: maybe THEY will fall down the Wikipedia rabbit hole as well. There is a nice blend of characters of different ages, genders, backgrounds and personalities that there is something for everybody. I think I learned more about the history and geography of the Middle East than in two semesters of World History classes. My only criticism is the first chapter starts out with an 'old style' history of the city from an omniscient narrator. I'm an action-oriented reader, so I was a lot happier once I got into the head of the characters and started seeing the city through their eyes. Once there, I was absolutely hooked through the next 1,000+ pages of epic goodness.