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Visit my Facebook Page H. E. Colby
H. E. Colby is an English professor, info-preneur, and travel hobbyist. She embraces diverse cultures. Over several years now, H.E. has helped talented and ambitious professionals reach their personal and professional potential by helping to improve their English. She produces educational material so English learners around the world can attain the success they deserve and seek. By writing English books and eCourses for international students, H.E. continues to contribute to helping and sharing with English learners.
Latest book: Wham Media’s 13 Ways to Achieve General IELTS Excellence
Visit my Facebook Page Angela Joseph
Angela is a writer of fiction and non-fiction whose work has been published in print anthologies and online. Angela undertakes freelance writing in topics related to Christianity, health and education. Her first novel Coming Out of Egypt has recently been released and is now available on Amazon kindle.
Latest book: Coming Out Of Egypt
Visit my Facebook Page Lisa G. Samia
Lisa G. Samia is an Award Winning Author who loves American History. She devoted three years travelling, researching and writing the fictional novel based on John Wilkes Booth, “My Name is John Singer.” She graduated from the University of Massachusetts with a degree in English and has appeared on local television multiple times for her writing. A Boston native, she is happily married and lives in Avon, CT. Lisa is also an accomplished poet. Her book “The Man with Ice Blue Eyes” June 2016, is a compelling collection of love poems that touch and pierce the heart. She is currently working on a sequel to “My Name is John Singer.” ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Author of “Don’t Be Afraid of Fifty,” ... read more
Latest book: My Name is JOHN SINGER
Visit my Facebook Page Meral Altinbilek
Meral is an experienced program manager and holds a B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and M.Sc. in Operations Research. Currently she is with Morgan Stanley in New York and heading the PMO of a major global project for Transfer Pricing. Meral has spent the better part of her career in Toronto where she worked in a variety of project and program management positions in financial institutions, provincial and federal government and consulting organizations. Since 2006, she is living in the US and actively involved in the project management community there. Meral has established a number of PMOs throughout her career and participated either as a review board member or content developer in project management traini ... read more
Latest book: Project Management Knowledge & Skills
Visit my Facebook Page Christine Aykac
Christine has over 20 years of experience managing projects and providing assistance on effective utilization of technologies and knowledge assets. Christine’s experience enables her to utilize the most effective methodology for each project and to ensure the success of the teams involved. Further, Christine provides visionary solutions to complex business and technical challenges for management on critical issues relating to the implementation of new solutions. Christine works as a coach, facilitator and instructor and is very involved in developing certification training material, customized awareness programs and workshops on Project Management, Agile Management, Risk Management and Interpersonal skills d ... read more
Latest book: Project Management Knowledge & Skills
Visit my Facebook Page LGHS Class of 2019
"LGHS Class of 2019" includes seven English 9 Honors classes, taught by English teachers Tonya McQuade and Kathleen Wehr, at Los Gatos High School in Los Gatos, CA.
Latest book: Where the Poetree Grows
Visit my Facebook Page AL Boyd
A cartographer by day, A. L. Boyd spends most of her free time with her horses, gardening, or reading. She never intended to be a writer, but stories like this one sometimes just pop into her head. The writing came about as a way to get the stories out.
Latest book: Soaring Hearts
Visit my Facebook Page G. F. Smith
G. F. Smith - Bio BACKGROUND By his own proudly stated admission, G. F. Smith has a fantastic family: a wonderful wife of 35+ years who cares to great measure (a Director of a not-for-profit corporation in charge of a large staff overseeing Supported Living Programs for people with disabilities). They have four remarkable and talented grown children, and several awesome grandchildren (up to five at present), which are all a huge part of their lives. G. F. Smith has always been a DYI type of guy; he understands physics, engineering, and mechanics, is technologically privy and knows his way around computers and computer controlled equipment. He is handy around the house, having been a tradesman in multiple fie ... read more
Latest book: Subjected: the Predicate
Visit my Facebook Page David A. Hirsch
David A. Hirsch is the father of five young adults, works full-time as a wealth advisor at UBS, and is the founder of 21st Century Dads Foundation whose mission is: Improving the lives of children by raising awareness and resources for greater father involvement, and inspiring dads to be present; physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. He also is founder of the 19-year-old Illinois Fatherhood Initiative, the country's first state wide non-profit fatherhood organization. All proceeds from this book benefit the 21st Century Dads Foundation.
Latest book: 21st Century Dads: A Father's Journey to Break the Cycle of Father Absence
Visit my Facebook Page Ava Vixion
Once an avid traveler, Ava now calls the hidden valley of New England home with her family and fur-babies. Author of the League Of Guardians series: Darkest Before Dawn, Rising Sun, & Crystalline Dreams (TBR). as well as They All Fall Down and urban fantasy. Watch out for more to come!
Latest book: Crystalline Dreams
Visit my Facebook Page Phillip Singer
Some of you may know me if you're an avid follower of BreakingUp2BreakingOut on Facebook. For those who do not, here is my personal introduction. My name is Phil, I am a male. Yes it's true. A guy that knows about feelings, as crazy as it sounds.As of today, I am 27 years old, and currently living in the state of New Jersey in the United States. I have been dating since around the 7th grade, which should equate to around 12 years old here in United States. Sounds young right? I’ll go ahead and agree with you on that one. I grew up in the time that the internet was just coming to its real beginnings with America Online, also known as A.O.L. I would even talk to girls in chat rooms and through AIM instant messa ... read more
Latest book: Passages of Our Broken Hearts (Volume 1)
Visit my Facebook Page Jenni S. Jessen
Survivor of human trafficking, Jenni Jessen, knows firsthand the depths of trauma a body can endure. Thirteen years of sexual exploitation did not leave her defeated. She is a wife, a mama and a broken girl saved by grace. Jenni is creator of Priceless Cube, a tool being used in 40 countries to prevent human trafficking. She and her husband live in SE Asia where they founded Compass 31, to fight human trafficking. Together they provide foster care to teenage mothers and babies rescued from the sex trade. Their foster family includes 6 different people groups, a dog, a cat and a set of lovebirds named Jack and Diane. Learn more at  
Latest book: The Lucky One: A Chilling True Account of Child Sex Trafficking and One Survivor's Journey from Brutal Captivity to a Life of Freedom
Visit my Facebook Page C.M.J. Wallace
C.M.J. Wallace is the author of the Rift series and is also a medical editor. She received her bachelor of science degree with honors from Michigan State University and, being a lover of English and not laboratory work, promptly started editing instead. She lives in Oklahoma with her husband and is currently working on another novel in the series. The first four books of Rift are completed and available as e-books, and the first three are available in print through Amazon; This Strange Magic will soon follow in their footsteps. Sing the Midnight Stars, book 1 of the Rift series, is a B.R.A.G. Medallion honoree.
Latest book: Call Down the Mighty Waters
Visit my Facebook Page Ella J. Phoenix
I was just nine years old when I discovered my passion for the paranormal world. That passion led me to a bachelor’s degree in Performing Arts where I had my first taste in writing, conjuring children’s plays and re-writing Shakespearean masterpieces to suit the modern times (Yes, he’s still cringing in his grave). After years travelling around the world, translating other people’s novels and devouring paranormal romances, I realized the real world wasn’t fun without a touch of magic, and decided to purge my own crazy stories into paper, well, into word doc, to be more precise. My busy life with a demanding full time job and a very loving husband (I’m so not complaining!) doesn’t allow me much s ... read more
Latest book: Blood Curse (Book 5 of the Dragon Heat Series)
Visit my Facebook Page Quadri Abiodun
Am an inventor with new products that add value to life.
Latest book: How to Draft and File Patent Application in Nigeria and UK
Visit my Facebook Page Andrea Gabriela Gaisa
Hi there! I am a Self-Published Author, Artist and Musician. I live in Western Australia with my young son, surrounded by nature and beautiful people. It’s a pretty amazing place for being creative!!! Amongst many other things, I am a certified Theta Healing Practitioner and Educator. Thanks for tuning in! Drop me a line or two on my blog, website, or Facebook profile. :-) Thanks for your interest!
Latest book: Spiritbird
Visit my Facebook Page Nathanael Munn
My name is Nathanael Munn. I've had several stories published in anthologies and horror magazines. Shadows is my first solo project released to the public with many more in the works. In recent years I won the highly coveted “Best In Blood – Season 6” award from Horror Addicts. Currently I'm working to bring to life, Helsinki, Simon Magus along with several other projects that are closely guarded secrets stored in a huge data warehouse managed by the N.S.A. I reside in Modesto, California with my wife and children. We have two dogs and cats, one rabbit and a turtle and our zoo seems to grow larger every year.
Latest book: Shadows
Visit my Facebook Page Tom Mulliez
Born in Roubaix, France and raised in Europe, the US and Canada, Tom Mulliez has been an outdoor enthusiast since his first camping trip in the North Georgian Mountains when he was 5 years old. He has trekked across France, Morocco, Turkey, the US, Canada, Mexico, and Costa Rica. He also has worked as a counselor in Tennessee as a canoe, rifle, and climbing instructor. He received his Bachelor’s in commerce with a focus on international business from McGill University, and worked for Capital One, leading a team of analysts developing the best possible user experience for their customers. Now Tom has turned his passions into his profession and is the founder and CEO of iTrekkers. iTrekkers is focused on provid ... read more
Latest book: Florida Fishing Seasons 2016
Visit my Facebook Page Don Phelan
Don Phelan is a writer based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Phelan's NEW RELEASE, The God Particle Conspiracy, will be available for pre-order by April 20, 2029 and full publication release by May 1, 2019. THE GOD PARTICLE CONSPIRACY: Two of the world's most powerful, corrupt politicians hatch a scheme to hold the world's fossil-fuel economy hostage and send the global economy and civilization into chaos. Princeton Professor John Logan stumbles onto their plot and is about to blow the whistle when tragedy strikes. He runs for his life and hides in a dank New Orleans church abandoned since Katrina, numbing his pain with cheap Bourbon. His protégé, Sarah Carmichael, is left to finish the puzzle, find the profes ... read more
Latest book: The Beech Tree
Visit my Facebook Page Barbi Barnard
I'm new to writing as I waited till my children were grown and out of the house. With the job my husband has I found myself with some free time and a lot of thoughts going around in my head. I needed an outlet to rid myself of some. I have found that writing works better for me than therapy. I can change the outcome when I write and I can have the happy endings that real life doesn't always give us. Some of the stories are fact based and some people gave me permission to be used in the books. They stand with me against abuse, slavery and ignorance for a life style many don't have the courage to live.
Latest book: Mercy's Angels: Elizabeth
Visit my Facebook Page JB Dutton
JB Dutton is the pseudonym of author John B. Dutton when writing Young Adult and Children's fiction. After graduating from film school in London, England, John emigrated to Montreal in 1987, where he still lives with his two young children and their even younger goldfish. He spent over a decade as a music TV director before moving into the advertising industry as an award-winning copywriter for clients such as Cirque du Soleil. John has written novels, short stories, blogs, screenplays and a stage play, and is currently writing a trilogy of Young Adult novels. John speaks four languages and has been married three times in three different countries in three different decades. He therefore likes the odd pint of ... read more
Latest book: Diamond Splinters (The Embodied trilogy Book 3)
Visit my Facebook Page Ken Maxwell
Ken Maxwell Ken Maxwell is a special educator, psychologist, and educational advocate, who has worked extensively, for more than forty years, with students who have learning disabilities. In this time he has helped parents successfully negotiate for the services needed to help their children succeed, and he has learned an abiding truth: a parent can be their child’s best advocate. Ken lives in Agawam, Massachusetts, and has four children and ten grandchildren. He loves to read nonfiction, especially in the areas of psychology and spirituality. He’s a fan of the New England Patriots, U Conn women’s basketball, and premier events in tennis, golf, track and field, skiing, and swimming.
Latest book: Becoming Your Childs Best Advocate
Visit my Facebook Page Jennifer Cornet
Jennifer Cornet was born in Florida and raised in northern Virginia. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Ocean Engineering from Virginia Tech and works as a civil servant for the U.S. Navy designing DDG51 Destroyers. Jennifer channeled her creative nature into publishing her first novel, Order of Earth, in 2013. Her love for art played a pivotal role in writing the Elements of Ink series, an urban fantasy involving tattoos which come to life. She recently released the follow up, Order of Fire, and has also published a companion prequel to the series entitled Journey to the Order. Her short stories have appeared in literary magazines such as PaperTape, Nebula Rift, and Quailbell. Jennifer is currently developing ... read more
Latest book: Best I Ever Had
Visit my Facebook Page Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha
Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha has been a business owner, a caterer, an executive secretary, a manager, a French translator, a ghost writer and currently blogs at She’s a writer by day, a reader by night and a confirmed chocoholic. Born in Nigeria, she presently lives in Dubai with her husband and three children, until their next nomadic need arises.
Latest book: Out Of The Silent Breath
Visit my Facebook Page David Turner
Award winning TV Sports director and producer David Turner has a lifetime of travel in his job as Television Producer and director for TVNZ and now his own production company. Adding ‘Author’ to his many talents in this series he shares with you his experiences from attending the Indy 500 a dozen times; 20 years of attending the Olympics and Commonwealth Games; The Americas Cup, V8Supercars and so much more. Some of the awards David has collected over the years: v 2001 Qantas Media Awards: winner best sports coverage, executive producer V8 Supercars NZ. v 2002 Academy Film and Television Arts: winner, director America's Cup campaign 2001-02. v 2004 Qantas Media Award: winner, executive producer V8 Su ... read more
Latest book: Indy 500 Bound: Travel tips for race fans
Visit my Facebook Page N.K. Wilson
I was raised in Africa and a large part of my heart is still there. I now live on the north east coast of beautiful Scotland and the other part of my heart is very at home here. Outside of writing, I love to paint and hike the Scottish mountains. For many years I have done volunteer and outreach work in both Africa, India and the United Kingdom.
Latest book: Standing on the Edge of Addiction
Visit my Facebook Page Leydy Otero
Leydy Otero is from Medellin Colombia and currently lives in Panama, Panama with her marvelous husband and her 2 year old daughter. She loves the sun and the pool and is a romantic by nature. She lives a rather fantasy lifestyle which allows her the time and freedom to write and live out fantasies in her mind and then record those adventures on paper. Her fascination with words and how they make people travel to places in their minds where they normally would never go has led, to her current venture writing stimulating romance stories. Register For Exclusive Bonus Materials, Release Updates, Free Audio Books, and Extra Goodies at In addition, check out her Facebook Fan Page at htt ... read more
Latest book: First Encounter: (The Billionaire Guardian Book One) (A Billionaire Romance)
Visit my Facebook Page Seleste deLaney
At a young age, Seleste deLaney discovered the trick to not being afraid of the monsters under the bed was to turn them into heroes. Since that time, she’s seen enough of human monsters that she prefers to escape to fictional worlds where even the worst demons have to play by the rules and the good guys might end up battered and bruised (or dead), but they always win. And really, isn’t that the way it should be? She resides in the Detroit area with all her favorite monsters (nice ones—some are furry and the others call her Mom) and is hard at work on her next book. In those rare moments when she isn’t battling terrorists, vampires, or rogue clockworks, she can be found all over the Internet, where she ... read more
Latest book: Not the Marrying Kind
Visit my Facebook Page Jessica Teodoro
This is my debut novel, a Memoir about my life!
Latest book: Memoirs of a Cinderella
Visit my Facebook Page Desmond Williams
I started reading books very early in my life and I always felt amazing when I got another book in my hand. When I realized I could write stories like the ones I read I was filled with a new excitement. In my third grade class, the class had to make poetry and the poetry we made would be made into this small book. It was the first time I had ever written poetry and I was excited to learn how to do it. I put every emotion I had into the poem and it was well received by the teacher. This was what started my career in writing. I didn't stop writing poetry until my sophomore year of high school. I wanted to write prose and discover if I had any talent with it. I wrote in every genre I could to get a feel for prose ... read more
Latest book: Weird Stories to Read to Waste Time
Visit my Facebook Page Howard Eisenberg
Writing books for over 50+ years, turning 90 this year, author Howard Eisenberg has written hundreds of articles, countless books --often with his late wife, Arlene (What to Expect When You're Expecting)-- for national publications. Howard's writing has been published in the New York Times Magazine, Saturday Evening Post, Reader's Digest, Cosmopolitan, Parade, The Wall Street Journal, Parenting Magazine, Baby Talk, Reader's Digest and dozens of others. Additionally he's written six adult books, four co-authored with Arlene, three Guess Who (Guess Who Zoo, Guess Who Farm, Guess Who Neighborhood) books for children, and scripts for radio and TV. Howard's latest book Adorable Scoundrels is a wry read of super poem ... read more
Latest book: Adorable Scoundrels: A Treasury of Toddler Poems
Visit my Facebook Page Reginald Kevin Keith
I am a writer, reader, gamer, movie fanatic, dog lover, and self proclaimed audiophile born in Oklahoma and raised in just about everywhere else. My dream is to one day live on an isolated island as a florist and share my love of both written word and flowers. I wouldn't be alone though, I'd have a trusty dog at my side. Everyone needs a dog. I'm a very easy going person and I like to incorporate a little fun in the daily lives of others because who doesn't like to laugh?
Latest book: The Esemplasy of Hunginn and Muninn
Visit my Facebook Page Terrence M. Freeman
Serial entrepreneur, published music producer, artist, audio engineer, musician, music business strategist, and author Terrence “Free” Freeman, coach’s DIY musician’s through the ever changing obstacles of the digital music business. He teaches artist how to leverage technology, implement strategic guerilla marketing plans, and monetize artist to fan interaction. Terrence graduated from Georgia State University with a degree in Commercial Music Management. He’s certified by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Global Intellectual Property Rights in Geneva, Switzerland. He is also certified by Avid Technologies as an audio engineer and operator in Pro Tools. He’s a DIY artist tha ... read more
Latest book: DIY Musician's Guide to the Digital Music Economy
Visit my Facebook Page Cynthia Freeman
CYNTHIA FREEMAN is a coaching pioneer. A master certified coach and veteran of over 24 years of coaching experience, she has worked with over 2,400 clients including AT&T, MTV, Cisco, House of Blues, Dutch Bro’s Coffee, Disney, and thousands of small business owners and entrepreneurs. A sought after seminar speaker, she has presented in front of audiences as large as 17,000 and shared the stage with such speakers as Larry King, Tony Robbins, Tom Hopkins, Og Mandino, Florence Littauer, and Emily Barnes. Cynthia has accomplished all of this while maintaining a family-friendly lifestyle. Even when closing over 200 real estate deals a year with six full-time assistants, she never worked weekends, she took 10 week ... read more
Latest book: The Power of Done: Effective Strategies for Coaches, Consultants, and C-Level Execs
Visit my Facebook Page Michael Cieslak
Michael Cieslak is a lifetime reader and writer of horror, mystery, and speculative fiction. A native of Detroit, he still lives within 500 yards of the city with his wife and their two dogs Tesla and Titus. The house is covered in Halloween decorations in October and dragons the rest of the year. He is an officer in the Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers. His works have appeared in a number of collections including DOA: Extreme Horror, Dead Science, Vicious Verses and Reanimated Rhymes, the GLAHW anthologies, and Alter Egos Vol 1. He is the current Literature Track Head for Penguicon. Michael's most recent endeavor is Dragon’s Roost Press. Since 2014, their goal has been to find the best speculative ... read more
Latest book: Eldritch Embraces: Putting the Love Back in Lovecraft
Visit my Facebook Page Katie Metcalfe
Katie Metcalfe is a professional writer, poet and blogger.
Latest book: In The Hours Of Darkness
Visit my Facebook Page Hamzah Sarwar
Residing in the leafy suburbs of London, Hamzah Sarwar is battling demons in the corporate world by day and unleashing his creative inspiration by night. A film critic and budding author with a passion for the dark heart of cinema and literature has appeared in various websites and magazines. The Adversary is his debut short story crafted to unsettle and provoke thought.
Latest book: The Adversary
Visit my Facebook Page Stephen Dew
The author, Stephen E. Dew, is a veteran of 33 years from the Telecommunication Industry in Australia. He obtained an Associate Diploma in Engineering in 1997 and achieved several units towards a Graduate Certificate in Management by 2004. Having relocated back to Perth, after 5 years in Melbourne writing Strategic papers for his business unit, he settle in Bedford and began writing as hobby. In 2008, he left the Telecommunications sector and traveled SE Asia. He finally settled in Cambodia, where he obtained TESOL qualifications in 2010 and a Graduate Diploma in Enterprise Applied Management in 2011. He now teaches English Academic Writing to Khmer ESL students at a well renowned University in Phnom Penh. Step ... read more
Latest book: Practical Academic Essay Writing Skills: An International ESL Students English Essay Writing Book (Academic Writing Skills) (Volume 2)
Visit my Facebook Page Frankie Piccione
Frankie Piccione is currently earning a Bachelor of the Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing for Entertainment at Full Sail University. Frankie focuses on writing for animation and television, but also writes for film and the stage. He enjoys writing for children and families, but has been known to dabble in work for other audiences as well. Some of Frankie's favorite television shows include Thomas & Friends, Sesame Street, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dog with a Blog, and Supergirl. Frankie looks to all of them for inspiration, depending on what type of project he's working on. In 2014, Frankie won the North Babylon High School Theater Film Studies Award for his screenplay adaptation of Washington Irving’s ... read more
Latest book: A Very Frankie Collection
Visit my Facebook Page Tom Dooley
He is currently earning a Bachelor of Fine Art's degree in Creative Writing at Full Sail University. Before attending college, he worked at UPS as a package handler, in sales for a telemarketing company, and before that, he was a firefighter in the US Navy. He is also an actor and has been building his resume while attending school. He enjoys writing sci-fi and fantasy. Growing up he watched Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and read the Hobbit, and has been hooked on fantasy ever since. He is currently working on a script for a 90-minute horror film. He has written two spec scripts, one for Castle and the other for Supernatural. The current show he is spec-ing is Hawaii 5-0. After finishing school I plan on moving to ... read more
Latest book: Life Altering Events
Visit my Facebook Page Dean Erickson
Dean Erickson is the founder and CEO of Bionic Capital LLC, a registered investment advisory firm. He worked on Wall Street as an options trader and risk arbitrageur after graduating from Brown University in 1982. He gained the Chartered Financial Analyst designation in 1987. After Wall Street, he stumbled upon acting and enjoyed the creative process. He guest-starred on Frasier, starred as Gabriel Knight in the awarding-winning video game The Beast Within, and acted in several Shakespearean productions. He began writing and created multiple movie scripts before writing a mystery thriller, No One Laughs at a Dead Clown, under the name, DC Erickson. When a computer glitch caused the loss of his outline for nov ... read more
Latest book: No One Laughs at a Dead Clown
Visit my Facebook Page Jinapher J. Hoffman
Jinapher J. Hoffman is the Founder and Writer for her self-named blog, author of the YA Dystopian Thriller Twenty, Associate Editor and Reader for, Co-Founder of DenimDenim Productions, Scriptwriter, Director, and a current student in Orlando – obtaining a BA in Creative Writing for the Entertainment Business. She’s had some of her short fiction published with 101 Words, Slink Chunk Press, Flash Fiction Magazine, Paul A. Hamilton’s 200cc’s, Beech Wood Review, and has an upcoming publication in Crime Syndicate Magazine. In her spare time, she is a DH Designs model, cat lover, and consuming too much coffee.
Latest book: Collected Works of the Dark and Experimental
Visit my Facebook Page André Ferreira
André D. Ferreira is a newly graduated Mechanical Engineer from Portugal with a passion for fast learning, innovation and future-thinking. His first published book is about the first game he fell in love with "Age of Empires 2", and which allowed him to put in practice the learning techniques he had been practicing throughout his studies with outstanding results.
Latest book: Basics of Age of Empires 2
Visit my Facebook Page Tom Gates
Tom Gates was a “cubical-dwelling, corporate IT wannabe who turned ESL teacher”. He spent 4½ years in Busan, South Korea teaching English through the EPIK program. He shared his experiences, thoughts, and musings through his blog and YouTube channel of the same name, the Red Dragon Diaries. During his stay in Korea he traveled to Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, Taiwan, and all throughout Korea. And with great pride he earned a 3rd degree black belt in judo through the Korea Judo Association.
Latest book: Destiny Nation: Korea